[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread


unsubbing at least 2/4 accounts. No new content in years, wtf is this


This might be a dumb question: What else is in the update scheduled for 17 May? Or is this price increase it?


Hell while you are at it CCP why not just go ahead a DOUBLE the price and get it over with


Yeah, joining in on corporate profiteering is not ok! The last expansion was terrible you erased my favorite system, set massively op fleets of jerks to start ganking people who donā€™t like the erased region, reset my standing after I fixed it. The Minnie Epic Arc has been broken for over a decade.


Would you also share the prices increase in other currencies? Or can someone else share with me the current USD plex and omega prices so I can do the comparison.

1 month $19.99 USD $19.99 USD
2 months $17.99 USD $35.98 USD
3 months $15.99 USD $47.98 USD
6 months $14.49 USD $86.95 USD
12 months $12.49 USD $149.90 USD
24 months $11.29 USD $270.99 USD

you guys are absolutely bent on killing this game arenā€™t you. thisā€™ll be it for me I think, at least until I see some amazing good changes.


Iā€™m sure the shareholders are thrilled, until you tell them how many subscribers you lose.


what the hell are you providingā€¦ all your content recently has been walking back on content you removed 2 years ago - this is the most expensive subscription game whiles still stuffing microtransactions down your throat like its a F2P mobile game.

Shame CCP. Shame


So another mmoā€™s with content every 2years and new stuff to do in every big patch cost 12ā€™99ā‚¬ and now you with your ā€œamazingā€ pve content, mining waste, ess give me your isk stuff and everything to gain less money in game, raise the sub to 18,47ā‚¬.

itā€™s time to say goodbye to this game


Never go full Netflixā€¦


Was running 5 accounts so far.
I suppose I am gonna keep my main subbed with PLEX and thatā€™s it.
There are more fun games with a tenth of the cost out there regardless. Just needed that final push to quit. Thanks CCP.


Sees the player base dwindling
Bring no new content to the game for years
Is said to be listening to the player base
Every other game: Letā€™s reduce monthly fee, will bring new players !
CCP: Letā€™s increase the monthly fee by 25% !
EDIT by 33% !


Can we get the same breakdown in Euros and Pounds please?


I just donā€™t understand how you can justify a price increase. You havenā€™t added anything new or interesting to the game in years. So your going to have the MMO with the least players and the highest price to play? Ok - great strategy.

It just adds to the ongoing narrative that you want squeeze out as much money as you can before the whole thing craters.


Ive been playing on and off for almost 10 years now on my various characters, I will not be renewing my sub after this increase. Youve given us hardly no new content to justify $5 more than mmoā€™s that get regular content updates. Iā€™m finally leaving for good and spending my $15 a month plus the hundreds extra a year I put into PLEX in another game that listens to me and adds content. Best of luck finally killing the only thing youve ever made money on.



Any chance of localised pricing for non-US payers? I get that you guys are posting the US figures so you can pretend that thereā€™s been no price increase since 2004, but given the huge number of EU players that have seen price rises pretty recently, I think thatā€™s pretty transparently dishonest. But, technically correct I suppose.

As for selling this price hike on the promise of vast expansions and game-changing features, Iā€™m not really sure thereā€™s been much of that lately beyond the widely-hated and now mostly reversed scarcity patches, including industry changes. As far as new content, thereā€™s been nothing for at least 18 months.

On that basis, and supposing that youā€™ve got some big Fanfest content announcements planned (Iā€™m ever the optimistā€¦), perhaps after those announcements would have been the time to announce your price increases.

Like, seriously. Whoever is doing your PR strategy has clearly been on the Special Brew lately - how many times do you guys need to take one step forward and two steps back before someone gets a grip?


The numbers are the same, just another currency, at least for ā‚¬.


How are you justifying this? Zero real explanation in the blog post just some crappy spin and buzzwords.

There have been no significant content updates for years, balancing modules isnt new content. There has been zero direction shown or reason given for anyone to be expecting to pay more for literally less work from CCP than we have ever seen?


*By 33% of the old price. The additional $5 is 1/3rd the existing $15 cost.