[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

They dont want it to die. They want us, those that have, remember, and give a ■■■■, to leave. Then they can sell everything for cash. ■■■■ grinding i can buy my whole battleship fleet for $200.00. Trash.

I bet you most of the players complaining here are super hoarders who have 15 years worth of plex if they converted their assets to isk. I’m sure CCP can see that too. Go sell your shtuff and buy plex.

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well cant help but notice there are more and more people selling there isk for real money its gotten to the point where 500plex (1 month omega) is worth $11.4 cant help but think this change is just loosing ccp money since more people will go else where or just not spend money on the game anymore. (this does not mean i support isk to irl money trades just that ik the numbers)

The first mistake was making players reevaluate the value of the services provided.

The second is doing this on the back of 2 years content drought and hostile game development.

Fanfest failed to deliver a engaging and emotional argument of Why Eve is the game to play in 2022->2023.

EvEs value propersition right now is the community, not the content, and CCP don’t have the good will with the community to cash out on that.

Now it might be that at CCP are hiking the price to give financial headroom for content creation, to then deliver on the investment… But you’ve taken 2 years of money, you don’t get to do that , you have to build the circus and bring it to town before you can charge at the gate.

That said, the price change is coming… What is CCP going to do in the immediate future to make the value proposition more favourable? Enhanced skill training(tripple the training time), built in mtc for 1 alt? (free training queue for 1 additional character), better log in rewards and some grace on them? (let me log in every 3 days to grab them).

That’s the issue here, you’re not serving or seeking to serve your customers, you are gaping wide a ravenous mouth, with hands on your fat gut, expecting for your wine and grapes as we’re expected to provide it. What work have you done to earn your keep? Because I don’t see it.


To add some further analysis , so the buisness model is;

dominately free to play with a dependance on microtransaction and subscribed accounts with a inferred knowledge of multi-Omega account holders for multi-boxing.

The free to play accounts and the microtransaction revenue stream they interact with hasn’t been effected by price increases, therefore I’d say that’s evidence CCP do not see this as a stable and engaged enough system to seek further monitization.

So we go with the approach they did take, levying Omega accounts further, but a price increase will only price multi-account holders out of that habit and also increase the jump between Alpha and Omega players.

IMO the call would have been to lower the price, further enabling the habit of alts and making it easier for Alpha to become Omega. Less friction = more flow.

Or we could have left it the same but increase the value propersition.

We squeeze where we think we’ll get juice.


Afraid they not getting it, my bicycle now has a few hundred pounds worth of extra gadgets instead that would have gone to CCP. Plus playing Elden ring instead, excellent game.


That’s the issue for CCP, people will move on and not return.


What I also find a bit sneaky is that 12x Multiple Character Training costs 199 €. A second account for 12 months would cost 149,90 €.
Such “offers” lower CCP’s reputation for me.


My thoughts there is that their trying to incentivise Omega over training alts, as they can represent it as more active users and show investors/Pearl Abyss growth.


Dropping eve did free me up for a lot of other stuff. Elden ring being a prime example. Great game. And therein lies the issue for ccp. CCP is hellbent focused on pve, adding instances and on the rails events etc. . . But if I want to play pve games, there are so many pve games there are better then eve. At least for me, eve was all about player interactions, the meta game and everything else that went with it. In eve good pve, was things that prompted player interaction and pvp. But since CCP chose a different path, it just clarified for me that it was time to leave.


In games , pvp’ers are the wolves, pve’ers the sheep. The sheep outnumber the wolves so eventually get their way.

That is not what I was saying, or the conversation was about. It is about that some people think people are complaining about the price increase because they can’t afford the sub by month to month. For some people they cant. They are saying since it is cheaper to sub for 1 or 2 years then save money and such. Well for 10 accounts that puts it at 1500 or 2700 bucks to sub all my accounts. That begs the question am i suppose to max out my card or go over my credit limit so I can get my eve subs at the lost cost? I have no issue paying the current month cost just choose not to like many people have which is partly why subs are back down to old costs for alts.


O I see my bad. I do agree It would be in CCP’s best interest to cut off some of the early curve to like 14 for 1 month to 12(pm) for 1 year or 11(pm) for 2 years and give a 20% discount to all linked accounts or something CCP is pricing 1 char as an eve experience when the eve experience is including alt’s for a lot of people.

If I had to do quick math for you situation that would be 11 for your main and 8.8 per alt 2164 for 2 years but If you have 10 alts I would rather do the 1 year instead.

You can NOT just increase price without proper announcement through personal active mail. You can`t expect everyone to read this silly forum and passively leech more money. Policy like these will be the final axe swing to your dying playerbase. Who came up with that brilliant idea ? Rollback to what it was and decrease montly fee to EUR 9,99 / mo or it will end after 20 years.

Betting this thread’ll still be awash with unsubs and complaints when I come back again next month to check.
Has CCP even considered rolling this nonsense back, because I doubt that goofy alt-thing is going to save them from this one?
EDIT: Note, subs aren’t necessary for multiboxing: KVM - ArchWiki

Seems to be a variety of non tempting offers currently. I dont see how they can rollback without refunds for people that have spent in the interim. Honestly I just want the 3month/3month deal is all. That has been my buy in.

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Just unsubed my 4 accounts. Going to just sell off my assets and buy PLEX to stay omega - as long as it lasts. Then BYe BYe CCP.

Eve Online is one of my most played games. I’ve been playing it very actively since about 2010 and I’m still enjoying it, and the innovations coming for some groups of players are good too.

But what now robs me of the fun of playing is the subscription model, that you have to pay 20 euros for a month, why does it have to be such a high increase? When I see that a good 10 years ago there were still a good 60,000 players in the game, which of course also has to do with a lot of game changes, and today there are maybe 30,000 players. You should think twice about continuing down this path. They’ve lost so many players to game changes and other things.

CCP is doing you a favor, reconsider and listen to your players. in particular which content is important and what needs to be changed. Now there is also a price increase that chases away the players in the long term. Don’t we have enough problems in the world that weigh us down and make us think? Now it’s even more expensive to play. I hope you reconsider your subscription model.

fly safe

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See, CCP are making enough profit without growth.
On the other hand, coming back to the game after a break, the community in game has become boring. 1 guy sitting in a rorq with 10 alts mining isn’t a community and isn’t engaging.
There was a time when you’d have 1 guy in a rorq with 10 other people mining.
Eve was essentially a chat client at that point, but it was fun to sit in space zapping rocks and chatting with new friends.

The excessive multiboxing is definitely having a negative effect of the game.
I suspect they’ve done the math to figure out that at this price, people will happily sit at 2-3 accounts. But you’re not going to have 10 boring af zombie alts pretending to be a corp.

It’s not solving the issue of bums on seats though, instead of one player with 10 accounts logged in you’ve got one player with 5 accounts logged in. What you want is 5 players with 5 accounts logged in but without content and with an increase in subscription cost that is never going to happen.

CCP need to realise it’s bums on seats that will prolong the game, I’d argue dropping the subscription cost would have been a better move.

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