Do problem players have any responsibility to change their own behavior?


I for one and not a fan of parentalism. But thanks for the offer. Jog on.

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The bonus room tape is a special one because it quite literally could have come from anywhere. Someone with a lot of voice samples, sound editing tools, and some time could ruin anyone if they wanted. CCP can’t really trust third-party info (which that recording was), because, if there’s any way for someone to tie something to someone they don’t like for whatever reason (or just because they’re bored and/or need to cut their teeth), the EVE playerbase has people willing and able to do exactly that. Punishing the guy who sent in the ticket with the modified file(s) would be dangerous, because, for all we know, he did “just find them lying around alliance forums” and could in fact not be intentionally malicious.

EVE players have a reputation for being really crafty and determined with how we pursue vendettas against other players, and… some of us have earned it.

Not sure who you think the parent is here. CCP? I would argue it’s their house. And they want people to feel welcome there, so when someone does something that scares away the guests, they should act. Sometimes they do. EVE has a reputation for having a toxic player base. That reputation has been earned.

Do you believe it didn’t happen? Or that it happening isn’t why it was shut down?

See, here we go again with your muddled and confused rhetoric.

You clearly want to stop the type of play that has made the game interesting, challenging and fun. I would suggest you are playing the wrong game. This is a game where you can steal, cheat, backstab, and so forth other players, groups, etc. It is a competitive MMO where if you want to play the bad guy it is allowed.

I would contend that by and large, the “toxicity” of EVE is a result of people who want to be parented in life and do not understand the game they are playing. The solution is for them to leave. EVE is not for everyone. I would argue it is for people who are mature enough to handle a competitive game where the rule set is very limited.

As for actual harassment you are aware that these things are already against the TOS and thus when one reports these instances they should be punished as per the TOS.

People did leave. Most people who tried it, in fact. Is your fear that CCP is actually listening to people finally who are saying, “hey there’s a problem”.

My job isn’t to make you go and read the hundreds of prior posts of people talking about EVE having a toxic community. Of people being jerks in forums.

I’ve seen sexual harassment, racist comments, gas lighting, and psychological games both in-game and from people in forums, here and elsewhere. And then taking a victory lap over their ability to cause people torment.

There’s nothing wrong with playing the bad guy. I do it, myself, sometimes. But for some, I have seen, it’s just a convenient way to excuse their own anti-social behavior that extends past the boundaries of good sportsmanship.

No. My fear is that CCP will listen to these people who are afraid to take responsibility and ruin the game. See, to a mature person who understands this is a video game there is not a problem as you so badly describe it.

Being the villain in game does not make one bad or the game toxic…for those who are mature and responsible.

First off, sexual harassment and racist comments are against the TOS. Report them, block them, and move on. The other two are valid in game tactics. AFK cloaking is a classical example of psychological warfare and the number of posts by people crying and whining about it is astronomical.

Then report them. That is all there is to it. Stop trying to fundamentally change the game.

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Just move on. Even in real life there are people/groups of people/countries being a jerk and not get punished at all.

I wasn’t there for it, I’ve only read what someone wrote, which made sense. The part which is relevant to “should CCP ban this guy”:

The worst fear I have? My fellow broadcasters and podcasters can back me up on this and tell you how child’s play easy it is to doctor up a voice recording. I could take a conversation you and I had, and in minutes turn it into something you wouldn’t even recognize yourself saying. We do it all the time in a benign fashion for interviews, cutting out gaps of silence, and sometimes entire chunks of irrelevant conversation. This interview I did with Tyrant Scorn for Legacy of a Capsuleer was originally over 2 hours before he cut it down. I’d challenge any of you to find all the cuts and splices in there, but don’t bother because you won’t. Hell, that recording is even how I remember that interview going at this point.

So…yeah, as soon as people figure out they can do that if they want and have enough source material, it’s going to be another weapon in the metagame arsenal. That quiet guy in your comms of choice? His client is set to record everything, and your comms are being harvested for who-knows-what.

Don’t worry Quintessen will be along to defend greed and stupidity. :roll_eyes:

I agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly, but allow me to play Devil’s advocate for a moment; why SHOULD CCP or the proprietor of any game care if their game is used as a vector for malevolence and aggression? We wouldn’t blame a carnival operator if someone got stabbed on one of their rides. We wouldn’t blame Wal-Mart if we got mugged in their parking lot. So what if two neckbeards are harrassing and abusing eachother in cyberspace? Homo sapiens have robbed, raped, and killed one another since time immemorial. Perhaps EVE is just one more blunt instrument for them to beat eachother over the head with. Can it really be helped?

“. . . force . . . good behavior . . .”

Maybe we should beat them over the head with a blunt instrument when they behave outside of our conception of “good”. haha lol

Its litterally stated right here how you are NOT allowed to act in eve online:

  1. You may not abuse, harass or threaten another player or authorized representative of CCP, including customer service personnel and volunteers. This includes, but is not limited to: filing support tickets with false information in an attempt to gain from it or have someone else suffer from it; sending excessive e-mails, EVE-mails or support tickets; obstructing CCP Employees from doing their jobs; refusal to follow the instructions of a CCP Employee; or implying favoritism by a CCP Employee.

  2. You may not use any abusive, defamatory, ethnically or racially offensive, harassing, harmful, hateful, obscene, offensive, sexually explicit, threatening or vulgar language. (Alternate spelling or partial masking of such words will be reprimanded in the same manner as the actual use of such words.)

