Everyone saying eve is going to get turned into mobile game, I bet I can call out this shitty announcement, cross platform, proton ui looks alot more controller friendly, and it sounds stupid enough for ccp to actually say and expect people to be happy with it.
Edit: also isn’t it funny ccp announces this 2 weeks before fanfest making it so many of the people from na is just boned on hotel, flight, and ticket if they already purchased?
Your multi account man children are what makes it possible for CCP to stay in business. Its simple , if they “leave” then the game leaves with them. People like you make me really wonder about the future of the human race. Do not breed please.
Never mind. Hard headed and you do not seem able to discern what someone is saying. You say one thing over and over. Makes no difference to me though. I went ahead and canceled my last sub. Will I leave? No. I will just sit here taking up server space forever and ever. Still here. Or at least till the game dies and it just might at this point. Then I can really say I no longer sub an Eve account.
Pretty sure people aren’t angry about the money supply or inflation. Pretty sure they’ve already been angry at a lot of things for a while, but raising the price ON TOP of lack of development and plenty of decay in the game is the thing that’s set most people off. But hey, you wanna keep thinking it’s about money supply and inflation, you do you, fam.
Yeah, that does look crazy volatile. Not sure why that would be. Looks like there is a seasonal pattern in there. Maybe tourism season? They apparently get 1 million tourists in the summer months and 200,000 in the off season. The population of the country is only 333,000. So, you’d have 4 times the permanent population walking around in the summer… Could require making a whole ton more physical cash available I suppose.
(as a side note, if you haven’t been to Iceland, it is freaking amazing- hence the million tourists)