[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

With the entire scarcity debacle and pvp basically dead due to mechanic changes and how expensive everything has gotten in game i dont even play this game anymore and very much look forward to how trash this might be for CCP. For once i MIGHT watch fanfest just to see the riots that unfold at the hands of a 33% increase for a game with 0 new content in 2 years. And even then the content rolled out 2 years ago was completely trash. How do you even warrent a salary for your devs when they literally have done 0 work in 2 years? Unless you are trying to tell me renaming implants and ship modules work. You guys wouldnā€™t make it in a normal dev office.

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And you really believe what you say? The people who want to go back and forth keep doing that regardless of 5 minutes waiting time. This timer just drives off people who want to contribute something meaningful to an ongoing discussion. You are ridiculous.



itā€™s already dropped the floor out of my ship sales - apparently peeps not in the mood to shell out more money

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plex is now 3.6m each.


RIP plex subscribers.

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Eighteen years of multiple accounts. Mosty good times, except the last two in which I barely held on. All things eventually come to an end, and I have reached mine with Eve. This reminds me of how another popular game died, but for other reasons. Best of luck to all. To CCP, Iā€™m reclaiming my time and money. This may well be the mistake that seals the future of this game. Best of luck to you.


That actually sounds logical. If itā€™s the case, more people paying for 2 year sub may create a financial pillow to finally get to making content expansions, but to commit people must be invested in idea. Iā€™d say CCP should try making add-ons and expansions via Kickstarter funding, keeping subscription the same until release of new content. With good content CCP may even get over funded Kickstarters and increase in audience, so they wonā€™t need to raise subscription at all. Sanderson proofed publishing via Kickstarter is viable, why not become the first games company proofing massive game development via Kickstarter is as viable?

Go make content to hook people, CCP!

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Oh yeah, could you also answer the question?

I think this might be the first time I have ever posted on the Eve forums, at least on this account.

I am posting to sayā€¦ WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING!!!

This is hands down the worst timing I have ever seen in an MMO announcement and I have been playing MMOā€™s since 1997. 1 9 9 7


Wow bravo ccp, what a way to keep players. You guys really havenā€™t thought about this have you? 33% increase is fing huge! 10% maybe but 33% is madness

UK prices went up from Ā£89.99 to Ā£99.99 FOR 12 month sub not that long ago, On 5 October 2020.

are you saying its going up again?


Wasnā€™t sure where to start so Iā€™ll just get to it. I deal with customer in real life. I get all the flack from the increase in parts prices. This is how it is. Prices go up, I understand. As a person. Who does pay for 2 omega accounts. I understand price increases. But you must understand when we pay more we expect more. I know my customers do in real life. So you will get my money, but I do expect more as well. It would be nice to see a buff to missions, or an update there. More isk making opportunities, meaning raise the amount of isk that oneā€™s gets fron various in space activities. The abyss is fun and can make isk but Iā€™d like to see a buff to making people stay in open space. The abyss is pocket space. Iā€™d like to see ratting isk buff a major one. Iā€™d like to see more people in space ratting not in the abyss. Gives the hunters a much chance to catch them. And a isk buff gives people incentive to rat and be in open space. Noone wants to rat in A 300 mill isk ship when. It takes 30 hours ratting to pay for it. Itā€™s an isk vs reward thing. Pay outs need a big buff, letā€™s incentivize play. Get them in open space where they can be killed easyer than the abyss but give them a reason to take that risk in the 1st place. This is a crude example but I feel you know what I mean. This other changes tho converial, in the end I liked them more then I hated them.

In my currency, itā€™s not 33% price changes, but 53% price changes.
And unacceptable, terrifying and depressing part is that CCP force us to pay in our local currency.
Thereby being impossible to afford subs with my USD in the FCD.

US has inflated by 91% in the past 20 years, and our country did only 4%.
Imagine if you can afford 53% price increase in such situation.


Interesting! couse now itā€™s like buying an AAA (multiplayer/coop/open world) game every 3 months and having lots of fun with it for years. In EVE youā€™d only complete a couple of tier3 lvl5 skills ā€¦out of hundreds. EVE is now truly turning itā€™s back to ā€œ3rd wolrd countriesā€.
No signing in again!

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Based on feed back its been reduced.


At least the Forum Moderation LISTENS to their players. Kudos to you. Letā€™s hope the rest of CCP is like you too.

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If its in regards to pricing or something of that nature I am not able to answer it. I am here to keep the peace.


That actually sounds logical. If itā€™s the case, more people paying for 2 year sub may create a financial pillow to finally get to making content expansions, but to commit people must be invested in idea. Iā€™d say CCP should try making add-ons and expansions via Kickstarter funding, keeping subscription the same until release of new content. With good content CCP may even get over funded Kickstarters and increase in audience, so they wonā€™t need to raise subscription at all. Sanderson proofed publishing via Kickstarter is viable, why not become the first games company proofing massive game development via Kickstarter is as viable?

Go make content to hook people, CCP!


Keeping peace should be easy in the future just watch your new base

Im going to keep this short and sweet. We are one of the widest reaching gaming communities in the world. You know that place where a bunch of people died, lost their livelihoods etc because of the vidā€¦ most countries are in a state of recession, with ever rising inflation. As a gaming company you lost nothing. If anything the pandemic increased player counts because people turned to gaming for entertainment when they were forced to stay home. If you think this price hike will make you money, you must be dumber than I thought. Meanwhile several games out there are buy to play or free to play unlimited options and make money through cosmetics. When are you idiots going to realize itā€™s not 2004 anymore. When will you start listening to your players rather than the moths in your wallet? You announce an update that will potentially reduce costs of ships in the game and then immediately ruin that change before itā€™s even gone live by announcing price hikes that will directly inflate those same costs? Sounds to me like you planned this all along. Itā€™s a shame. As soon as my time expires Iā€™m quitting the game, and this time Iā€™ll just give away everything I have and delete my character to prevent me from ever coming back. I will not play a game ran by people who prey on their player base like this. Have fun funneling money from the 500 whales that will refuse to quit.


One way to flatten the waves a bit would be to throw out a devblog that you will remove the Bounty Risk Modiefiers next Month too.

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