[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

Can I have your stuff?

But thats exactly what EVE is, right?

Now, yes. But that’s not how it used to be.

well, I had to cut back on the alts… now only have 1 main and 1 alt and I am most certainly considering selling it all and just dumping all the isk into 1 char…

Wouldn’t call them evil. They’re too whiny to be evil. But they’re definitely pink…os.

Yeah we can only hope they try something (that players asked for) to keep this game afloat.

There would definitely be a market for it, as the biggest ISK ticket on the player market, by far, is skill injectors.

Many players still want to skill up faster. Probably they are mostly newer players, who will also be footing most of the bill anyway, as the multi-boxers now get a discount.

Doesn’t even have to be more skillpoints for dollars, but MMO companies are in the rare luxury position of being able to conjure more of the same digital product out of thin air and call it a better service.

Incredibly foolish of the company not to make use of that position. Practically self-sabotage.


Well-spoken it’s the way the MMO market is now. Their audience is mainly instant gratification people who want to fly this ship now or buy this module now and so on. I can understand the business point of view CCP is in.

They just cater to their biggest audience. If that audience shifted to different values and needs business would follow suit. Depending on what you want as a player they will appreciate dropping 200$+ on instant SP deal. If a person values, the deph of a game like EVE online they will see these kinds of deals as destroying the core of the game.

I have gotten to meet two credit card warriors on a corp level before. Their point of view on spending so much money on a game so fast without experience was shocking…


Not just newer players. Played since 2005 but used skill injectors for newer alts as really cant be bothered to wait years as been there , done that.


whot was their reason to spend a lot of money ?

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I should have elaborated in my post but they were 2 RL friends. I helped guide them in EVE the best I could as a CEO. The guy bought a RNI and got high end modules. He died to a suspect baiter loki during a mission. I SPECIFICALLY told him to watch out for suspect baiters since he was operating in Amarr and had at least 1bil+ His reasoning for spending all the $$$ was to have fun. He wanted to get ahead of everyone with $$$ He had little to no basic experience in EVE yet billions in ships+modules. We eventually parted ways this was around 2018-2019. They eventually quit.

With no data to go by since CCP wont share.

Maybe these are the kinda players CCP wants. Play/pay for a while and leave. But the numbers don’t seem to replace players fast enough. But then again low numbers might not be bad for CCP if enough players dump $$$ into plex as in that example.


Well, I got ganked by CCP , ended up over 2 billion in debt.

Only if you promise to feed it every 24 hours.


server population from mmo server population com
05/22 - population 260111
07/22 - population 175331
looks like they found a solution to server lag… Those population numbers on the graphs looks like they found a shovel and started digging. It is very funny to watch after the fall out after such foolish business practices. Keep on digging you will get to 0 before you know it.

I said in my post the successful ftp games out there make money on cosmetics, not a subscription. If Eve wants to go the subscription route it should be only needed to say fly ships above a cruiser, and include convenience things like faster skill training, starting a corp, maybe a small mining boost, stats/leaderboard page something like zkillboard etc. It should NOT include a combat bonus considering new players want to try pvp out in a frigate/destroyer. And it should be a low price like $5…to tempt more people into subbing…$20 is ******* crazy…watch their sub counts continue to plummet.

That’s sad they encourage this instead of banning them.

This is nothing new.

EVE is not a free to play game it’s freemium.

What is current state of highsec ganking? - #28 by Vokan_Narkar @Vokan_Narkar
This person has excellent reasons why EVE is freeinum not free to play. Alpha is just a demo that has an unlimited time. To experience EVE at its fullest protentional you need to go omega. These servers cost serious monthly/yearly rental and upkeep fees to maintain the whole reason EVE is a subscription game and not a onetime buy is because of the server costs. Selling skins and microtransactions is unstable and can vary.

While this sounds great on paper when you actually get into the numbers, they would lose “a ton” of money if CCP just dropped subscription costs down to 5$ I like many people have their objections to this price increase. We have botched releases, bugged events it goes on and on and I get why people are angry I try to bring some realism to this and looking at this through a business point of view. I am just a simple business undergrad, but I can see the issue CCP is really in. EVE is ageing there are smaller startup games that are eying the single server space MMO genre as technology advances and servers get better there will be more games based on this. Will CCP adapt to keep up? I am not sure myself.

Doesn’t take a degree to know that there are serious issues that we all can see from CCP.


Which is why I shudder to think of EVE with ads.


This would have worked much better as something like what Second Life has recently tried (again? Love Second Life? Get more with Premium and all-new Premium Plus 🌟)
Then some extra revenue might have come in, rather than a possible crash.