Do you want more protection from people in highsec, or less?

You’re right, the PoS doesn’t show up that way. I do forget about those now that they’re being phased out. The customs offices still have a HUD marker, though, and the PoS locations are static per moon, so still possible to find without combat probes, though the combat probes can make the job much easier.

The structure thing, we are told, is a stopgap measure to prevent a small number of wardec alliances from running rampant with oppressive wardecs of players who just want to form social groups. The actual finalized system is something we as yet know nothing about. You may want to join the wardec roundtable on January 5th, if you’re interesting in sharing your ideas in a forum where they may matter more, prior to the finalization of that system. It could offer some valuable insight on the state of affairs today that might benefit someone who’s been out of the loop for 7 years, too.