[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

Clearly someone is working from the Netflix playbook here - stagnant content, increased prices, depend on inertia. May be time to park the ships and resume outdoor activity (as a response to both companies).

Fly safe… or go for a walk.


This is the wrong thing to do right before Fan Fest. You’ve made enough changes in-game no need to change prices now. Especially how things are going in the world.


I would love to see a dev blogpost (or, say, a Fanfest lecture) on why Omega accounts should continue to subsidize Alpha accounts.


I hope your accountants really did their homework on this (which is doubtful) and guarantee that the price increase will more than make up from lost revenue from people dropping subs because of the price. This will put eve as the most expensive MMO without the same amount of content as MMO’s that cost a fraction of that. If you want to increase revenue, you don’t increase the prices when the product is lackluster, you make the product better and attract and retain users which is something obviously foreign to you. This is a dumpster fire waiting to happen. Fanfest better be perfect as it’s now do or die for the continued existence of the game.


I stand corrected indeed, was thinking on the new price. Even more of a shitty move then.

Well this sucks.

The ISK-to-PLEX ratio is already becoming more unfavorable as we speak. I’m not the only one who just nabbed some of the last good offers from the markets.

Only two days ago there were some sell offers for well below 2.8M, but now everything in high and low sec markets under 3.1M is gone and I think it’s only going to increase.

We only get one omega discount till the 25th to distract us for a bit and then it’s Scarcity 3.0 time.


This is an exceptionally bad decision. I could live with content drying out a bit but to increase the price on top of this is just an insult!

And it is not something else than that. It is an insult so get lost CCP! :frowning:


You’re an idiot troll go away.

And seriously CCP how do you justify a price hike in the current climate? ESPECIALLY as Eve has been a stagnant mess since you tried to kill off the mining side of the game? Its not like you knock out updates every month with new and exciting content, this is going to drive away any new players and make older established ones think twice, CCP have been a joke for years this could easily be the final nail in the coffin of this game.



and you guys want to raise prices 30%


Cancelling my 10 accounts right now. Thanks for the heads up


I mean there was the extraction to production ■■■■■■■■■■■ which was originally “ragequit inducing” but now just “bad and worse than no patch”

Also if you unsubscribed all your accounts as opposed to 2 out of 3 or something, the devs probably considered you a lost cause and would only focus on their remaining subscribers.

People should consider the cost of inflation since 2010. Inflation mean personnel costs go up. In my Humble Opinion, a game like Total War Warhammer II should be worth $80 (but the DLC should be cheaper) even though a lot of games before cost a lot less.


I’m done, at least with my alts. My main still has at least a year omega left. That’s too much money for the content that is being provided at the moment. Everything is getting more expensive, yes, but going from 15 to 20 for the monthly subscription (yes, there are other options available I know) is not worth the while. Plex is at an all time high and I don’t want to grind my way through the game just to afford the ingame time.

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Well yes, when everything becomes more expensive it’s not surprising that EVE too becomes more expensive to be able to continue developing the game.

How is that surprising?


So in Short, buy your years sub now to get the discount before the prices go up

CCP, I appreciate the need to raise prices due to long-term inflation and costs.
But the change would be a lot easier to swallow if you justified it by making a firm commitment to never sell in-game items like ships (and perhaps even SP).


Seriously what are the actual reasons for this insane price increase?
You haven’t given us any new meaningful content
no new ships, no new space, barely new pieces of content and theres so many issues with the game you now decide to increase the price of omega this doesn’t just screw over newer players but older ones too because the in game price of plex is going to sky rocket


As a brand new player, I was excited to start Eve and explore a brand new MMO for me. Maybe I should just go back to FF14.


When you thought Fanfest updates were great, CCP listens to the community, they come out to hit the players back with some dose of reality with increasing prices, lol.

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You guys just had drama over trying to sell fully-fitted ships for IRL money–a red line in the sand that has been the subject of numerous discussions and a hard decision by the playerbase for over a decade now since the release of PLEX and the NEX–and rather than work to rekindle the good will of the playerbase that is probably still stinging over this decision you decide to raise the price of omega, without offering anything of substance to justify it other than “lol we need money but trust us we’re going to make Omega better”.

Trion Worlds was in discussion of doing something similar for Rift…right before selling everything to Gamigo and noping the ■■■■ out.



This is INCREDIBLY hard to swallow without any new content or care from ccp.
You’re doing arguably LESS work than a few years ago while charging MORE.

I hope the crowd boo’s you at fanfest and walks out.