[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

I haven’t seen it mentioned but I haven’t read all 2800+ responses either. Lol

CCP may very well just be testing to see what the community will tolerate for a price increase as they have the data on when accounts are due for renewals. If it were me, I would choose two consecutive months where my subscription renewals were lowest to test a rate hike. Depending on the ratio of continued subscriptions at the new price vs canceled subscriptions I could then extrapolate how the rate hike might be handled in the remaining months.

The 5 dollar increase would mean that I would need to keep 3 out of 4 accounts to break even. If we use 25k subscribers for example, I would need to retain only 18,750. This obviously is not counting the increase/decrease from Plex sales that may or may not offset the loss of the 6,250 accounts.

This is just theory though and in practice there would be more variables to consider but the basic principle is the same. I do not anticipate seeing a potential retraction for at least a month though while they accumulate the new data and see how it lines up with whatever their longer term strategic plan is (More Micro-Transactions, Paid Expansions, etc).

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RUST is great and I’m currently in love with 7 Days to Die (SP).

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Hah rust is a ton of fun but I can’t find balance. My real life isn’t too friendly to a vanilla rust wipe and a modded server seems like it wouldn’t have that same accomplishment.

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Theres a problem with this purely mathematical way of thought. While this is true on paper, in practice, the less players you have the less likely you are to get new ones, also the price increase might drive people away from the game before they even try it. And you also have to consider the discontentment that it makes among the community. I don’t see how any of this is good, even if they mathematically break even they will lose so much more on the long run.

I do think that reducing the price to 10$ a month would’ve made more sense, alongside announcements that they revert the industry changes to what it was 2 years ago (one can always dream).

Eve needs new players, the tutorial isnt half bad really, at least up to the point where you need to interact with silent mission givers.

Right now they just look like they want to squeeze everything left from those hardcore fans that cant let it go… and i am not sure it isnt the case.


Very apt sum up. Increase in game price with no additional content added nets player a higher price for a lesser game.

I mean to be fair you’re all getting free skins and I just love this quote. “When profits were soaring” Goes to show what’s really important.

If you subscribe all three of your accounts they can all be logged in on the same machine at once. This has always been a thing.

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It costs you more money to buy 500 plex then use that plex to activate omega for 1 month on your account. CCP would love everyone to buy plex to omega your account because that would mean your month just cost you $20 vs $15 (old price). So when the newbies jump in and want that boost in isk they can. And if you want to farm that isk and buy your 500 plex off the market there is someone willing to buy it with RL money and sell it to you in game.

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I do wonder WHAT groundbreaking and revolutionary they will announce at fanfest to justify the price?

Because their hirstory of groundbreaking additions to the core gameplay of eve, well they most likely all failed.

DUST 514? Failed.
EvE Valkyrie? Failed.
EvE Project: Nova? Failed.

sec wars tech demo?


atmospheric flight tech demo?


walking in station?

And even if they come up with something spectacular, who tells us it wont get canceled like basically all their earlier attempts in “biggest expansion ever”- stuff?


How do you know? The right offer they might, Twitter sold out (they had to or face huge legal challenges and costs) for the right price.

You would sell yourself out for the right price too I bet.

Because you don’t buy a long-term investment, then divest in only 4 years.

Bezos doesn’t have enough money.

And miss a good offer they may never see again? Eve is in the tail end of decline, Peak Eve was 2013.

I bet he has a lot of data on you already. You already sold out.

And they began negotiations years after that. Moreover, if you check the earning reports, EVE’s bottom line has held pretty steady or grown, Year-over-year, even with the Blackout misstep.

I’m sure he does have data on me. That doesn’t mean I’ve sold out, only that I’ve allowed some data to be out there on the net. I tend to pay attention to what information I put out, though.

You might be surprised at the output of a GDPR data request. But you’ve already done that, right?

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Not being an EU citizen or living in the EU, I don’t have the right to file a GDPR data request. But, you know, making an effort to be informed means I know that. :stuck_out_tongue:

And what is the driver of that growth? Perhaps now is the time it stops going up and PA take more notice.

If subs goes down, that means PLEX bundle sales will have to sustain it. Everytime it appears to cause a drop panic, we see discount offers pushed?

They can always do the political PLEX marketing again to sell more and reduce tax liabilities (people forget they can also reduce their tax liabilties on any charitable spending, it’s not just for companies).

Well, given the trend in population numbers, it’s pretty clearly been more money from fewer people, so it’s likely microtransactions and/or PLEX sales.

It’s not even true on paper. It hinges on the flawed assumption that existing players can pay more than they already do. Baring some kind of rare economic boom with wages increasing across the board, they simply don’t.

Digital entertainment services require a post-industrial way of thinking.
1 more customers is ALWAYS better, because the company is simply copying their own existing data, at no additional cost
2 an individual customer is only worth an X amount of dollars (CCP isn’t controlling the customers wages after all)
3 you rank your customers in tiers, for how much they are worth and have offers at all price points
4 you don’t raise prices, but rather, you add new things to sell
5 failure to do number 4, effectively means making your digital service a worse experience within the customer tiers, while your service still exists at an infinite supply on your own end.


Actually the UK price point has been treated as special, it was given an increase in 2020, and it never follows the base conversion rate. So wind your neck in and move on.