It was so long ago, I don’t remember, but at that time, to me, it was a lot. Now just a blip once I got better at the game.
ok well I mean depending on the sum your whole arument just kinda falls apart.
I am opposed to scams on moral and ethical principle, and I would never do that, not even in a game which explicitly allows it.
don’t know if youre being truthful or just trying to screw with me
How so? Everyone should get scammed once. I still stand by that. If you can’t learn a simple lesson…
You’re on your own…
I agree eve should just make it clear you could be scamed in their game and it changess your arugment because 1 million isk is diffrent form 100 billion isk
I lost billions over trusting a WH corp. Just got better at the game and made even more.
did you know you could get scamed in eve
I said I was in a hurry.
so you did know well thats on you
I already said that. Why do you turn O2 into CO2?
Thay don’t teach basic chemistry in school anymore?
my bad
Anyone who asks a simple question in rookie chat or googles the game will know that scamming is allowed. It’s not some hidden information.
Have a seat and let me explain exactly how I operate… NOT
Why would a game have stricter rules than real life? Especially a game set in a Dystopian Universe. For the record, I was talking about ISK, not real life currency.
Well there you have it from the mouth of the Pirate Queen her self.
That’s like the klugh Klux Kang saying membership is open to everybody and they only care what people are like on the inside
In my country, polite people don’t say such things.
which brings us to … how do you know there are scams in EvE online ?
Oh but they do, at least the smarter ones.
EvE is one of those who don’t have that rule. It’s a clear choice, which is carried by its more mature population. Outsmarting others is allowed in EvE. Instead of treating players as braindead, they allow us to fend for ourselves in a Darwinian, dystopian galaxy.
Whether someone lost RL money via PLEX>ISK>scam deal conversions or via PLEX>ISK>stupidlyblingedship losses, it would seem that any player in that situation made quite a few bad choices and almost as many mistakes. At least EvE gives someone the opportunity to learn from it. Instead of crying for support from a game developer, train that brain ! Don’t overspend on a game, or at least consider the money lost when you spend it on something “virtual” the moment it goes off your account / card.
We don’t do the “protect people against themselves” thing here. That’s why we love it, harsh and with occasional surprises.