Devblog: Spring Balance Update Incoming!

The current game mechanics that date back to the original rorqual changes tends to lead people to this meta. So the way to solve that is to make it so that a massive fleet of rorqs is not better then a couple rorqs along side an army of hulks. So its not goons fault or even that of delve. They just happen to be good at using game mechanics to their benefit no matter what those mechanics happen to be.

As much as I am grr goons in game I have to give them props for being good at the game mechanics.


Well the game is broken, and I really don’t think this is the fix but time will tell. This is all kneejerk reactions, and that’s ok. People should be able to feed back, share thoughts and concerns and bellyache a bit. I just really hope we don’t have to wait for 3 more years after this to CCP to get it right.

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This we can agree on. They play the game how I would do, if I would be many. :wink:

Greed, nothing else. You saw the ISK being earned and you wanted some of it.

No they don’t, the incentive is to become a miner, you either love it or hate it. If you don’t like mining don’t do it.

You can always go exploring or mission running to alleviate your boredom.

They’re taking away nothing from mining, you can still do it. Stop thinking you’re entitled to just print ISK, go earn it.

BTW, I don’t think the changes go far enough as far as ISK printing is concerned…

It was a good time. Now i look for a other game. by by


That’s what they all say

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In a way a reduction to mining will make mining a little more profitable for those who still do it in terms of mineral costs. The easier it is the less you make per m3. So if this change reduces the amount of people willing to mine then it benefits all those who still choose to do it in the long term. Economics has a way of finding balance points like that. But I dont think the changes this spring will have a overly large impact on things in the short term.

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Fighter changes should’ve been much higher.
Most of this stuff is tiny cautious number alterations which won’t change much in the mid to long run .
I’m disappointed and won’t be resubbing

1 - Yes greed? How are you acting like that isn’t why play this game? To get more ISK or to get more Killmails or to fly better ships. It’s all to have more. If not, then you would just be flying around in a venture. Are you just flying around in a venture? If not then don’t get on a high horse.

2 - Yes they do need miners. All the ships in this game are built by players. All of the ore mined is by players. That is how CCP made this game. If they don’t have miners they don’t have people building for them and they’ll have to change the Meta of this game.

3 - When they reduce safety(reducing PANIC modules reliability and amount available to self rep and the ability to save excavators) and they reduce speed(how much excavators mine) they are taking away fromthose aspects so yes they are taking things away from miners.

I’m not entitled to print ISK, mining a Rorq is still boring from an actual game play dynamic and hard because you have to be alert to what’s going on.

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eve is greed…nothing changes

And there will still be miners, and if there are less then the ones who remain will make a little more for their time in the long term. Remember when people mined before rorqs even existed?

Remember a time before excavators even existed? We did alright back then too. We will do fine in the future.

I never once thought rorq mining was the best isk printing method in the game. The MER will point to where the real isk is being printed now. People who mine now do so not only for profit but other overriding reasons. Some find it fun if you can believe that. I do it out of necessity but not really for reasons of isk income where there are far better ways to make isk right now.


From what I read yes, thier damage application to smaller craft are being reduced.

Yeah this was a reply to Drago’s post not you so it was taken a bit out of context.

All of the points above are from earlier posts in regards to a overall point so when taken as one offs like this the point they are making is reduced.

You got no idea how well fighters apply do you? That 15 and 30% does nothing

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Tell it to goons :slight_smile: when the jump 200 rorqs to mine out all the moon goo once every 35 days

the C5 wh is team play, where the 0.0 carriers are mostly bots, even supers …

Dude, a super this days goes for 14 bil and titan for 40 bil …
You think 100-300 hours is much? Try getting 100-120bil for titan with just 60-80 mil/h top income back in the tengu ratter days.

Also looks like you are old fashioned, the progression this days is covetor → rorq → carrier / super → titan …
0.0 eve is full of miners in Supers … They ether mine in there rorqs, or stay standby at the keepstart waiting for cyno.!
CCP wants people to get back to sub-capitals, well good luck as your player base skipped most of them already :slight_smile:

Yes, I’m completely fine with that, but then make them cost way less and not bring boosted hulks and covetors to 70-80% of what a 10 bil ship can yield.

If the points dont stand on their own then the overall point is also diminished.

They keep getting cheaper and cheaper. They used be over a billion isk now I think they seem to be like 800 mil now. But that is a good point. Maybe they should be cheaper if they will be less effective.

So if less people are buying capitals what do you think that’s going to do to the market?

that means less capitals selling and less capital needed to be built and less minerals needed so the nerf to rorqs seems to make sense now :slight_smile: maybe they need to nerf mining even more. </sarcasm>

It changes nothing they’ll build more dreads now that fax RR is being nerfed and ofcourse titans