[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

Good choice.

Initially you get next to nothing out of Omega, when starting out as a newbie. You won’t have the prerequisite skills for the fancy stuff, or the ISK. You won’t even have the required standings for doing lvl4 missions either.

Just skill up for free, up to 5 million skillpoints and maybe get some alpha injectors in-game for ISK to skill up faster and beyond 5 million SP.

The best perk of Omega is having two at once, for the purpose of dual-boxing 2 accounts. Distant second is cloaked ships. The rest is meh. Mining and PI suck and are there for heavy multi-boxers.

I mean you get x2 training speed (or rather halved training while alpha)
And if you like mining that career is limited to the venture alone for alphas, for haulers you only have T1 industrials. So a full alpha account is only really good at doing combat stuff, like lvl 3 missions.

Don’t mine. Seriously.

The real draw is faction warfare and piracy in low. Alpha ships are perfect for this. Then there’s sites and anomalies, especially during events.
Exploration is still on the table too, with Herons being so throwaway cheap and space being so empty lately.

So 2X training speed…consider alpha injectors instead, especially if you still have a sub 5 million SP character you like to train on that account. Omega precludes alpha injectors and also stops the free alpha training, while that combination is actually the most cost effective SP option in the game. Also no worries about risking expensive skill implants or sub-optimal attribute remaps. It just works, as long as you’re alpha.

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I agree alphas are great PVErs and PVPers they can fly t1 stuff. t1 logi and other simple tackle. Omega really unlocks the industry and advanced side of EVE.

I really enjoyed doing lv 4 distribution missions as an alpha. Shame CCP took them away because of Botters :frowning:

Such a sad but accurate quote these days.

I was planning on coming back to check out the game and saw ii have to pay £20 now for 30d omega, or like 2.6bil isk.

What a shame, guess ill find another game to resurrect

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Aloah everyone.
Sometimes the old rule to oversleep certain things before acting in the heat of the moment works quite nice.

After sorting out my emotions I’ll give some simple thoughts:

If CCP can make economic decisions I’ll can make them too…and adapt.
I have two Omega accounts (and one Alpha). This one had a six month (automated) subscription which I cancelled. Runs out in August.
The other account account has a 12 month subscription which I didn’t cancel…I have plenty time for that.
Now I have enough time to figure out if my setup is able to provide me enough money to plex this account on a regular basis from August onwards. I’ll calculate with 4B/month (less player, less plex, higher prices). If yes the next question would be: Is it still fun or does it turn into a second job. If it is no fun I will think about it if the money difference from before to now is worth the effort. If not…well you know the drill.
I’m in the lucky position that for me the money is not the main concern. For me its more a question of principles from a consumer perspective. So at the moment you can say: There will be less money from my side. Does thas mean less money for CCP? Well, depends because if I plex, someone other gave (more) real money compared to a periodic subscription.

General thoughts:
There will be an impact on the community and the game itself. No doubt about that.
How huge it will be is hard to tell. Personly I suspect a continuing decline after a certain dip down concerning user count.

I think the real issue will be seen in 3 - 6 months. First, because in summer the user counts are always lower especially now after the pandemic is feasable to a certain degree (at least the first world countries). Keep that in mind if discussions starts after this price rise.
Second: I do think a lot of players in the community have longer subscription periods than one month because of their own agenda/playstyle: They have a longer planning horizon and that’s why they took the longer subscription periods which saved them money on top (compared to a monthly subscriptions). These long term subscription run out in months. So plenty time to plan ahaed.
Even if all the players cancelled their subscriptions like in my example months before the re-newal (to set a sign of disapproval) does not mean they won’t renew their subscription (that means make a new one) when the time draws near. Especially if CCP feeds the community with discounts.
Someone pointed out from a business perspective it is dumb to rise prices and try to hold the customers with dicounts. Well, it is true on the first view. On the second view we all know that in Eve the biggest business opportunity is the laziness (or cost benefit analysis) from some of our fellow community members. And this fact you can convert to a certain degree with the subscriptions. There will be people who are to comfortable with current state of things (or see an opportunity to increase their dominion) to cancel their subscription or go to a longer subscription period to reduce the higher subscription price.

General remark for fellow players with budget issues:
If you want to continue with the game, cancel your current monthly subscription, choose the subscription period of your choice (e.g. 6 months). Save every month one sixth of this amount until you reach it and buy a subscription (and cancel the automated renewal). During the saving time perhaps you can affort to plex one or two months. But the money is still yours and if you need it for your private expenses the money is there so use it (until you hit the subscription button of course :wink: ). And if you combine the subscription period and plex I think you will have the same expenses compared to now: Pay for a period subscription of your choice like I described before, Use this time to buy plex worth on or two months, after expiring the “plex-month(s)” renew your subsription. I think with this strategy you will pay the same or perhaps less on a yearly basis than now.
And during this journey you always can decide if this game is worth your time, money and mental health.

Fly safe guys

I’m really amazed by you guys.
If you find irony in this sentence…you may keep it… for free!

Just because ccp is dumb. They raise prices because lol but here guys you get the benefits of paying old sub price.

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You want comments?

How is this?

And no, you can’t have my stuff.

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3,000 posts complaining about the price increase.

Now we will get another 3,000 complaining about a price increase that applies only to the first account.

The Eve community is special, just not in the way people might think.


Something Awful

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they why raise prices in the first place?

can i have your stuff ?

-5 omega accout

4 x skill extractor + 500plex, per account is it not enough???

From reading this thread it seems the vast majority of you sub one month at a time. From CCP’s perspective the price increase makes perfect sense, even if only the first account pays it.

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If they want less customers it does indeed. But i dont think this is any company’s goal.

CCP is a subsidiary of a larger company, and also a subsidiary that lost $9 million over the last two years.
I find it remarkable that so may people make the assumption that CCP had any choice in the matter.

The price increase was boneheaded, poorly executed and I think pushed on them.

It also makes zero difference, this thread can grow to 10,000 posts the price change is not going away.

Any type of roll back would buy them the worst of everything. Loss of revenue and it would not gain them back any of the lost goodwill. The reaction to the multi account discount is proof of that.

Ah the typical ‘it wont change anything’ argument. Is wrong on so many levels, how could any company knows why the people giving them money are mad? Stopping subs is a way to show you’re not happy with something but telling them AND stopping subs is much more powerful. It’s like saying ‘shut up if you’re not happy with the politicians’. Sure a single voice wont do anything but a collective will.

If you are the owner of a shop and losing money, the last thing you should do is alienate your loyal customers. This only precipitates the fall.


Unless you allow it to roll into Alpha.