[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

my entire alliance is moving to star citizen, Hope to see you out there some day o7

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CCP I understand you need cash BUT THE FU** why so much.
You earn enough there are so many people playing this game.
At least give us a Update with new content!
Even the game minecraft wich cost a one time payment of 25ā‚¬ has more updates than you guys make in 5 years.
AND EVERY SINGLE ONE of those Updates add a whole lot of stuff (10000% more than what you add).

Thank god i PLEX my account with isk and not with money.

And just telling you:
YOU are loosing alot of players just look at all the comments in this thread.

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I hope thereā€™s plenty of alcohol at fanfest because the players will need it.


Man damn, I thought it was just people being salty about the whole CCP Paragon explanation thingy.
I never heard it up till now.

I am now listening to it on YouTube. Man how salty he is. Its a hall monitor finger wagging and telling you why YOUR wrong type of person.

Another bonehead move brought to you by CCP. They should have had the old Aura voice to sooth upset players. At least she sounded super sexy.


Skill training completedā€¦ Yum.

Miss that voice.

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Get rid of ganking in High Sec and Iā€™ll pay it, but at the moment not a chance.


The world is turning to sh-t because of Greed, it is infesting every aspect of peoples lives, gaming is not immune to its vile influence, this rise will have been encouraged by those who want to Milk us more, it shows contempt for gamers and makes them just another target for someone elses Greed. Pay rises will have been offered as reward for those willing to sacrifice the game for larger gains, and remain Silent about the damage both reputational and otherwise of the best MMO anyone has yet created. Star Citizen gat ready for an influx of New Players, for you also make large amounts of money, but had the decency to atleast start out that way and advertise it as suchā€¦


wowā€¦ just wowā€¦

yea @ISD_FlowingSpice refuses to get in here and answer for his tone def reply. But TBH If I had been screenshot saying some fcking dumb sht like like that Iā€™d probably crawl away and hide too. Fcking worm.


ā‚¬-prices please. The world is not only the USA. Thank you

Same as Dollar

What do you do without the miners to laugh at and shoot down? Do you think you can buy ships if nobody makes them?

The delicate balance between Industry-(PvE) and PvP needs to be restored. If the game only develops in one of the two directions then there are problems. Itā€™s like yin & yang

In addition, a sandbox game lives on the number of players who create the content. So the developers should always aim to keep them at a certain level. If the number of players collapses to a certain point, the whole game can collapse. (point of no return)

Furthermore, I am not very enthusiastic about the principle of alpha accounts. i.m.o: It was a good idea, but the community took advantage of it. By that I mean the multiple use of several Alpha accounts on a PC with emulated engines.
Then there is the bot problemā€¦ which is destroying the industry.
What destroys industry also destroys PvP and vice versa. (Balance)

I think the loss of most ALT accounts and many main accounts due to the price increase may have been the final nail in the coffin. It really is possible that the downward spiral has now reached a point where it can no longer be stopped. Even if I donā€™t hope so.

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Well, after all the rage, would like to see the playercount drop quite a lot to see if CCP even cares.

But this is eve, 20k say they stop the sub, maybe 200 do and CCP will be happy.

And than PPL at fanfest get shown the new Praxis Skin we all waited for in exchange for 5$ more per month and everyone is happy again.

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Does Pearl Abyss have share holders? I would imagine so, maybe this salty pug can now go an explain all this to them. I really did drop 6 yearly subs due to all the salt CCP has flung. Its also a pragmatic thing. I do not want to pay for less. Raising the prices at this time was stupid. Then go and have CCP Paragon try and explain it to the base. The guys sounds like an absolute hall monitor with finger waging in the air.

Its like its OUR fault we are upset. If only we can just wait till fanfest. Its all he will say about it. Wait till fanfest. Nah. Why wait? What are you guys going to do next?

Show up for an interview absolutely unprepared, then get upset when having to deal with Eve players, the well know trolliest trolls to ever troll. Salt farmers extraordinaire and whine.
He should have just raged quit and left the studio. His salty answers really lend me great confidence that CCP is going to do the sooper dooper things to make me want to stick around.

I absolutely hope so. The devs havenā€™t cared about what we the community want for way too long, Itā€™s time they finally lose their job over it. Does literally anybody like structure based PVP content? but it seems to be the only basis for any large scale PVP mechanics. Very unfun.

$15/month, Unreal 5 when it drops.

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Is that real? Looks good. I have never did anything but play Eve.

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Ooooh hey this other game might be worth a try.

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Thank you. Looks interesting!