Devblog: Skills On Demand - Changes Coming To The Skill System!


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That’s only one option. I demand MORE options!


This is another meaningless effort in the direction of NPE which does nothing to improve NPE. Amazing.

No positives for NPE; for vets this method is more convenient. For negatives we have NPE-persons will be less likely to learn the Market, think that they need more ISK (which could be discouraging and/or direct them to do more of generally lame activities to get ISK), and when they do properly learn the Market exists they will feel regretful and taken advantage of that they paid more because they bought via Character Sheet. But, an early encounter with regret and being taken advantage of can be a good indicator for going forward with EVE and its design (esp. meta: Alpha Daily Injectors, etc.).

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@CCP_Affinity I remember as a new player due to lack of ISK, I would search for the best deal available on skillbooks and had no problem traveling to go get it. In fact the traveling part actually allowed me to view the beauty of Eve as well as experience the vastness of New Eden.

Course back then there was more things to see at jumpgates than just a Billboard, there were various items / things scattered around at some Jumpgates, things like gas clouds with space debris, chunks of broken asteroids, pile’s of junk, abandoned space stations, etc. I actually kept an eye out for things like that and even went out of my way to find those bits of eye candy.

Hell, there were even static complexes located close to Jumpgates. I remember as a new player on my way to get a skillbook I stopped by an Acceleration Gate to a Level 1 Rogue Drone Complex and after reading the description, stayed there for a good 20 minutes trying to decide if I wanted to go in or not.

I ended up continuing my journey to go get my skillbook but that was definitely a turning point in my career as a capsuleer. If it hadn’t been for that, I never would have started running the static sites listed in the Starmap, nor advance into searching for and running Cosmic Anomalies (back then you had to warp to each planet in a system and then run the ship scanner) to finally becoming an explorer traveling through New Eden probing for Cosmic Signatures.


I also agree this change is pointless as the way to acquire skill books is not as complicated as made out to be in the blog. If people are having trouble then why not put out a tutorial mission that teaches why and how to use the skill books system. Also, people can join a corporation which can also show them how to use the market and teach about the skill books – isn’t joining a corporation one of the recommended actions a new pilot should take?

It would be more interesting other than only paying some random fee for this convenient service then acquiring skill books directly into the character sheet also takes longer to train each level of said skill. That way at least there at least a more balanced trade-off between acquiring skill books in the new way or go in person the bookstore to save money and time.

If we are talking about making things easier then why not allow a method where we can purchase any item from the market and goes directly to our hanger, so that we don’t have to travel to some station to pick-up an item? To me, purchasing a skill book and goes straight to your character sheet is the same thing, and creates precedence to acquire any items instantly directly into the personal hanger, as described.

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You mean that market with hidden systems, scams, and variable prices which create traps? That simple market?

Eve is all about risk vs reward, has been – always will be. If you don’t want to get scammed then learn how to avoid those situations.

Plus, contracts are more prone to scams, you are not advocating any changes to the contract system.

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Agreed and you make an excellent point — basically if was not for being forced to go fly somewhere to pick up an item (i.e. skill book) then would have had a missed opportunity to learn or get to know the game better.

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The point is that the market is not simple. There are a bunch of different things you need to know to use it effectively. And expecting newer players to navigate it simply for skills is not the best way progression can be in Eve.
Now, if core skills includes capital and t2 weapon and ship skills… then I’ll be thinking its treading too far. But for newer player core skills it seems fine.

Anyone else notice the dichotomy of ‘I make my isk shipping books’ along side of ‘the new players need to learn to travel to get their books’

no? just me?


The worst thing I see with this is that it will take people out of space, which is always a bad thing to do IMO. It takes out the people who transport books, and it takes out the people who go buy those books.

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Maybe you can answer the questions everyone else who says that won’t:

Why will this take people out of space? Why won’t they just be doing something else in space?

And if they would be doing something else in space, why is shopping for/shipping skillbooks a better use of a player’s time than doing something else in space?

Because they still have to wait for that skill to train. Buying skills on demand won’t get them into space faster, all it’ll do is just make them stay docked till that and any other skills are trained.

Shopping for skillbooks via the Market allows the player to quickly learn how to use it, especially since players access that content the most. Traveling to go get a skillbook enables the new player a chance to actually view Eve while in space and maybe along the way they’ll be enticed to check out various Landmarks, planets, stations, Citadels, etc.

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Really, how often do you honestly warp to a random landmark. I’m betting it’s something like 0.0001% of the time.

As for waiting for the skill to train, why?
It’s either A: Essential for the ship they are flying, in which case they are lunch meat if anyone attacks them while in space and aren’t going to be choosing to interact with anything. So now the Newbie feels they can prepare in station, cool.
Or B: Not needed for the current ship so they can do stuff right now while training for something else.

Shopping for skillbooks doesn’t get them trained any faster, though. When you go zipping through highsec in a disposable frigate to pick up [racial] cruisers in a school system, you’re not getting any benefit from it while you fly your frigate back.

And when you fly out to a trade hub to buy the book at significant markup and then get your new ship built… you’re still sitting docked while you wait for it to train. On the other hand, if you can insta-buy the skill before going to the trade hub, and have it training while you travel there to build the ship… you’re back in space faster.

Just because you don’t do it doesn’t mean other players don’t or won’t do it. Just exactly how long have you been playing this game anyway? From your statements it doesn’t seem very long at all.

As an explorer when I enter a system, I first run Cosmic Signatures, then Cosmic Anomalies and then finish with Landmark Beacons. I’ve been doing that for years. I actually started running Landmark Beacons back when I was a new player due to seeing them on the Overview while traveling. That along with running the static DED sites gave me my first taste of exploration which later turned into searching for Cosmic Anomalies near planets and then finally probing for Cosmic Signatures.

Yes it does, it actually schools them on how to work with the Market interface, a skill they will need and use a lot during their career as a Capsuleer.

By the way, this is new players we’re talking about so they won’t have the ISK to build and fit up a ship while they’re training up the ‘On Demand’ skills they just paid an arm and a leg for.

Jeeze, both of you guys will reach for anything under the pretense of helping new players in an attempt to justify a very needless, costly and ultimately confusing change in game mechanics.

All this change does is give Null Sec and W-Hole dwellers the ability to train new alt characters much quicker.

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While we are at it can you CCP make small change to lvl4s? Make agents always give missions in the same system please?

This changes removes unnecessary and tedium steps for players players. Time they spend travelling in their ships to target system they could spend doing what they enjoy.

(did i miss some of arguments presented here?)


No, it doesn’t get that skill trained faster. If I have to drive 5m to buy the skill book so I can take 16m to train the skill to 1, that’s 21m before it’s trained, vs 16m if I don’t have to drive it.

I’d love to hear how you claim adding more time before the skill starts training gets that skill trained faster.

J-space, maybe. Null? You see all the people complaining up-thread because it’s going to hurt their skillbook sales?

I can buy any skillbook I want in 1dq1. I’d be shocked if the primary staging for most large null groups isn’t just as good. And let’s face it: when you complain about ‘null’, you’re complaining about the large groups, not the small ones.

Learn to read, I never said shopping for skillbooks makes them train skills faster. You said shopping for skillbooks doesn’t get new players trained any faster. I said the current game mechanic SCHOOLS new players on how to use the Market interface. That’s a skill they need to learn quickly since they’ll be using that extensively in their career as a Capsuleer.

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Yeah. Yeah, you literally did.

And also: literally every other thing they buy will already be teaching them to use the market interface. They don’t need skill books to do that.