Directly addess Aiko Danuja comments about ganking

I mean there are a lot of rocks and Upwells. I appreciate the Dune sentiments.

In Highsec, if you have positive security status, you are not defenseless - by definition.

CONCORD and gate guns defend you automatically, even if you are AFK.

This is what makes ganking elite PvP - as targets are much harder to kill in HIghsec.

Lowsec/Nullsec/Wormholes are easy mode.

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its not elite, its pathetic, you want free loot and you know it. People have already said in this forum. Its for the loot. You want impact other peoples gamplay for your own gameplay. Easy mode kills are not PVP no matter what you people say. Its just destruction for free loot and you exploit with corvettes to draw concord away and use mass numbers of ships in space to delay concord further and avoid your own ships destruction.

Nothing elite about this.

Once again, since gate guns, CONCORD, and faction police respond automatically with overwhelming force, there is no such thing as “free loot” from Highsec ganking. This is what makes Highsec ganking so elite, as everything we do in Highsec is much easier to do outside of Highsec. Welcome to EvE!

For a start.

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number of ships has changed and the rules state a large number of ships is against the rules.


:heart: :princess: :heart:

Every miner I kill is another penny in CCP’s wallet.

:moneybag: :money_mouth_face: :moneybag:


What rules? Yours and not CCP’s?

bull. its easy mode you know it and I know it. You don’t do this in low or nul because you don’t want a real fight.

Our low sec system is Gyerzen, bring all your ships there. Please come and fight and stop being cowards.

Bring all those catalysts, come on, lets see it.

You’re making a false dichotomy. Eve is a PvP-focused sandbox. Moreover, you argument basically boils down to, “Eve must conform itself to my definition of what a sandbox game is.” This, is of course, an absurd argument. There are no laws stating that media must rigidly adhere to anyone’s attempts to classify them, let alone one random person’s narrow definition of what a sandbox game is.

“Real PvP” is a no true scottsman fallacy, and an attempt to delegitimize and devalue a play style that you want removed from the game.

FYI Eve’s name literally means “Everyone Versus Everyone.” Moreover, the devs have intentionally implemented mechanics that allow for non-consensual PvP in HS. HS PvP doesn’t happen because of dev oversight -it’s by design.

Yeah, it was a terrible argument the first time you made it. But even if it wasn’t, I’m not sure why you would think that it would give you reason to handwave away my entire post. Look, I know a lot of people are coming at you with different arguments, but if you’re going to bother to respond to me, at least try to address one of the points I made, if not a couple.

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LOL no it doesn’t. Or else you saying all the null blocs are exploiting too?


This kids just grasping at straws now. But still a fun reminder.

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I have far too many ships to “bring them all”. I am certainly not relocating my rorquals from Delve. Regardless, I have a fully articulated system for issuing duel requests, as you will find on my award-winning website:

Radical feminism - Wikipedia :sunglasses:

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(post deleted by author)

Calm down miner.

I know you aren’t talking to me but that isn’t going to slow me down at all.
First of all I realize you like the idea of highsec being safe, it’s not and that’s just how it is. Second, if all the gankers in Eve took off for low and nullsec a huge area of the game would become more boring and less stimulating than it already is. As far as Eve being big enough for everyone, I don’t agree, it’s wildly over populated in my opinion and the concept of exploration ceased to exist ages ago, exploration in Eve is anything but that.

PvP is critical in Eve for a lot of reasons, the primary one is that it’s why people play the game in the first place, it can be intensely stimulating to the point where your hands shake, your mind races and your attention becomes utterly riveted on what is happening and what you need to do about it. Take that away and it’s over, completely. Without PvP in Eve it might as well not even be online other than as a really low quality chat program with pretty pictures. PvE in Eve is almost an afterthought, it’s almost always exactly the same thing with varying degrees of difficulty.
Then there’s the economy, if PvP we’re removed from highsec I think the economy would collapse, the people in nullsec, lowsec and wormhole space would be able to withhold all sorts of resources from the people living in highsec and would be able to freely get the ones they need from there at the same time. Highsec would cave in and become impoverished in no time flat. And boring, don’t forget boring.
On top of all that, once you become familiar with how PvE works in Eve you almost never lose ships anymore, that means that no one would need new ones for the most part and that again, would like a huge hole in the economy. Eve requires destruction, without it there’s no reason to make anything.
Having read a few of your posts on this sort of thing I think the very best thing you could do for yourself is learn to fight, learn when to fight and pick out an enemy. You obviously already have one so why not go after her and her whole corporation? She would be thrilled if you did and even if it takes you a while to succeed you will get a lot more respect for just having made the attempt.

There are two kinds of explosions in Eve, there are the glorious kind and there are the kind that happen when a bottle of milk has rotted so badly the bottle can no longer contain the gases that have built up in it.
The first kind is wonderful, the second kind mainly stinks.
Seriously, go kick her ass or die trying. It will be a lot more fun if you do. I promise.

Oh, and one other thing, if you do die don’t forget to ask the people who killed you what they think you could have done differently, there’s a very strong chance they will tell you.


this conversation really has nothing to do with you. You already think your gameplay is more important then my gameplay.

this post does not contribute to the discussion.

it’s not by design, i would directly discuss this with any developer who argued it was, but of course they wont. Show me the quote or hush.