So if someone does something thats mentioned on this list, report them, end of story.
The rules are clearly defined already, by CCP.


A) Thats not up to us, its up to CCP.
B) No, there is no responsibility to “change”.
C) What constitutes acting like a jerk is subjective.
D) EVE is a massive community, with in-numerous sub-divisions. We all play together overall, but you can yourself choose whom you associate with.
E) The motivations of others are not your concern, or yours to judge.
F) The “Bonus Room” debacle was the only incident I chose to put my foot down on as un-acceptable behavior that was abjectly harmful to the game, players and CCP.

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its definitely possible to actually harrass and bully someone in a game, most of the stuff that gets whined about on here doesn’t apply though, as it is pvp in a pvp game.

the consequences of being a jerk, are that it is a single server and people will either not play with you or will enact revenge accordingly, so for instance if you are a bully on coms and deride people so they feel bad, and lose your temper easily…

someone who knows this can steal your whole corp and alliance from under you and metagame you into being banned.

There is also a thread on reddit at the moment about a guy whose behaviour was unacceptable to gsf so he has been kicked, and you will notice that no one is defending him ‘because he’s a jerk’, and he has also been kicked by PH.


@discobot quote :pakistan:

:left_speech_bubble: If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. — Anne Bradstreet

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Darn… Discobot hit the nail on the head pretty well there.

Black Pedro spells it out yet again.

Intent doesn’t matter, only actions.

Even using the block button is too much to ask? Are big bad internet bullies exerting too much control over you when you click block? Jesus H. Christ, son. Get a grip.

HTFU, silly forum carebear.


No, no, no. See you don’t understand. When I get on the phone with a telemarketer I can’t hang up, to do so would mean that the telemarketer has control of me. When somebody stops me on the street to try and sell me something I can’t say, “No thanks,” because to do so would give that person control!

The sheer foolishness that this thread has turned into strikes me as something I’d expect in a pre-school class.

It seems like a lot of these threads would make a fair point, if there was actually lots of harassment and bullying in game, and actually bullying and harassing someone well that’s a bad thing we all agree on, like we all agree we need to think of the children…

but when we ask what the children really need? or what constitutes bullying? Sometimes it seems that these are words we use to say something else, that has nothing to do with children or bullying but actually what we believe
people SHOULD be like, how they SHOULD behave, that our way is the righteous way the way of the samurai or the knight on his horse

but except for the bonus room, which whatever anyone says, to me and I only speak for myself, crossed a line, all of the other examples I can find in the forums official and otherwise AND in game and on out of game websites (like miner bumping)

are just valid pvp in a pvp game, the vitriol seems to come from the victims, especially on miner bumping this is so evident, and seems to consist solely of people being aggressive and childish about losing in a pvp game-

for instace in npc corp chat the other day a new guy got podded mission running in low sec, he wasn’t whining just wanted advice, he said he sucked, and was told ‘what kind of person ganks a new player running missions I lost my Algos and I haven’t been back to low sec its full of griefers’. So for some it is all about

a person’s character, and by extension the speakers, ‘I am not like that, they are bad, I am good’, but without the speaker having to actually DO anything good, for instance take the new guy on a roam to try and kill the pirate, or teach him about D-Scan.

So the OP might not equate ganking per se. with griefing but often all this talk of harassment and bullying, when you actually look, is just people taking their internet spaceships too seriously, and thinking they are nice people because they don’t want to do these things or see the attraction, the ‘skill’ as they always call it,

(as if roaming bloody low sec for hours and getting blueballed and blobbed and then finally finding a Tristan in a mission that you scan down (probe a bloody frigate) only to find out the guy hasn’t been playing a month dies immediately and then calls you a griefer and says he’s going to quit when you wanted BOTH OF YOU to bathe in his tears and share in a fun PVP game with real loss and pulse pounding excitement)

so others must be evil- whereas if they just ganked one miner they would realise the sweet release joy and comradeship they felt with their victim, and relate to gankers who post salt on forums because to have that gift thrown back in your face?

And then they talk about actual racial slurs, actual bullying and harassment, which can be dealt with pretty easily, and should be, and that is everyone’s responsibility. Gaslighting for instance, which could only really happen in a group who played together regularly, is horrible and I would expect the OP as an individual to deal with it and back up the victim which ends the gas lighting. I mean actually bullying someone in a group is horrid but no I don’t think its the persons responsibility to stop it, its yours if you see it and your groups, and if they are that kind of group well life is full of them too cant expect a game to be different. And that goes on in the workplace, at school, at the local arts and craft circle and down the pub, and in WOW and none pvp games, so it’s going to happen here. But in a game, unlike life, find another group.

Its just in eve you don’t just think ‘ill kill the bastards’ you can actually kill them, steal their stuff, pay others to run them out of game, maybe not easy for someone who’s actually being bullied, groups are hard for some people, but if the OP has seen it I would expect some or all of these consequences to apply. And if she has concrete evidence of actual bullying causing lasting psychological affects that amounts to gas lighting, send me details and proof and give me twelve to twenty four months and we will see, not because I’m some high rolling supervet, but because its eve and it would be good to have a nice long term target.

So these real things can and are dealt with-

but this is the internet so there will always be someone mouthing off about muslims to a guy they know full well is a muslim and it will always be up to you to risk being called a SJW for saying something or walk away.

Because Local chat IS pvp like everything else, dont fly what you cant afford to lose etc.

edit: I know this is an essay sorry