[Discussion] Community Safety in EVE Online

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :snowflake: :popcorn:

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You cannot “stop” something in-game by having a reporting method. A reporting method is only good when the penalty for the offense is banning someone from the game. All other penalties must happen immediately in-game.

You do not spank a puppy for pooping on your carpet three months after it pooped.

If someone tries to gank a new player running a career mission, self-destruct his ship immediately and do not allow damage to the new player. Inform the ganker why this happened and do not give him a new ship.

If someone tries to post something offensive to chat, stop it from going into chat and inform the player why. This assumes CCP has some list of words or phrases that it deems offensive, maybe by language or country of origin.

For any offense CCP can detect in-game, make the penalty immediate with feedback to the player.

For anything illegal that CCP can detect, report it to the police in the offender’s country. For player reports of illegal activity in game, CCP can implement a way to send reports to the police (FBI, Europol, etc.) of the offender’s country with a note that it is “user reported”. CCP cannot control what police do with reported information.

For anything that is reported (offense, bug, etc.), give feedback to the reporter and the offender without giving out names.

For anything outside the game, CCP can develop a way to send reports to the company running that software’s server with a note saying it was “user reported”. CCP cannot police anything outside its in-game environment.


No you are not committed to this. I wish you well with your attempts to improve community safety, but you have a lot of obstacles to overcome.

As Peter Drucker said: “culture eats strategy for breakfast”. Here are some examples of the culture that you have encouraged:

  1. “Wreck their dreams”
  2. Jita scams
  3. A CSM stacked with representatives from Null-Blocs, who are the game’s most engaged players. See the Something Awful thread for an insight into Null-Bloc leadership culture.
  4. Newbie Ganking.

One of the issues with toxic behaviour is that it is a spectrum. Good luck trying to draw the line between what is ok (making a newbie ragequit and enjoying their tears) and what is not (using variants of the N-word).

Probably best if the player corps work on their internal cultures. That is more likely to be successful than any efforts from CCP.


Discord has been a rather nasty place for some years.
Even for me who has learned that the correct retort to harassment online or in RL is to ignore it.

great post;
IRL I have had my own 80/20 guide for a long time; 20% of the people do 80% of the work; an English Major doing math sort of rule, a metaphor for all the statistics we face, possible good for guidance but not a rule like follow the community guidelines

Competition is not toxicity, it is simply a masculine trait for individuals to compare their strengths and weaknesses, then boast obnoxiously. No loser likes it.

You are right though any attempt for CCP to moderate and control user behaviour is doomed but perhaps not for the reasons you think.

The world is changing and and the politically correct strangle hold on language used to neuter creativity will be broken.

CCP needs to retreat to the square it owns and controls; that is its creation. Stay out of the mind control business CCP. That is the best friendly advice I can give you.


One reason I don’t do voice coms among others. Also, the Mining chat always seems to turn into a cede bar filled with scum and villainy, is Lucas to blame. Reported it once and it was cleaned up in minutes.

Ignoring or avoiding what a computer on Star Trek might call a “nonsequator” is useful, but under specific personal circumstances. It is not unwise for an individual to ignore, or not comment. It is the Beginning of the End (great movie set in my home town) when a community ignores hate & harassment as a topic of discussion as well as issues that need to be reported. See something, say something.

Our modern, well educated society teaches us how to use reason, but it fails in teaching us what to do with irrational behavior. Reason is not automatic, those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. But, they can be manipulated by their own denial or by others.

Feelings need to be respected, we all have them. We all need acceptance, want approval and desire praise. I try very hard not to judge others, but that does not mean I do not discern the situation. I can respect someone for how they feel, which is mostly what we are seeing, irrational expression not rational discourse. I do not have to approve of their behavior.

Learning empathy is not weakness or just being nice it is learning to thrive in a world where my own anger, dislikes and disagreements want to launch before I have fitted myself with the appropriate weapons and shielding. Still, warping away is useful too. Knowledge is power, passion is powerful.

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Lol the what?

