[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

A subscription is fine.

The highest sub on the market while also offering pay2win mechanics and cosmetics on top with very lil content and love given for the game, that is what makes people quit.


Prefer the subscription model personally, provided I’m getting regular content updates for my money
 Unfortunately CCP has been removing content recently (scarcity, indy changes, BRM/ESS etc).

All stick no carrot combined with increasing the sub price has not been a good combination!!


its called the rantanplan effect.

Been away for a little over 10 months. Was looking at coming back with my 9 accounts, but after seeing this I shall take my money elsewhere.
$29.50 au/month, that’s $265.50 au/month up from $22au/month ($198 au/month) which is rather steep.

You’re already having huge issues keeping your player base, without a price increase.
If your answer to a dwindling cash flow is to raise prices as compensation due to a dwindling player base, you are severely misguided.

Sadly, this game has just turned into a huge cash sink.
You need to cease with the cosmetic garbage that has no bearing on gameplay, and focus on actual gameplay. People will be more inclined to spend the $$ then.
Good luck for the future.


that is why we have the biggest update eve have ever seen .Just try the new content and enjoy rats on gate scarcity dbs ess vargurs online industry and empty space.And all that for only 29.99 $ per month i think u are been malcontent


20 GOTO 10


I quite like the increase. It has made me fitter as now go out for a ride on my bicycle instead of playing EVE.


Its been awhile since ive posted on the forums, but i might stick to witness the death spiral in real time. CCP saved me money though, i was about to resub until i heard about this.


Well i have moved on and now play No Man’s Sky

Can’t see me coming back


You are kidding right?

I might return in the future to do things I always wanted to do like collect the corpse of my idol Githany the Red to use as a lampshade


I’m so disappointed to post this as I don’t have any time on the forums. I had 8 accounts at my most active but don’t see any reason to sub. The game is overpriced, there is nothing fun about it anymore, and watching fanfest was just depressing.

There are some easy things to do. Fix a few things, get competitively priced, make it exciting again for all these folks that are passionate about this game and want to see it continue on.

I hope CCP figures this out. I really do. I want Eve to continue on but I honestly was thinking about what happens to all my time in the game if this game dies. I hope not. Please do something.



Sorry to interfere but did you look at the multiple account discount ?

I just learned about it lately but if you link your accounts then you have a discount.

Though I hope it’s a permanent discount.

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Hello @Galac_Sticott ,

Does the notion of false discounts speak to you?
To read you, a priori no, alas! 

In France, this is called commercial manipulation.
Generally, it is better to abstain.

Ully Loom

I mean. CCP aint hideing the fact they raised monthly subscription prices BUT also provided bulk purchases to negate that and even get a discount from the former 15$ USD price. So yes bulk purchases speak to me as a consumer. It’s sad that CCP did rase the price but we gotta deal with it or simply quit. So I don’t know what you mean by false discounts? All I see is a bulk purchase option for people who multi box. Yes CCP has been pushing multiboxing this is nothing new.

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I stay in between and i am writing this so that CCP knows that i will resub again when a reasonable promotional discount arrives or when the regular discounts reach a sane level again.
Whatever happens first is up to CCP/Pearl Abyss.

Also i am not seeing the multi-account discounts like in three posts above this
and i have linked in the region of 10+ accounts. So i sit and wait
playing as alpha on one account until something happens.

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A price INCREASE after 3 years without new content and a nerfing spree which made the game super grindy? What are the devs smoking?!

Well, that is one more reason not to come back!


This. I won EVE in early 2021 and i havent regretted it so far. In fact, im happy that i havent financially supported the current development direction of EVE! Paying more for less content 
 that is a rip-off.


CCP, you need to reconsider this. I have already cancelled one account. Just cannot afford 80 dollars per month.

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So you never read the texts? However, they are the foundations of our democracies; for the most recent texts on the French side, and this on the basis of a European directive:

Ordonnance n° 2021-1734 du 22 dĂ©cembre 2021 transposant la directive 2019/2161 du Parlement europĂ©en et du Conseil du 27 novembre 2019 et relative Ă  une meilleure application et une modernisation des rĂšgles de l’Union en matiĂšre de protection des consommateurs - Dossiers lĂ©gislatifs - LĂ©gifrance (legifrance.gouv.fr)

Good reading.

Ully Loom

I am not a lawyer but from the simple surface I fail to see how this is any manipulation at all nothings being hidden.

Players are angry for the lack of content and feel this was unjustified. Something something about CCP running costs, we honestly don’t know the main driver only speculation. Greed? Or hard financial times?

Looking at this through a logical standpoint. There is little we can do frankly the one trait I do admire about CCP is they don’t back down from what they see as valid. So
 What now? Well, CCP hasn’t hidden that while the monthly price is 20$ now. They have provided bulk purchasing to lower the cost back to 15$ a month. Nothings hidden no crazy manipulation. Heck they even provided bigger discounts from the original 15$ a month. My main point is CCP has had a history of being rigid about these things. They will not reverse this or change this from what we see all around we all know this deep down. Eather plex with in game ISK. Or buy omega in bulk. It’s the classic CCP adapt or die here. Trust me I hate this as much as the next person. Plex prices for me have gone up it takes a little more work for me to plex. I don’t want to be insensitive as this increase affects everyone.

Quote me lines from that text but I am not a lawyer so I can’t even to begin with international law. Probably doesn’t even affect CCP as a whole as they are in Iceland not France.