Discord as an obligation


I saw you said you were looking for smaller corps but I’m still fairly new to the game and found Pandemic Horde to be great and pretty close to what you’re looking to find. They require discord and mumble but not that you speak. I’ve been in a few dozen fleets and prefer not to speak as well. Actually works better for the large fleets anyway as you really can’t have 100+ people speaking. Good luck with your search!

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OMG! THAT is the corporation that my friend warned me about ! Yellow sigil, right ?
There is NO way in HELL I’ll join Pandemic Horde, not after the way they behaved when my friend left their corporation.

But thank you anyway.
And thank you for reminding me of the name of the corp. I don’t want to join.
Fly Crazy


I think all corporations in null are like that: once you leave the corporation you won’t be blue to them anymore. And neutral characters in null are enemies, shoot on sight, because if you don’t kill the neutrals, the neutrals will kill you. That’s how null is.

Of course your friend could try to explain his situation and maybe people will let him go once they notice he was indeed part of their corporation before, but don’t be surprised when people don’t trust it and shoot his neutral character on sight anyway. Null is a ruthless place and if they’re slacking they get killed.

Your friend could have avoided this situation by extracting his stuff before leaving the corporation, but that’s hindsight. Something to remember for next time! :smiley:


He learned a good lesson. Thanks to him I won’t make the same mistake. Good thing for him he had a ton of stuff in five or six npc stations in lowsec and high. Not sure if he’s still playing, not spoke to him in a year.

You only need Discord to LISTEN, i can’t see any corp having a problem with you not talking. If you explain the situation. In fact shutting the ■■■■ up on coms while in important fleets is an essential skill for most corps.


Dont worry, I have seen people using discord and not saying a thing. The game have enough of tools (fleet window broadcasts and watchlist, tagging targets) so you dont really have to say anything in PvE or PvP. The fleet commnder actually often doesnt allow most peeps to say anything as they would make a mess on comms while doing something.

Its demanded to use it for hearing commands. You have fleet window you use for getting reps or cap, and people have you on watchlist. At least in fleets I flied you dont have to talk.


Its required to listen in coms for fleets not to talk. In fact most FC prefer people to stay silent in fleets.


Discord/Mumble or other comms services are primarily used for listening to the FC’s, most of the time I’ve been in fleets the issue is more that people talk to much rather then not enough.

Now it’s probably preferable if one can speak in comms but it shouldn’t be mandatory in many cases from what I’ve experienced.

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I’ve received a couple invites to Corps, one of which is tempting, close by a constellation I’ve gotten familiar with. It would allow me to operate in all three areas of space and thus try several careers at once. I’ll be able to do more inthin a team.

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If they send you an initial “join our corp, we’re great!” that can be a warning sign. Maybe they’re legit, but more likely they’re looking to basically pad their member numbers and some are even looking for newbros to exploit. Just be very alert.

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And don’t pay an ‘upfront entry fee’ … (yes, someone did try that one on me)


I’m pretty sure you can. Just pick any 0.0-sec alliance: not one of them requires regular DPS fleet mates to even speak anything. Only fleet coms or wind coms or scouts need to talk.

Gawd :roll_eyes:
I’m aware of the office rent every corporation needs to pay in order to have a base, can be rented from POS, too. Now I can understand a participation in whatever form to a minimal percentage per month on bounties or reprocessing… There is a reasonable limit depending on the size of the corporation and what role one plays within it, what skills facilitate that role etc.

Dravick is right. Trust no one. Ever. Always Google any corp you are interested in to see how they treat their noobies.

I even question my own alts motives half the time.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I would personally stay away from any Corp that send out mass invites, it’s not certain that they are malicious in nature but to me something just doesn’t feel right with that sort of advertisement.

Normally I would recommend one of the major nullsec blocs but since there’s a war going on at the moment that might not be the best of times for all players. If you on the other hand want to experience the huge fleet battles which is often touted as something spectacular this time might be perfect.

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I agree. I received a couple of them. They have a dozen Cc and the language is in general terms. Recruiters fishing for new players/farmers-grunts/serfs among hundreds.

I’d definitely be glad to throw in a couple of fully-fitted destroyers should the opportunity presents itself. I hope to have nearly maxed out all my Alpha skills when that happens.


Question everything.
I can spend hours reading about and comparing modules, trying fits…
I lost my first Venture today to three Blood NPCs in 0.4. One destroyer and two assault frigates. I learned a few things about my weapons and theirs, what module can do what and at what range, falloff and damage, armor info and such… They used weapons jamming. I deliberately continued the fight as I kept taking notes. I also had shield tech, on an Amarr ship, lol. Regardless of what the puter says, it helps a lot. Have to compensate with capacitor boost though.
I had a mining turret and a small dual beam weapon fitted. I was engaging the Bloods and mining Jaspet at the same time. A couple of drones would’ve helped but I don’t want to be side-tracked for one light drone. I’ll wait 'til I have the skills for three or four combat drones. That’ll be fun.
The Venture is a tough little ship. I was outnumbered three to one and lasted long enough to destroy the two frigates. The larger ship finished me off while I noted a few things. I also had the time to loot and salvage another capsuleer’s wreck and those of the ones I destroyed before all alarms screemed and Venture fell apart around me.
Small loss for a wealth of info I can use later, the fun and the definite answers to a few questions.

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Ha ! You should hear what your alt says abour your motives !

First off, welcome to EvE. Glad you’re enjoying the game. You’ll come to find there is nothing like it.
So after reading your post, the first thing I want to say is that at the end of the day, you want to play to enjoy the game. So whatever you land, make sure you keep that in mind, and don’t have anyone shoe-horn you into “where you can be useful”. Make sure you have a goal, and that the Corp you apply to can help you meet that goal, and that your goal for yourself will help the Corp. To often I see people jump into a Corp and find after months they were shoved into months training skills for things you don’t want to do, and get frustrated and leave due to it.

Second, almost any Corp that is going to be successful is going to require real time voice comms. It’s just part of the deal. However, don’t let that discourage you. The main thing that corps want isn’t for you to have a voice, but a set of ears. Being able to hear call-outs is extremely important for any Corp.
I’ve been in several corps with members who could not, or would not speak for various reasons, and we were perfectly fine with them not speaking. One had a “ding” noise that they played to get our attention, so we’d like at Corp chat. Worked well.