Yeah, and i doubt you actually oversee it to its full extent.
Whenever you start a propmod, you need to fear a cloaky in front of you. Because it can happen everywhere, and implementing exceptions for each and every potential exception is not only a gigantic waste of time, but also seriously stupid.
Actually, you can. And it’s nowhere near as complicated as you seem to think.
The problem, is that we don’t want it to happen. I agree that bumping ad nauseam is kinda taking the piss, but the sad fact is that highsec currently has precious few tools for dealing with people, so we really don’t want bumping to go away.
I feel it’s a topic that can be approached some time in the future after we have a plethora of tools and methods at our disposal to interact with other capsuleers in non-friendly ways. Until that day comes, however, bumping needs to stay as it is.
Bumping is an exaggerated issue and not worth of being fixed, because nothing is broken. CCP knows that, and the minority of bears doesn’t shut up about it, abusing the fact that there’s always people willingly talking to them. See also the main afk cloaky thread, the prime example.
The fact that barely anyone is doing it in any worthwhile capacity speaks for itself.
I agree with your entire post. Especially the part about barely anyone doing it.
Problem is “hyperdunking”. Was even less of an issue, and more of an awesome oddity than a real thing that needed to be addressed. CCP even declared it legal, then patched it out weeks later.
When you think about pvp servers, what comes to mind? Remember, eve is an mmo, so you can’t compare a game that has predetermined teams to an open world mmo pvp server. And you’re not going to see perfectly balanced numbers in a pvp warzone in any mmo.
And yes, in those games you’re going to see groups of people roaming trying to look for easy wins. That’s the whole point. Think about any MOBA. Whats a common thing you do? Gank. 2v1. 3v1. Call mid to gank bot/top. Place wards to be warned of ganks beforehand. If they are so fair, why are the people playing MOBAs so determined to make it unfair by engaging in 2v1 or 3v1?
PVP stands for “Player versus Player.” Its not “Player versus player only if they are on perfectly equal footing with the same type of ships and same number of people”. In every PVP game, each team tries to find ways to make the fight topple in their favor. People gank, gang up and bring numbers.
Infact, thats what makes it fair.
I cannot go in and fight against 20 people in similar sized ships and always expect to kill them all and slaughter them. Infact, i can be in larger ships and still lose against 20 people flying ships that are 1/100th the cost of mine. We all play on the same field, and choosing to bring a friend or two doesnt make a fight unfair, anymore than being ganked by 3 people in your lane in DOTA 2 makes the game unfair to you.
LOL carebears can’t even handle NPCs. Proof that no matter how much CCP hold’s their hand, they’ll never be able to protect themselves from real players.
Bumping is an issue because control of your ship can be taken away from you…
This is more an artifact of the lack of fittings on these ships though than of bumping because you cant pulse your prop mod to get back in control because it’s impossible or wildly impractical to fit a correct sized prop depending which industrial type ship we are talking about.
But taking control from the player is bad.
Also I think it was you earlier talking about removing Concord. We already have proof of what happens there. Some group locks down gates and can’t be dislodged except by direct ccp intervention. That happens a small number of times without ccp intervention and you have a dead game.
But that deployed NPC gatcamp in low sec did not care if you are carebear or gatecamper yourself.
Do you have a spare Titan with doomsday to deal with those rats?
You obviosly doesnt see how it became too stale what you are doing.
CONCORD when killing you treats you too fine still.
Its too easy for you, doesnt it? That is why you are not complaining. Maybe adding a bit of risk to that would make it a lot more enjoyable. CCP have to think about this cargo scanners nerf.