ok does not address what i said.
This price increase is terrible and there is zero justification for it. CCP is literally doing nothing with Eve-Online for new content. Itâs just terrible balance changes, and maintenance. Canceled my subscription and wonât be coming back to the game.
Iâd add, if you NEED to save money for your EvE sub, maybe you should consider not subbing in the first place. Which is why CCP shot themselves in the foot.
The only decent deal is the 3 month offer. Itâs up by 24% but itâs still the least bad sub on offer.
The 1 or 2 years options basically turn players into captive audiences, or most of it will simply go unused.
Holidays abroad, busy work periods and just plain old breaks from the game: youâll want to work around these.
You can do that with one or two 3 month subs a year in combination with some PLEX hoarding for short 1 month periods. Maybe even take up the occasional opportunity like the quick $10-month sale, after the announcement, but before the price hike. Alpha status for the rest of the time. This is the cheapest option and without the commitment.
Thatâs like working around petrol price increases, you just have to save up to buy petrol to run your car.
Yeah basically itâs like making less use of the car and when you do, you combine several groceries on one trip.
Buying PLEX (with ISK) isnât so bad when you have found a good in-game activity and the actual time to play. Otherwise not so much.
Then itâs bicycle for when youâre not really doing anything.
I can sub to Eve-Online for $20 a month, and I get the impression that for 99% of the users in this thread, the $20 is the non-issue. The problem with the price increase is that it is absurd and completely unjustified. Itâs a terrible business decision in a long line of really bad decisions from CCP that show a pattern of incompetence and being out of touch with their playerbase, and just not understanding anymore how to run their own game. I am bowing out of this game because its part of a long string of issues that show that Eve Online is a sinking ship that is stagnant and going no where positive.
Doesnât the six month deal come out to be the original price of the monthly sub? Or am I missing something?
$0.50 cheaper than the original monthly sub, so basically yes.
You guys might as well do your next thread and saying you are shutting down cause that is where this is going.
COD doesnt even money grab like this at least they provide some cools skins you actually wanna own and that others can see.

The problem with the price increase is that it is absurd and completely unjustified.
I agree the real source of outrage and anger here is the fact in my view CCP has done nothing to advance the Triglavan/EDI war. It really fell flat with pochven in my opinion. This and the combined history of CCP so I can really see why people are so angry

Doesnât the six month deal come out to be the original price of the monthly sub? Or am I missing something?
Yup! And I have been very consistent here. Itâs highly unlikely CCP will reverse course on this price hike. So we must adapt. @Sasha_Nemtsov made a great post about money saving also that I resonate with.
EVE is a luxury game. Itâs entertainment. Some people here assert that somehow a space pixel video game is above all else. When times get tough or external factors like this happen people need to change and adapt spending habits. Patience and living within your means are key to good money habits. I get why people are angry! They have a very valid reason to be!
I base my views that CCP is unlikely not going to change course on this change and the most logical choice as consumers is to buy omega in bulk.
Because if your here playing EVE. An entertainment product like anything else a person likely is doing well off or has disposable money to throw at things like this. I donât think this is unreasonable to infer.

Because if your here playing EVE. An entertainment product like anything else a person likely is doing well off or has disposable money to throw at things like this. I donât think this is unreasonable to infer.
That has to be the best quote in the whole thread.
The first thing to leave peoples bills under hard times are the luxuryâs and entertainment costs. This baffles me why a price hike now? I understand Iceland has very low heating bills compared to the rest of the world generally speaking, but the cost of everyday items must be going up. I am sure CCP understand this.
Well itâs there business and we are there customers. The game is only worth what people are willing to pay. For me I have let all my accounts move into Alpha (Alpha is rubbish after Omega and No you cant have my stuff). It can stay that way until I can afford to pay for them or I loose interest.
Over 3600 points of view in this thread and someone from CCP is reading everyone I am sure. I am from the UK and we are well known for queuing quietly and voting with our feet ( when we are really mad we tend to wright an angry letter, did that to the CEO (no reply or acknowledgement).
I only have four accounts but money is in my account bitches
Love and peace

CCP is reading everyone I am sure
If that was not sarcasm, I am afraid you may be giving them too much credit.
I do my best

we are well known for queuing quietly
Murphys Law - âThe longer you are standing in a queue, the greater the probablility you are standing in the wrong queueâ.
As you say, the running costs for CCP have gone up but wonât effect them as they just pass them down the line onto the customers whose cost of living has gone up aswell, a double whammy for the customer. EVE is no longer a leisure game, but a luxury game.

CCP has done nothing to advance the Triglavan/EDI war.
4th June spotted Trig fleet forming, the clues are popping up.
Good Job CCP. You raised the price 33%, and I reduced my accounts by 66%. So far. Who knows? Maybe 100% after I think about it.
This is an absurd price for this game.

You ignorant git. If someone is having trouble paying for it monthly they are hardly going to have the cash for a lump sum.
Unfortunitly the best solution at that point is wait 11 months they pay the amount they where going to pay to CCP into a savings area and play as an alpha in this time then when the 12th month comes buy a full year at the discounted rate, and then they are saving what would be a lot of money to them.
Itâs expensive for me being in a 3rd world country I was going to pay with isk/plex but then plex jumped up by 40% so stuff that -_-, lucky I have savingâs so am doing the 1 year option, 2 years im scared of as Iâm not sure where eve will be in 2 years.
If you pay for eve monthly it works out to 10% of a 3rd world countries monthly income its a pretty terrible rate, the yearly rate at 6% is still rough but do-able.

As you say, the running costs for CCP have gone up but wonât effect them as they just pass them down the line onto the customers whose cost of living has gone up aswell, a double whammy for the customer. EVE is no longer a leisure game, but a luxury game.
They easily cover the costs + more on just skins alone. Nothing to pass down the line lol.

So, I am supposed to max out or go over my credit limit
WAIT WHAT your going into debt why have 10 accounts then. Is it null requirements?