Devblog: Preparing For The Future – Retirement Of Captain’s Quarters & Twitch Integration

Calling someone stupid because you’re too stupid to comprehend what they said is the epitome of irony, as well as a blatant display of stupidity.


Good bye CQ, we will miss you, time to go forward with the game.


What the… ???


Ok, it’s official, that’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen in a EVE forum. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The cliënt size is already really small compared to for instance Minecraft… IMO

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look at the audience figures… Eve attendance is going down!!

today 23,000 playing eve, I remember seeing 35+ Eve then went free and to try to raise numbers but it worked for a little while seeing 45+ but now it has gone down again…

yes remove CQ but bring it back after re-design and you will see numbers rise again…

Skyrim is excellent and eve needs to go that way to survive!


Shame…I was rather hoping it would evolve into a ‘Firefly’ (TV Show) like game. Where you could dock, disembark and chill at the local bar.
…until that asshole who’s been chasing you for 5 gates walks in. – Who shot first? No one knows! ;D

I just really can’t ‘get into’ a game where I’m a ship.


What about leaving WiS to the players? There’s plenty of people out there who know how to make 3D environments and such; just look at all the indie games on Steam. There’s people who’d do this for free, too. Say a group could be contracted by CCP to design the interiors of stations, and even spacecraft(!), then the pros can take over and refine the coding, graphics, etc. Might take some time, but ultimately would be cheaper, and dare I say more rewarding to the playerbase.


So you want a group of EVE players not under official contract to CCP to design a system connected to the very core of EVE, and you expect them to do hundreds of free hours for CCP to then sell it?
Yeah that isn’t going to happen.
The extra hours CCP would have to spend checking for malicious code/etc would remove any benefit from getting those hours saved from the art team
And the problem is not in the art team having to create new interiors, but in the entire 3D model physics engine that allows it to walk around and interact with objects.

Developers apparently survive on air and water alone. Yeah, totally unrealistic.

Also unrealistic that a company would turn its quality, design decisions, liabilities and reputation over to a group of volunteer developers, not even considering the need to provide access to CCP intellectual property.

That’s not going to happen either.

Modding tools and open source projects work in the right circumstances, but EVE isn’t one of those.

People who would have a science vessel named “Boaty McBoatface” when being asked in a poll. Yep, wise decision.

It might have been a nice gimmick if one would have been able to invite others to the quarters, but they’re already rather cramped for even just one person - and just sitting? No way either. But even that would have been just that - a gimmick. Nice, but too little of gameplay value for too much of code involved.

So, I am not sad about seeing CQ go at last. It had been a stillborn. Which might change if they actually reintroduce it with somewhat more in the sense of usability.

Which means never, I presume.

of course. everyone is like that, right? right! :roll_eyes:


Probably, never. :frowning:

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Let’s be real here for a second.

Crowdsourcing. it’s a good idea.

There’s a virtually unlimited supply of people who earn nothing for the stuff they do and they publicize it for the betterment of everyone. Supposedly, there’s a huge amount of people who want to be “social” in this game, but at the same time make clear they require avatars for that, exposing that it’s not about being social at all! one does not need a graphical avatar for socializing. all it needs is a chatroom.

For some reason avatar gameplay never interested any creator to implement his own, at least rudimentary system, where eve players can log on and walk around at least somewhere, in some environment, that doesn’t even look good. hell, it could be ascii! it’s relatively trivial to get something going and then expanding on that, maybe even with the help of other creators.

yet, here we are, six years later and no one ever cared at all, despite it being really easy to just do something. that’s not what it is about, though. it’s not about social gameplay at all, it’s about visual gimmicks and running around losing your sense of your real self in an avatar.

if anyone of these supposedly many people really cared about an actually social environment, then at least one guy out of the supposedly many, who likes to create, would have implemented something free of charge (well, maybe for isk), so CCP can’t just stop him from doing it and letting people use it. why would they anyway. and it wouldn’t have mattered if it wasn’t in the actual game, because it would have been about socializing. yeah, right! :roll_eyes:

What remains, is simply that no one wants that. the consumers want their enhanced escapism and those who could create something likely know that, which makes it all a useless endeavour and not worth any efforts. there must be tons of people who want some sort of social person gameplay stuff, but not one even tried anything at all. and no, no one needs any form of support from ccp at all, when it’s all just about “being social”.

it took me less than five minutes to come up with this

a topdown, 2d game with sprites is definitely within the realm of possibility. a screenshot of an avatar can be scanned by a program to determine simple visuals like haircolour and clothes, which can be drawn into a predefined 2d sprite. that way you have a figure that relatively resembles your avatar.

the login system can be literally people sending 0.1 isk to some char, with the password added as note. no api keys, no SSO needed. only the registration char has to check his wallet for new registrations and that’s it. super convinient!

the start could be made up on a big, green landscape plugged together by freely available tiles from the internet and there’s nice algorithms to help making a small world look good, despite being created procedurally. and then, when the networking code supports a few people, you open it for a test beta and wait for the first guy to post a pic of a house he has drawn and likes to have implemented.

a rolling release, where everyone participates. building something social settled in the EVE universe is trivial, but no one cares about being social, because that’s possible already without any or all avatar gameplay. so, the conclusion is: WiS isn’t about being social, it’s about being your avatar and not using your fantasy and imagination.

any time someone uses “socializing” as argument for WiS, the same person likely doesn’t socialize much in the real world or the game, if at all.

the hypocricy around this topic is flabbergasting. good riddance.

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CCP does not want WiS. Even if someone tried to develop an amateur game with, say, Unity engine and EVE-like assets, CCP would send their legal team to shut it down.

CCP will not develop avatar content for EVE and they will not let anyone else do it. Period.

That’s rather silly…all the micro-transactions they miss out by not having ‘humanoid’ avatars alongside the current ‘spaceship’ avatars.

PS: For those thinking MTs shouldn’t be here. Games have been charging $15/mo now since at least 2004. Name something else that hasn’t increased in price in 13 years. – Server costs sure aren’t one of them. :wink:

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Well if you compare Unit Server to Unit Server the costs have stayed pretty much the same. But if you compare Unit Server 2004 to Unit Server 2017, the price per session has dropped dramatically since server capabilities and data densities have improved enormously.

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Well, last moments before tomorrows downtime to go and press that station door button one last time.

Press F to pay respects.



Odd that companies would actually reduce what they charge just because it’s cheaper for them.

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Bye Bye, the TV program sucked anyway!