[Discussion] PLEX and Omega price changes feedback thread

Quick question, how many already unsubbed?

Hey Rattati

Having a playerbase is not a good given right!


Yo @ISD_Golem , looks like it was not a rumor, eh?



Calm down miners?

When I read about the changes… This scene came to mind in an instant…

Ive been playing this game for a long time, i have left a few times in those years because of crap like this. I came back, its was a very good game. All they do anymore is pander to the snot nosed little console players that want instant gratification. there is alot of isk and my time tied up in this game for me. When I collect it all and leave it in a station. its there to prevent that isk from being used again. Hence helping this game fail for good this time. There is a reason why I do things.

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No spoilers, fam. Had to be done.

blame ccp, blame pearl abyss, blame the russians. it doesnt really matter. the main issue here is broken content that will cost more. the ability to earn isk outside of pochven or abyssals has been reduced so plexing accounts will clearly be more difficult. especially for industrialists. Soon CCP will learn how many more of us have industrial accounts in addition to our pvp account as thos extras start unsubbing. again it is a matter of CCP not really understanding their player base. sad story



A fitting tune indeed

This is frustrating. I’ll have to cancel accounts, my monthly gaming budget is already maxed out.


multibox seems will become alot less, GREAT :slight_smile:

nb4 their ‘big content’ release is allowing you to multi-box command all your accounts off one account to try and convince people to make even more alts

Is not what they wanna do… but it may be what they actually do anyways…

That conversation in the video is priceless…


I dont wanna throw some salt into the wound… but if you into shooting games… Look at fortnite… They release a new substatial season every 3 months… WITH cosmetic cashshops only…

This whole idea of raising the sub sounds like the clip from kitchen nightmares… when someone cranks up the prices and Gordon is… You have issues… Customers will run away…

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Totally agree. This game went to ■■■■ once they added all this alpha and omega crap and the online store to buy skins. Come on, the player base of this game is adult, that’s what made it good. Not twatty little kids that think it’s cool to make your ship pink and pay through the nose for it.

That’s when I stopped playing. I came back for a while but the game was just getting worse and worse so ended up never coming back again. I just come on here now and again to keep up to date to see if it’s ever worth the playing again.

Looks like it won’t be…ever again.

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Well I enjoyed it while it lasted but sadly that’s my Omega sub cancelled.

If somebody posts on the forum they’re leaving, they’re not really leaving, it’s just narcissism.

To really leave entails biomass and GDPR Article 17 deletion of account.

No half measures.


I unsubbed. Too bad, been with this game since 2005, had a long break after 10 years then came back. Guess I’ll give X4 or Elite Dangerous a try.

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