What a thing blame a lack of imagination on

You know, before the ‘political correctness’ boogeyman became all the rage in the 1980s, we called that ‘common courtesy’, and you were pretty much seen as a jackass if you didn’t employ it. But that’s only, y’know, the last century or three…


Sounds nice, but you’re shoveling snow at the bottom of an avalanche. Enforcement is not a practical solution to anything other than PR and legal butt covering. You have created a platform that consistently rewards destruction and deception with no rewards for anything constructive and affirming. Most of the player base and obviously Dev’s take pride in this, and to a large extent they should the platform itself is a marvel.

Culture shift from the inside is your only path to resolution if any actually exists. I mean let’s start at the beginning. ‘New Bro’ - Right there you started many players down an un-inclusive path. It’s tolerable but pretty clear to any non-bro they have to watch themselves. (And so many wonder why there are not more women playing EVE)

Going a bit further down the trail it becomes pretty clear that without socializing there is little point to the game and yet there is no reward for being an honest player/ally. There is no in-game way for ‘forces of good’ to even congregate and learn to trust another players intentions and motivations. (No communal watering hole inside the game itself) An industrialist can’t even create a niche market or brand their goods to feel like they are building content.

Don’t get me all wrong. Destruction and Deception are indeed the engine of the galactic economy, but it has no competition to keep it in check. While small area’s of space are carved out for new players to have some relative safety, a player can not build a career within such spaces. Once they choose to grow they must expose themselves like flies to be swatted which precludes a culture of non-destruction and deception from growing. A corporation can’t even have a structure without exposure to war against a corp that’s buried beneath 20 disposable corps and supported by an untold number of alpha accounts.

The only possible answer to your dilemma CCP is culture shift/growth which is ridiculously difficult and quite likely too late for the ship may have sailed

But that depends on the honesty of CCP’s commitment to:

While enforcement is good CYA and PR, it’s only going to create more problems and work-arounds than it creates.

If only there was an area of space where inclusiveness were made to be a form of ‘content creation’ and rewarded.

heh… A non-social transgender woman who has sunk far too much money into the platform to walk away can dream can’t she?


Can we please stop with the butt hurt. The forums are still pegi 12 same as the game, all this talk is off topic and against forum rules. Why cant folks just agree to disagree damn.


People have lost the skill to debate with reason and logic in the world. We have all seen some wild stuff people put out. But there are still nice reasonable people on forums like this :slight_smile:


Be civil and keep the discussion to the topic. Removed ~60 wildly offtopic posts/discussions

CCP Paragon — 25/07/2022

We are looking into how or if there is something on the policy front that can be done. First and foremost we need to have these conversations take place with the community to make up our minds on that and respond with changes if the feeling is that you want us to do so. We have taken some immediate steps which are outlined that we believe were necessary but this is obviously something that won’t be solved for everything right away and is going to take time.


This whole issue is something CCP and players arent going to solve.
I don’t care if you don’t like someone on a video game, taking things out of the video game and into real life is just plain stupid. Read that again. You are a stupid.
The problem you’re facing isnt that there are people you don’t like doing things you don’t like. The problem is you being a karen on the internet, and stopping just shy of swatting the people you don’t like.
Like I said, this problem isnt going to be fixed by CCP or other players. This problem will be solved by law enforcement and government. Yes, I am right now saying that if you take a video game out of the video game and try to harm people in any way out of the video game, you should be thrown into prison or a mental hospital.

EDIT: I am not calling ISD Golem stupid. I am calling the people that have taken to real life harassment and threats. They are the cancer of society. They are cancel culture without the balls to protest anything in public.

In other words freedom of free speech is denied to anyone whose opinion you do not like.


Of course. Can’t have people disagreeing. Interestingly, they’re claiming I “refuse to engage in meaningful debate”, after spending 3 hours screeching about what a “delusional muppet” I am after I elucidated the philosophical etiology of so-called “woke”, “diversity/inclusivity/equity” ideology. Apparently they don’t want people knowing?

But it’s important to know these things, especially if you’re thinking of adopting policies based on it.

It’s important to have conversations, because you need to know if/where you’re wrong. Some people are scared of that though.

Kid’s these day’s watch so many violent things, seems strange that PEGI raiting’s aren’t changing by the year.

Didn’t know you where Caldari Militia :] this makes things a lot more interesting Xui. See you on the battle field.


Nope, their posts are still up.

But the one who told others to have thicker skin clearly has quite sensitive feelings.

Edit: Flagging my post and not the post which quotes over 90% of it is pointlessly petty, btw.

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