Eve os not for everyone. Have fun playing ESO.
Can I have your EVE stuff? You wont need it if you don’t come back
Eve os not for everyone. Have fun playing ESO.
Can I have your EVE stuff? You wont need it if you don’t come back
Hm…tone of the discussion’s taken a bit of a turn. I’m not sure what people are getting so defensive about. EVE has never had universal appeal and people have always differed on how much freedom players should have in our little sandbox here. I’m extremely doubtful that the downtrend in player count has much to do with the presence of hi-sec ganking communities, given they’ve existed throughout much of the game’s lifespan.
It’s an interesting discussion, at least to me. I can’t think of many other games that have had years-long discussions over how the sandbox should be opened or restricted in order to satisfy the customers while still staying somewhat true to the developers’ vision for the game. One side says “make it this way and EVE will survive the coming years” while the other side says “but it won’t be EVE anymore”.
I can only say these two things.
First, I cannot begin to imagine how boring a safe hi-sec would be. EVE was not originally designed to be someone’s therapy session or Netflix side-activity. The introduction of the new Forward Operating Bases seem to indicate that CCP, too, feel that hi-sec needs to be somewhat more dangerous and dynamic.
Second, let’s try to avoid armchair psychological analyses of players based on how they like to exercise the freedom given them by the sandbox. It’s weak and immature, the last resort of those who have nothing of value left to say. It’s a game, people.
Oh yeah! I forgot all about the inevitable ‘can I have your stuff’ when I was listing all the lame buzzwords that tryhards love to use. Thanks!
Sure, so what about your stuff? Just contract it to me OK?
Yea, why not. Send me enough plex to resub, I’ll dl the client tonight, and make up the contract after work tomorrow.
Miner, please calm down.
You quite obviously still love the game if you get this fired-up about it. As you stated above, though, the mere existence of some players is enough to keep you away, and that’s fine. We wouldn’t want players in our game who get upset about differences of opinion, or those who dare to play the game differently to them.
lol, I’ve been waiting for that. It’s so unbelievably cringy. I always get a mental image of Napolean Dynamite and his boys sitting behind the keyboard when you guys say that.
One can still spin their ships at any NPC station without worrying about forced pvp on them. That sounds as much peaceful as EVE could offer to anyone ignoring or fighting against what this game was, is and lets pray will be all about…
The eve player economy is reliant on destruction (mostly player driven, occasionally renewal forced on us by CCP) to remain functional. Ie the very thing you appreciate in EVE most, requires spaceships to explode to function. I currently own 5 fitted brutixes, 2 hyperions, an ishtar, 2 stratios, 2 asteros, 4 vexors, 2 ishkurs, 2 enyos, a moros, at least half a dozen ares, 4 exeqs and 2 thalias - all of which are fitted for pvp. All of those ships will die, and all that do, will be replaced, which allows builders of those ships to keep playing the game. More ship types will be added to my stockpile too, as I occasionally fulfill more roles in our gangs (boo interdictors, but I’m going to have to do my share of the coffin piloting too).
Putting spaceships out in space, shooting and getting shot at is the heart of the game.
Surely you’d play it rather than rely on reddit with its fashionable karma farming and vote brigading and all its other problems (its a good tool, but by no means perfect). Ganking is actually rare and easily avoided.
So I mine in syndicate. I’ve put 6b of structures down to do this (then for various reasons to assist friendlies I had to add 3b of rigs), and have thus far mined ~4b back. For the loss of 1x100m porpoise (that was due to it being literally the first time I had to avoid pvp with a booster and made an obvious booster 101 mistake).
If I can mine in nullsec without a supercapital umbrella, surely you can mine in highsec with the invincible concord umbrella.
Your gameplay is not ruined by the loss of a spaceship in EVE. Freighters being lost over uedama is largely due to sloppy piloting, sloppy fitting and more importantly sloppy economic analysis (ie many things are hauled through uedama in the same volumes in both directions, and many things are hauled that have considerable economic value, but that economic value does not change, making the movement pointless, but the economic risk remains the same). People losing barges to CODE in a belt is literally caused by sloppy location choices, sloppy use of local and sloppy attention to surroundings and sloppy choice of ship in the face of all those mistakes. (hint procurer).
The worst thing that people like you perpetuate imo is that there is something wrong with shooting another persons spaceship. There just isn’t.
I will never understand why people give CODE free advertising. I saw the same thing with Goons, people who hated goons kept posting about them.
It’s like these posters think that posting butt-hurtedly about a group of players they dislike is going to somehow translate into some kind of action (by CCP, or by the community) that will make them go away. It never ever does, in fact it only makes them (them being goons, code, cloaky campers, awoxxer, war deccers, scammers, whatever group people hate) stronger and more active.
It’s impotently pitiful to keep doing this. Maybe it’s understandable if this kind of thing is all they think they can do. But either way it’s just damn stupid.
Leaving a game because you aint “safe”. Gankers is faced with nerfs all the time.
Dont afk, problem solved.
Did you finish high school?
You don’t need to be omega to can contract your stuff to someone else.
From 2004 until now I have never been ganked in high-sec.
Do you know how OP?
Easy because Im not a dumb like you, go back to WoW etc.
It’s always interesting to hear the “evils” of gankers.
Outside of extremely high-resource systems that have lots of value flowing through them, it’s generally just not worth blowing up ships that are in hi-sec. That’s why the forge has such a huge amount of lost value. Jita is the game-wide trade hub.
CODE exists more as a meme than a entity, especially one that’s worth any fear. If you are hauling goods, and throw a decent tank on, you should be fine. If you are actively flying, you should be fine. It takes an ungodly huge amount of ships to take out a properly tanked freighter before Concord deals with you, and as such, you’ll generally be fine if you know what you’re doing.
It’s unfortunate that you are so afraid of pvp in a game based around the concept very heavily. I hope that you decide to try it anyways. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Just fly an insanely tanked Skiff and Orca, or a DST and you’ll be fine. CODE isn’t anywhere near what it used to be.
Oh good, another one of Eve’s brightest minds has shown up. A beacon of hope shining through the veil of toxic autism that is ever so pervasive in the Eve community. Why you alone could be the one to pull the community out its stereotypical cesspool that the entire gaming world sees it as. You Terranid, you could be the savior of… er, on second thought, maybe not.
Yes it is actually, Im surprised you haven’t figured it out yet.
As I said in my op, I’ve been PVPing for twenty plus years, including many years in this game. I’m sick of it. A lot of you seem to be under the impression that suicide ganking is some sort of PVP. It is not, it’s not even close. Pong is closer to PVP than suicide ganking unarmed indies.
We like our cesspool it keeps all the bads out.
Natural selection, darwinism at its finest. Its how from fish we became human beings, not human goings.
You are scientific proof that the weak are eradicated from the game while the strong of the master race survive
to become the bitter vets that we are today. If you have tasted bitter then you have truly tasted the fruits of paradise.