[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

Structures are damn good content. They might be less expensive then most ships you bring to clap them, or some of the ships that show up to defend them, but once the structure’s gone, there will be alot less non-friendly players in that area.

Rorqual play is only good when you can go to sleep with your Rorqual crabbing. With neuts around that’d be difficult, so remove them and you can have your rorqual crab again, and better afk ishtar-ing experience, too.

Caps are there to be scary only (as in psychological warfare), the 50 Legions lagging out a defense fleet means I don’t get challenged while taking down that non-blue player generating citadel, too. If I was to face opposition, I’d likely lose a legion or two or maybe even all of them, who knows, and each of the Legions is almost as expensive as the structure, so that was a “poor fight”. Nah, just lag them out and then clap the structure while watching netflix.
The reason I wrote Legion over e.g. ferox is that the ferox would need to hit F1 again once the guns went into reload, but a Legion can fire for an age with it’s lasers.

No blops fun? Man, nothing cleans space out more efficiently then blopsing on everything that undocks within blops range of your stage. You need to teach those neutrals that when one of your toons appears in local, it’s time for them to dock up and log off.

On the longer run, that will cause them to run back to empire space, and I can have a better experience watching netflix while my alts are all afk ishtar-ing.

Nah, manufacturing miners make income based on the prices of minerals they process. Say they can sell a T2 armor hardener for XX% more isk then the price of the materials required to build it (or rather XX% higher then 0.1% of the price to build 1000 hardeners), then the miners make more isk when the materials get expensive and less isk when they get cheaper, as the competition will force the miner to lower his prices.

The introduction of in-space compression, especially for moon ore, has caused the material prices to collapse, fueled by a massive ehp buff on barges which made them less vulnerable to “casual gankers” (opposed to 50+ account input replicating alpha abusers), which means those industry miners can’t plex their accounts any more with some module production. This is good, because they’re miners and the game would be much better off w/o them.

If the absence of miners causes the “casual gankers” to stop playing because they can’t find any content any more, that’s just fine, too. Those lowsec fw nerds would have gone for my afk ishtar after they got bored of ganking Retrievers otherwise.

It was meant to be.

Price went the wrong direction. If it would have went down, i would have send more money in total to CCP than before by subbing more accounts. Now that it went up, i will not renew anything and instead invest in another game.


Smh, legit just came back with a ton of enthusiasm to get back in only to see this… Back to Star Citizen the unfinished utopia.

Good job Evolving yourselves out of business

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wow, I haven’t played in a long time and was getting the itch to start playing again until I saw the $20 sub…that’s crazy I’ll check back in a few months to see if you guys decided to lower it yet. In 2022 there really should be NO sub or $5 max. The most successful games out there are free and make money purely on cosmetics. Real free to play brings in a much larger player base, even if they never spend a penny they bring value to the game by making the game active. It’s a joke to call this free to play when free players have half the tank+dps as sub players. Make your money on cosmetics or charge a sub for convenience features that don’t affect pvp (like an ingame zkillbaord). Or setup some interesting pvp tourneys that can be streamed to bring in new players.

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Were do you get your reasoning from?

Most consumers know EVE is a free to play game with a premium that makes you better in game CCP doesn’t really hide that fact lol.

Many FTP games don’t restrict gear, but you can buy it alot quicker with cash, making them FTP P2W.

Why spend 10 hours in game to earn a ship/equipment, when you can pay for it instead, by working for 1 hour IRL ? This is why F2P P2W games suck.

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Except, that is the majority of players in this game. Always has been.
Carebears have been cry the same tears since 2003, yet here we still are.

When you refer to carebears are you talking about pink carebears, or the batshit crazy evil carebear , normally found in mining belts across EVE that shuns competitive behavior and believes that PVP’ers are socio-paths needing professional help ?

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It’s not about the tank or dps. It’s about the number of alts you can drop in.

Most other games claim to ban multi-accounting when they basically don’t care. However, the game mechanics will favour quick reaction speeds. Eve on the other side has it’s 2 seconds thing, introduces TIDI when you bring enough alts, gives subscripton discounts to multi-accounters and CCP openly calls multi-accounting the right way to play eve

Why spend 10 days trying to find a player to pew pew with in null where everyone hides and docks up trembling in fear of your kestrel, when you can just RMT a day worth of work into a dreadnaught and the whole null constellation will CTA on you?

Good for you, I dont :slight_smile:

Thats not my fault. You can pay to catch up these days.

kind of exactly what I’m asking for. I have no need to “catch up”, I just want the option to pay for faster training time with my monthly subs, overall. Not buying skill injectors/extractors as I said in my first post.

To each their own. If you have all your desired SP this wouldn’t affect you nor harm you.

WIN WIN :slight_smile:

Speeding up skills training? - New Citizens Q&A - EVE Online Forums

This read might help. Google is your friend.

Read it many times before. My recommendation stands. Thanks for your input though.

Then why do you want even more?

Wall Street 30th Anniversary - “Greed is Good” Clip - YouTube

Oh that’s an easy one to answer, training time is not fast enough for my liking and I would prefer a better option then skill injectors/extractors.

See, simple :slight_smile:

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Greed is good! Thats your only reason?

How ever you want to frame it, tis of no concern to me. Enjoy your day!

Don’t worry, at the rate the games going, CCP might be willing to try anything to keep from losing more players.