You know who Cherti reminds me of? That black knight in Monty Python’s Quest for the Holy Grail. Even after he was hacked to pieces, just a head lying on the ground, he was still loudly proclaiming that he was winning.
your still not showing me quotes from developers or gm’s that support anything you guys have said. Sounds like delusion.
Now way lower Monty Python to that level???
Which quotes are you looking for?
Here’s one from the developers, and yes, they have their own band:
Still no quote.
I don’t know which ones you are asking for which is why I asked in the first place.
Also that was a quote from the people who make Eve, it’s their band and their song and they are telling you directly what you need to do if you want to have some fun rather than a meltdown.
So, which quotes are you looking for?
One other thing, in reference to your other reply to me.
You don’t know a thing about what I do in Eve. You could get a bit of an idea about how bad I am at PvP if you look me up on Zkillboard, but what it doesn’t show is that in every single one of my ship losses I fought back and had a blast doing it. I was also polite about it to the people who killed me, many of whom are now friends and who did in fact tell me things that made me less likely to die.
If you have no quote then what your saying means nothing. You have no clue what CCP wants. But i know what they want. They want money and we spend lots of money just like anyone else, they dont want to lose players. That’s all we know for sure.
sigh, multiple people in multiple threads have given you the links from the New Player category were the Devs literally say that EvE is a PvP Sandbox.
But i think this is the last time im going to respond one of your of threads and just start flagging them.
you remind me of a grandmother I had growing up…
arguing with you on this topic is like arguing with a racist in real life.
@ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode can something be done about this person and his/her 3-4 maybe 6 threads of trolly and inflammatory nature, it is nothing but negative nancy drivel.
If they lose you what then?
@ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode No what he wants you to do is endorse what he and his friends are saying. This is an argument and they choose to devalue me and insult me. Eve is a SANDBOX that has pvp that is different from a PVP game and substituting game for sandbox. PVP is an option but not mandatory. A Sandbox means the choice of playing the game you want to play.
And i do believe you are being negative, not me. I am being positive, its nice that you have a system of turning around opinion and validating your behaviour.
When I get back to where I have better internet I think I will hunt you and show you what mandatory PvP is like. Maybe you can add to my ship losses and come here and gripe about the color of my explosion and give the graphics department hell about it.
Head over to gyerzen any time.
Awww, don’t get it shut down, I have nothing to do at the moment and batting at mice is kinda fun as it turns out
Awesome, thanks!
This should be fun!
Calm down, miner.
Says the guy who is lobbying for the end of other people’s play style.
How the ■■■■ are game mechanics not indicative of developer intent. You know that code doesn’t write itself -right? And then you would argue with a game dev over what their intent was?
You know what, I can’t even.
I mean, I frequently disagree with people, but some of the things you say are so stupid that you make me question my belief in universal suffrage.
Ugh, I better stop.
What part that you disagree on then?
ISD Batman isn’t going to save you.
Where the hell have you been?
I’ve missed you!