[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

Naw, it was Goons. :smirk:

And thatā€™s what the game used to be about, pick the hardest target and go for it!

Yea Iā€™m not going to fall for that xD The way you speak is very very different.

No one wants the hand shaking, beer spilling, canā€™t even keep a smoke in your mouth kinda combat anymore. Small corps are out. Being part of a null block is what I fought against. No more Robin Hood and merry men is this game anymore. Meh

And I left out the vid where I ganked a fishing boat. It didnā€™t stand a chance! :wink:

O itā€™s still there, just not in null sec.

The way CCP changed null you have to be huge otherwise you get walked over.
So the simplest solution is if you want to be a small group just live in low sec or wormholes.

WHā€™s used to be the biggest boogeyman to me. Now I love them, lol.


Yeah that would be fun losing your freighter carrying billions because you too mean to pay for a webbing alt.


Agree. The only actual vote you have here is your money.

True for many of us. But if we can hold out long enough for Eve to disappear from unprofitability, weā€™re cured.



For me, if they turned Eve into an curses based, rows 58; columns 203 based green screen game, to which you ssh, Iā€™d LOVE it. Donā€™t hide the fact that those are spheres, not complex shapes. Donā€™t hide the fact that those moons, asteroids, stars, etc. are not what you see. Platoā€™s Cave. I still have SOME imagination.

The shakes are amazing. Better with friends, for sure.

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I thought i was your friend

Do any of us really have friends in game? :smirk: :wink:


Yes. The 2 pirates that ravaged me long ago in Anamake were my friends. They got me hooked on EVE. They taught me the excitement of PvP, and a year later, I found out that after much training, revenge was sweet, a dish best served cold.

Did you just kill them or did the right thing and stolen their corp propertyā€¦ maybe both? :thinking: :blush:

You should win (=quit) the game, once you figure it out.

The glamour of EVE is when youā€™re new and you donā€™t understand everything thatā€™s going on around you, but youā€™re still learning new things.

Once you figure out how the whole thing works, it loses itā€™s appeal.


Isnā€™t that with all games? XD I mean for example I just learned to PVE in Elite Dangerous. Then I found out Elite Dangerous is a horrible grind fest. BEFORE I learned to PVE I saw Elite Dangerous as a pretty cool game with so much to explore. Then I did alot of background research and found out the game is pretty simplistic with just grind on top of grind to get the best stuff.

Anyways back to EVE. Once you figure out the basics of the game you do realize how small/big EVE is. Gosh I am teaching many old established vets things they never learned XD But yes once you figure out how ANY GAME works it can lose its appeal I agree. What keeps me in EVE is the friends I made.

Pretty much isā€¦ Which is what these new players donā€™t understand. They constantly want you to tell them where and when are they supposed to go, what are they supposed to do there and how to do it completelly missing the point that you are supposed to figure all this yourself because that is the only thing that the game offers. Once you know everything, it is just a grind. Which these players also dislike and quit the moment they realize they must grind same dungeons X times to get top gearā€¦


A 59.9% increase (Ā£10.00 to Ā£15.99) in your subscription price is unjustifiable, most peopleā€™s salaries havenā€™t increased by 59.9% (I wish) nor are they projected to increase by anywhere near that amount, even when you take into account that the subscription price hasnā€™t changed for some time and current general inflation. The content of the product youā€™re offering also hasnā€™t increased by 59.9% either.

The gaming market is an incredibly competitive market, who ever in your company suggested this would be the correct business move should consider studying Economics and the Computer Games market a little more closely or perhaps find themselves a new role.

Best of luck.

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