Devblog: Preparing For The Future – Retirement Of Captain’s Quarters & Twitch Integration

Did you just suggest I not get my hopes up after removing the part from what you quoted where I said, “I’m against walking in stations”?

Do people not read anymore or something?

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How dare you keep selling cloth and thus remove the only place to show them ?
people may would have used those damns quarters you cared enough to add something to do with them, but Its better to remove them (aswell as content from this game).

Here a reminder of the sucess of the management and decision of the lasts years.


Actually EVE had the most subscribers when there were miltiple now discontinued features and things EVE related.
Then they started removing stuff.

Jukebox - removed
Old sov system - removed
Capital projection - removed
In game browser - removed
EVElopedia - removed
Aurum - removed

CQ - sheduled for removal
Twitch integration - sheduled for removal
POSes - sheduled for removal


While i do understand technical reasons given, i need to state that i’m very unhappy about the decision to remove the CQ. Yes, it was kind of boring to stand around in this room, as there wasn’t anything significant to be done here, that couldn’t be done elsewhere in the game. To my understanding the CQ was an unfinished part, with old-timey, bulky character animations and low-to-non-existent content.

Also i need to state that i played Eve heavily for several years in the mid-00s, and a big part of my decision to stop playing was the lack of situations where you would be a person, not just a space ship. It’s not my idea of an MMO to stare at some ship hull plus lists of things over a space screensaver background for hours.

Since i’ve come back to New Eden, mostly encouraged by all the fun i had in Rebel Galaxy (go play it), i enjoyed the CQ very much. So did others. Therefor i’m demanding some new development work, so ppl could enjoy themselves as characters instead of being tiny pictures in a chat list only. For starters, take the existing (CQ) char-models and give us some animations (smiling, nodding, looking aside, whatever) to make everyone appear more lively. The quarters’ room shall be gone and lost in time. But give us more character presence, animations, anything to express being person, not just another item on another spreadsheet in space.


Last hope for eve to be more is extinguished big dreams replaced by mediocrity,eve lost today much more than 7 year old tech.


CDessies Added.
Logifrigs Added.
New Sov system Added.
Supers Revamped.
Carriers Revamped.
Doomsdays revamped.
Citadels Added.
ECs added.
Moon mining to come.

Etc etc. Eve’s hardly just losing stuff. We’ve gained so much over all these years that it’d be disingenuous to claim any of those wastes of resources they removed are somehow killing Eve. While there’s criticism to levy at CCP at how they handle many things, there’s no reason to only proclaim doom here. Everyone needs to adjust as the game ages and changes, both devs and players.


Usage stands at an average of about seven streams started via twitch integration per day.

Twitch is an amazing service and as I said in the blog, we still have 100% commitment to our awesome streaming community, but integration is just a thing that didn’t work sadly :slight_smile:

You guys are way too creative with your overlays and opsec :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow, I pay dozens of Euros to see myself in a sterile, non-interactive gray-screen frame. This is very … encouraging to even don clothing that we get for free.


So maybe the stuf they added is not so good? Comparing to what was removed?
A lot of criticism is directed towards citadels now. Fighters they had to nerf repeatedly because of PvE. Jump fatigue was called Space Aids. New sov system criticized also, CCP Fozzie acknowledged its flaws and gave us timers in citadels that are not perfect also. Rorquals 87 in a single place just few days ago.

People are making jokes that CCP should bring back multiboxing with ISBoxer so we could feel good about PCU count again. :psyccp:

Maybe I will stop there so to not bring myself down even more.


Oh no, you’re quite right. There’s still a lot of work to do with most of these things. Citadels definitely need to have asset safety reworked or removed. Timers need to be adjusted so you can’t just spam cheap arse Astras everywhere, but actually commit big citadels if you want to have long timers, etc. Jump Fatigue was called space aids, but at the same time people tend to forget the bloody cancer it was that no one but a very few entities could escalate to caps without nine alliances jumping in from across the entire cluster to crap on you. New sov system needs work, but in my experience it led to some fantastic fights across multiple systems instead of just one tidi cancer timer no one enjoyed.

