Do you have a convention for naming your ships?

I like Force Majeure. Which ship is that? I name my ships after American Indian tribes like the Cheyenne or Apache

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Do you sexually identify as a military helicopter? :stuck_out_tongue:

Get your hands of my Chinook, if you touch it again iā€™ll get my Apache to give your Sikorsky a damn good thrashing.

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Can your Apache deal with my Commanche though? :smirk:

You are clearly all doomed if someone brings Airwolf thoughā€¦


I only have one ship, and itā€™s named Thread Locked.


Nice. :smile:

I was wondering what caused this thread to be locked.
Took a few to figure out that it wasnā€™t.

ā€“Gadget says , Well Played


Too much quafe? Lol


all my ships are named Shippy McBlastboom.


Ivā€™e got Merlin for that and itā€™s magic.

Yeah, I name them depending on the clone Iā€™m supposed to be in when flying it, crystals, slaves, asklepians etc.

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Naw, I just let the macro pick them, the note pad document it pools from is 45mb so it must be a dictionary and more.


I only name cloaky ships and force recons, everything else I generally try to make as unnoticeable as possible on d scan. I have a Curse named ā€œUnspokenā€ I think thatā€™s my most clever ship name.

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I normally donā€™t name my ships anything special (just the ship name). The only special thing I do is add tags to the ship if they require special fitting implants (genos, +CPU or +PG implants).

I use a format such as ABC-D for pretty much all my ship names.

The purpose is to make the name easy enough that I can tell what it means at a glance, but obscure enough that anyone picking me up on D-Scan shouldnā€™t be able to decipher it.

Given that explaining the codes would give away what they mean, it would defeat the goal of security-through-obscurity if I were to give actual examples. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Aside of my earlier post about wh ship naming I also share these:

CEO alt:

  • Most ships: 0.1% corpTAX
  • Haulers: Corporate Transport

Trade alt:

  • All ships: Other peopleā€™s ISK

For my main and some cases for alts I simply choose a name that fits the ship or the character or is somehow relevant.

For the rest of altsā€™ ships I simply use the ship name or a part of it (like simply ā€œShuttleā€ for all types of shuttles instead of the full name with the racial extension).

lets see here,
my Imicus is called Explory II (the first one died)
my iteron V is called Trucky
my venture is called Miney
i think you get the idea

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all my frieghters first names are Conestoga.

Obvious Bait

Iā€™m from Australia so for a while I was naming all my ships after Australian cities. The Melbourne, The Darwin, etc. My fighting ships I name after Australian animals, so I have the ā€œRazorbackā€ and the ā€œFeral Catā€. Lol. My mining ships are all named ā€œFortescue Miningā€ as itā€™s a major mining company in Western Australia.

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