Doesn’t answer the question, however you seem quite happy caring about it:
I don’t want to leave the game i am a current player i will pay for the omega until i can’t once reached that point i gonna move to something else like eve echoes for example
Which one is it? leave or not leave? You’re contradicting yourself.
Eve online =/= Eve echoes
it’s the same and not the same at the same time, you got it?
And i can play it on a phone on spare time
Something about the mining in that from a vod posted makes it seem inferior.
Pretty sure he’s just a EVE staffer in hiding.
The players who are focusing a fair amount of their time and effect to debate towards the players who are expressing their desire to no longer play or even cancel their omega to settle for the alpha game play, well there is a place where their effects could be rewarded in the form of eveonline com/partners
Whether you’re a blogger, streamer, podcaster, third party developer, video creator, or one of many more options than are listed here, the EVE Online Partnership Program is our way of saying thanks and helping you continue to grow your audience and serve the EVE community.
I’ve seen this pattern in too many good software systems. The Epoch O/S of the old Psion Series 5 was allowed to die. I would kill for a phone with the capabilites of my old PS5 without all the Google/Apple/Big Brother clutter.
There is a difference in a troll thread reply and a emotional support reply and if when we read history it serves on the emotional support side of that scale.
Thanks for the refund CCP on all 4 of my accounts. I am no longer paying to play this game. Byeeeee
I think this might also be read ‘…people who are determined to tell us that they’re determined to quit’.
What I find odd is that many of them don’t seem to have been happy with EVE for quite a long time; years, in some cases. Given the lengthening list of disappointments, I feel moved to ask - Why have you waited so long to unsub?
If an admittedly steep price increase ( though limited in its application) is the straw that broke your camel’s back, it would have been prudent (surely?) not to let the creature suffer for so long.
EVE is an addiction. It is intended to be so. The job of game designers is to make their products as un-put-downable as possible. It’s quite an achievement for CCP to have caught and kept you all in the face of your variously stated negative views of the game and its creators.
I am not an apologist for CCP. I don’t regard them as anything more important than creators of an entertainment. Thus, I am not hurt when they do something like this - or fail to do something which perhaps they ought.
Whatever is announced at Fanfest will have to be improbably exceptional in order to soothe so many troubled breasts!
Eh I think you’re not looking at this correctly with your blanket statements. Take ganking for example, which is why I multibox 26… CCP has pushed all my old crew out of the game. The ones that stick around hardly login, but are just discord buddies at this point.
So yeah I could adapt and maybe just gank mining barges or Ventures but with there being less gankers you have to multibox more of you want to kill something like a tanked Orca or a Freighter.
There are fewer individuals ganking today than there were in 2016 and that I’m sure applies to most any activity in Eve Online. What’s the easiest way to cope with not having enough players / characters for an activity? Multiboxing… sometimes to the extreme. This whole situation is a symptom of a problem that CCP has been at fault for.
As someone who runs 26, I can honestly say that I do so out of necessity in order to preserve my ability to participate in gameplay I was able to do before all this. I others that multibox to this extent just to keep up with CCP patching their friends out of the game and it’s just as tiring for them.
So yeah the obvious answer is to trim accounts while locking yourself out of content. It’s not like CCP has done a good job with the NPE for us to be able to pull in new players to replace lost friends. To top it off this price hike is just a bitter pull to swallow for us bitter vets… to see what the game was and what CCP alone has made it into, then to want to hike the price. It’s an insult honestly.
$ bc -l
26 * 15
390 <<<
26 * 20
520 <<<
Not sure if already asked but what if CCP were to bring back the ability to transfer characters between accounts using plex like before?
What if there was a tradable token item in game added to the store where other players can have access to trade such?
The opportunity is on our doorsteps to retain the pilots and their skillpoints.
I used to pay $ for Omega on 5. The other 21 were SP farming. I go through stints of burnout and frustration because of it as well. I very much agree that it’s an addiction. Really an old addiction to what the game was. Still trying to chase that first “high”. I’m able to get there most days but throughout the years it’s just required more alts in place of friends
Because PA’s not selling any time soon? Worst likely case, they’ll step in and force a management shake-up, but they definitely saw CCP/the EVE IP as a long-term investment, as well as a guidebook on ‘how do you do microtransactions for a western audience?’ Because until recently, CCP really was the bleeding edge of that wave, and PA’s microtransaction model hadn’t been working outside of Asia.
BDO’s started rebounding, and if EVE doesn’t absolutely crater in the next 18 months, they’ll probably have the time to force Iceland to right the ship somehow. Absolute worst case, they use the loss as a tax write-off, blame CCP, shut the company down, and see what they can do with the IP themselves…
… especially if they’re getting any whiffs of the ‘no, really, give us anime cat ears’.
Everything has to change and evolve, like using the new Photon UI…
It’s a work in progress, I am glad it did not end here myself.
have you made use of it yet?
The Photon UI? I used it for a couple of weeks, but reverted because of all of the wasted space. In large-scale fights, I need my screen real estate.
CCP has done a great job knee jerk reacting to pvp content and absolutely smashing any sort of fun gameplay. There are A LOT of players in the same shoes