Discussion about "Into the Abyss" update

Quality Post all-around. 90% agree with the proposed model.

I would add that it would be desirable for the loot to change depending on the sector it is run from (High, Low, etc), this would create some trade routes between sectors.

But yeah, it is clear to anyone with eyes and ears that a linear model would just break the feature both in its intent and in its practicality. People would be dependent from trade hubs and more importantly they would be barred from the content they are more comfortable running.

Well, I guess this is the fit that CCP will hose next lol.

I do believe one of the intent of the feature is that you have to brave the unexpected by plunging into the Abyss (getting metaphorical up in here) and this only has value if sometime the unexpected ends up being ‘well, you are ■■■■■■’.


it has been. you don’t want to read the answer, that’s a different thing.


A fair point, but given pockets are instanced and accessible via a loot item, that would be very tricky to code.

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There is no reason why a pocket should drop more filaments than you used to access it.

If you end up with more filaments than you used to enter, it will wreck any potential filament market.

This must not be allowed to happen.

One guaranteed filament to the next pocket level (if you manage to loot it) is sufficient and best for this system to operate.

Pretty sure the instance is generated when you activate the filament, probably using the time as some seed.

Wouldn’t be that hard to change the loot table at that moment depending on the Sec-status/location of the system.

It would make sense as the rules change a lot depending on where you activate it, in High-sec L1 to 3 will be very safe, not so much in Low-sec.


It makes no difference where you run it, in any way, except for suspect status when you exit a L4-5.

There is not, and must not be, any loot table changes based on where the pocket is activated via filament.

Well that is possible but it seemed early on in the testing process that pockets had number codes, and it was observed from screenshots (of the chat box channel number) that some players had entered identical pockets (with rng spawns, scenery and loot).

It is possible that we are entering a range of fixed pockets with random spawns.

Because the filament is a commodity that is not sector specific.

why not?

It is obvious that it is much riskier to enter a t1-3 filament in low sec than high sec? (for example) why shouldnt loot reflect that risk?

Yes, but players have a choice where they use them?

Otherwise, why do missions in low sec have more valuable rewards than those in higher security systems?

Reward value is derived from risk taken.

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Yes. They can choose to use them anywhere, for the same reward.

See what I mean?

Oooohhhhh! That would make sense performance wise.

I doubt that it would fix the loot table. I see not reasons why the loot could not be affected at pocket “generation”.

Yes, but then why are tier 4 and 5 penalised in high sec by causing suspect status?

That’s a good question.
Probably because CCP has bent its ear to NS again.

loot is a separate % chance in each container of each pocket and not derivative from spawn but filament tier.

Do you actually, honestly, expect him to change his mind?


I can tell you outright, that I am not going to change my mind.
Not out of personal vested interest, but because it is what makes sense.

I doubt that is the reason. More likely is the fact that they wish to disincentivize high sec as the de facto place to run filaments as if there wasnt a suspect flag people could run filaments all the way up to t5 in complete safety from gankers.

CCP designed filaments to leave traces in order to provide more pvp content, which would be effectively countered by running filaments in high sec if the more valuable ones didnt create a suspect flag upon exit.


That is one and the same as NS interest.
With L4-5 conferring suspect status, the obviously best place to run them is deep in secured Player NS systems. See?

I will abide by that, and dont dispute the L4-5 exit suspect status.

But we where discussing different reward from pockets based on system they are activated in, and as I said, that must be universal.