So what if it takes a few minutes more to calcuate, it’s not a high performance calculation that requires breakneck speed. It would be more informative and accurate.
And how do you even know what account belongs to whom, you can quite easily get statistics from a poll or how many accounts are bound to a single email adress, but you cant check for sure how many acounts belongs to a single person. Statistics are easier and very much good enough.
They can know from their data, they fingerprint every machine login EVERY TIME along with the source address and accounts and payments. They know more about you than you do.
See here A History of EVE Database Server Hardware - #82 by Emotional_Support_Clown
But seeing the avg. numbers of the Fans who are visiting FF is also interesting.
Eve Whale Fest.
But ok, you can say the biggest Fans are going to visit there in person so, no offense…
But still really hard… takes a lot of ppl with just one account and one char to balance it out to average.
Didnt watch it all, was there a mention how many REAL player there are? like unique mail adresses etc?
first number i did see was below 10 k something above 8k … but only did see it briefly… came back when they just switched it so not sure if it was the number for that or something else
I know at least two people there who think this game is an absolute pile of garbage, they are there to meet with people with which they have things in common, build friendships/alliances etc.
Probably still not an accurate estimate, as people could theoretically create a new account with a new email address under a different or same name using a VPN.
The machine is likely the same, so the machine hash would be a match. There is quite a few components listed in the hash.
I would assume a committed role player would use multiple computers for that, but I guess two people could be sharing a computer theoretically as well (getting a college room mate into the game or something idk).
Have CCP come out and actually stated the number of unique players in the game?
I think posting company economic related information is a double edge sword for them so they simply don’t, except very fague data if it looks good for them.
One that is mostly visible is what they emit on the API as player count but, it’s also vague.
They didn’t even state the distribution of OS platforms used even though they went big PR on MacOS, unless I missed it but I was watching for the word “Linux” .
The price increase is likely the only economic information we need. Apparently flooding the game with skins for ships didnt bring enough money in to compensate for the drop in numbers since 2013. I’m guessing they’ve been spending like they’ve got 60k players paying, when in reality there’s under 30k playing and many of those aren’t spending one thin dime with CCP.
Divide by 3 to get a more realistic number perhaps.
Can we get a thread, or a poll. Or some semi accurate way of seeing how many subscriptions ccp has lost over their room temperature iq? The biggest shame of all for fanfest this year is that the crowd didnt just get up and leave or rush the stage and slap the head devs for being so stupid
Well Played CCP,
you said “wait for fanfest”.
now i wait to get told “we did mean fanfest 2023… or 2024”
jokes on us
The slides showed Q4 2022.
Back 2018 there where slides showing Q4 2018 too… .still waiting…
so BS or will be removed Q1 2023…
Nowhere, most likely.
As long there are enought ppl willing to throw even more Money at them… why bother?
Hope pays well for them. So why deliver more ?
I still see CCP working to develop the game. The devs to me appear to be nice people. CCP even said they are going to expand the game via lore that personally gets me happy as a lore guy I am emotionally invested into what happens to my nation and so on.
I can see a parallel between CCP’s new way to expand the game and what Startrek online does as they also create new chapters and whatnot. I always go back to experience those new chapters but god Star Trek Online is grind fest on steroids guys steer clear from that XD
The game isnt worth the $30pm I’m going to have to fork out for now, Will I renew my sub? Not sure, having a hard think about it tbh,
after i waitet for fanfest - as they asked to… and after seeing that…
not even for 15$… 15 rubles would be reasonable… or no better…
i pay them a coffee per month instead of any money, would even pay a Starbucks Coffee for them,
maybe than they wake up finnaly.