Eve has a LOT of work that needs to be done, still, but it’s not all doom and gloom. Where there was cancer, there’s been a lot of chemo. It’s just that the cures still need more work, as far as I’m concerned.

And fortunately… things like this frees up resources that can be put back into the actual game we play.


Did you just suggest I not get my hopes up after removing the part from what you quoted where I said, “I’m against walking in stations”?

I meant that you likely won’t even get the chance to whine about “re-implemented CQ” in the future :stuck_out_tongue:

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Don’t worry, Eve players always find something to complain about.


CCP, thank you for moving on, but I have to agree with many voices. It isn’t that people didn’t want to you Captain’s Quarters, it was that it was a massive performance issue.

You all just said you developed it back in 2010, with software you no longer support. Most computers and software from that day and age are ether dead or hardly used. Yeah I no longer use the CQ (performance issues, and living in a citadel), but I would ask you all to relook at redeveloping it back down the road. Don’t throw it away and forget it. Remove it for now, and once more important features are stable and developed, return to the idea. It does add a very cosmetic view to the game.

Thank you


[quote=“Mizhara_Del_thul, post:71, topic:9940”]
And fortunately… things like this frees up resources that can be put back into the actual game we play.[/quote]
How can something that hasn’t been worked on in years free up resources for other things?

And all the other things turn time back to when only big entities could have things because those changes impact smaller groups a lot harder than bigger groups. I mean, you just need to look at Providence and their attempt to put up a Keepstar. It got destroyed by all the big groups. Or the thing in Auga, destroyed by the big groups. All these things are by and large a pain and not exactly enjoyable.

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Chemo is very damaging to all the body. I wonder if anybody in CCP knows.

As we say here: therapy was succesfull but patient is dead.


Read the blog. They spoke specifically about the resources and time they spend on just maintaining CQ. As for when ‘only the big groups could have things’, I think I can say with confidence that Dominion Sov’s n+1 cap blobs were even worse.

Yes, Providence didn’t manage to get their Keepstar up, but that was hardly just because of ‘big boys’. They didn’t even run a CTA until several hours after everyone else found out. We in MC are freaking tiny compared to Provibloc and we’ve got two Keepstars. Provi have more manpower and should be just as able to play the diplo game.

Yes, chemo hurts. Still, it’s there to kill something that’d otherwise kill you.

Walking in stations was for a long time one of the most requested additions to the game - you know, before it was bungled and hard. I’m sure they will add it some day, but lets hope that this “some day” they have some cohesive, clear plan for it, because that seems to be what killed Incarna the last time - what I read from people who claimed to work for CCP in Atlanta and Reykjavik was that bosses kept constantly telling people to redo stuff that was already done, which obviously meant that eventually nothing ever actually got done. I also remember hearing that the idea for Incarna - aside from the social aspect - was also to build up and work with the games criminal system - capsuleers went “off the surveillance grid”, but I have no idea why that plan got scrapped, it sounded really good to me.


CCP in a Nutshell:

Implement CQ because it was ment to be the first Step to WiS wich should come with cool Features.
Nobody used CQ, because shitty docking and Loadtimes AND no further Features.
WiS got cancled and no actual usefull Features for CQ were released.
Complaining about noone uses a Feature wich has just Drawbacks to use and not a single Benefit.
Cancel CQ because noone uses it, ignoring the Reasons WHY nobody uses it.

Well done CCP, Well done.


I would just remove cancer, I would not touch the necessary things that make something work. CQ is hardly a cancer for us. Its more for devs. We just used it from time to time.

I think they should have added WIS long time ago…
CQ would not have been treated like cancer by them now.


Citadels definitely need to have asset safety reworked or removed.

Nah. Asset safety is a compromise that actually allows use for structures in k-space. Without it, all players would store the overwhelming majority of their assets in NPC stations.