Dontcha know devs only work on Synthetic Coffee.
is it worth 11$ USD over 2 years?
Now they want an avocado toast as well as the starbucks coffee
For anyone who was around in 2000 there are several companies that felt that way too and are gone…Yahoo! anyone??? Maybe you want to AskJeeves for a website. Greed is not always a good thing when you don’t pay attention to what your customers say. A company that thinks raising a price is good and ignores the customers is basically a Restaurant that goes out of business.
Nothing talked about at fanfest even remotely worth a 33% increase in prices.
If anything the game is worth less than 2 years ago, and nothing announced will make up the difference
after the wait for fanfest BS i even dont feel 9,86$/month over a year on discount anymore…
nah, first i watch the ppl with 20 alts and whole alt corps get milked some more
and maybe its more fun with just 10k player -but this time real player.
so true
So, everything announced at FF 2022 is coming Q4 2022?
The justification of the 33% price increase should have been THE NUMBER ONE point on Key Notes.
I have 4 Accounts and everything is getting more expensive for everyone. And as a EU citizen i pay with €. So iam basically paying the more then guys who pay 20$…and people in UK are paying even ■■■■■■■ more in terms of value.
So how can you not talk in the slightest about this and why…no new content since years. No content is finished right. Missions are the ■■■■■■■ same since 19 years. That you wanna tackle FW is good. And UI team seems to be the only team who IS actually working. But some new Wormhole Content or finishing like Triglavian Content or Drifters. Doing some drifter incursions or so or whatever…but NOTHING.
I already know over 10 people that quit their multiple accounts. In the end you will loose way more money then you got from that price charge…I really dont understand how you calculate these things.
There is no way that you cant read the comments of the community and read the room how people feel about it. Or are you thinking “eve players always just criticize”. We are definitly a special community but we still love the idea of the game. I know people that stoped playing eve in 2015 but STILL look into all eve things. You are about to loose your community…
But if you dont want to read all that blabber i put it simple.
You want more money, you have to justify that and deliver something…but what you actual delivered dont justify a price increase of 5€…in no way.
I wont stop play because i have still people in the game that i enjoy the time in eve but i will cut down some accounts…and i think many people will do this.
EVE FF 2022 Keynote major announcements and delivery dates
Commitment to regular releases
- Full Mac OS Support replacing Wine client – Delivered
- DX9 superseded - Delivered
- DX12 implementation - ‘Bring out EvEs colors’ – Delivered and Ongoing
- Reflections – Delivered
- LOD Improvements - Delivered
- AMD Fidelity FX and Free Sync - Sched for 2022
- Faction Warfare - Major updates - Next release and ongoing for years
- Releases moving from Quadrants to Arcs that are player driven impacting new ships, modules and skills - Announced as initiated, may see in next release.
- AIR Career Program - Revamp of skill management system - Release QTR / Year not given
- Free Expert Systems for Completing Career Agent Missions includes 1M SP – Release QTR / Year not given
- Deep Dive into the Brain - Remove Character Traits, replace Skill Training with Free SP – Release QTR / Year not given
- UI Button overhaul – Release QTR / Year not given
- NEOCOM Overhaull – Release QTR / Year not given
- Expansion of EvE Everywhere – Release QTR / Year not given
- Spanish localization - Well on our way in development – Release QTR / Year not given
- EvE to Excel - Export EvE data to Excel In early phase-- Release QTR / Year not given
- Mega Asteroids as scenery, NOT Mineable being developed – Release QTR / Year not given
- Lit Particles 'Early Days" – Release QTR / Year not given
- External Station docking module for docking animation - Work in progress - Release QTR / Year not given
- Heraldry - Elements of achievement - A vision - Alliance Logos on Ships, Achievement based holograms and attachments on ships, Structure alliance logos and banners, Structure ambience holograms, fully customize able ship and structure skins all acquired through a new Interbus Credit system --Release QTR / Year not given
- Unified Fitting window - a more interactive fitting window – Release QTR / Year not given
- Multi Account Benefits - Email, Launcher, MFA improvements, Tiered rewards and discounts - High Priority and Fairly long roadmap – Release QTR / Year not given
- Hangar Experience - See other ships docked, see many of your ships docked too shown in Gray Box - – Release QTR / Year not given
- Super Capital Hangar experience - shown in concept art - Larger version of Hangar experience – Release QTR / Year not given
- Docking bay update - interactive Station Services, Aura, Star Map and more – Release QTR / Year not given
- Station status displayed in lighting environment – Release QTR / Year not given
Sooooo, pretty much all stuff that’s already done and doesnt affect gameplay and the rest is mostly irrelevant since we have no idea when. Bottom line is, they dont tackle the real problems, they promise some whatever particle effects which might be cool but no gameplay improvement.
Yup, i had no expectation and i am still disapointed.
And thus, not actually announcements for this FF, but part of the ‘look what’s already been done!’
The issue I see is that Eve Online offers players the abilty to become a hoarder in New Eden and by doing such looks like it had created it’s own reasons for such plex and price increase.
Now this new achievement type currency that is said to hold no plex value other than player completion/progression looks a lot like it will be added and available to omega pilots only forcing the plex price increases onto alpha hoarder pilots that play just to collect NES or Market type items.
I see that the game is changing more and more to become pay to play maybe you guys should cancel the alpha and let only be omega good idea right ? :3
Yes and a lot of the future promises wrapped up in ‘Early in development’, ‘Well along’, ‘Early in the process’… Some of the future plans were just concept renders. The vast majority was about environment visuals, audio and UI updates mostly used while docked.
So, need a 33% increase to pay for all the future plans.
Eve isn’t dead yet, they didn’t mention “Linux” once at fanfest.