Doctor Who event

Whoever thought this would be a good idea, should be fired immediately. This is just inappropriate and ruining my desire to play the game at all.
I will not be resubscribing until at least this “advertisement” period is over. If it has a lasting influence on eve lore i will also rethink my investment of the future.


Even the side bars on the forum are ultra cringeworthy when viewing on PC


See, this (and not fixing bugs or UI issues) is imo more the problem than Dr Who. That’s a one-off that you may or may not like, but it won’t fix any of the frustration that already exists.

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This isn’t the interview. That goes up today. I will put it up when I release it on Youtube

(you can find it on my Twitch vods)


Oh? CCP created the blue donut? Or did we?

The truth is, EVE hasn’t been a hive of scum and villainy for a long time. I mean look at what’s happened here. A scarf has made the majority of the player base cry and vomit all over the Interwebs.

Who got war deccs nerfed? We did.

Who got bumping nerfed? We did.

The majority of the player base is risk adverse, doesn’t want to die or try, just wants to farm whatever activity they like for their space money in their safe little bubble of space.

And you know how I know? Because gankers are vilified. When in reality, ganking is the most EVE like activity you can do. And instead of people getting mad enough at the gankers, organizing and attempting to burn them from space, they cry to daddy CCP to just please nerf them into oblivion so we can’t die.

We went from a game where someone could run an IPO, legit or scam. Could start a business or create a vision or create a corp and try to make moves on a galactic stage, to a player base who cries because of scarves and ship skins.

We have done this to ourselves. And no, I will not stop mocking those of you who are crying your little eyes out over this. Let us not pretend you’re making any major moves or even creating your own story. Cause if you were, this event would be a minor blip to exploit or ignore.

Instead you crying and vomiting all over the place.

Learn to EVE.

See above. Learn to EVE.

Oof, gotta love that woman hating. Even tho its canon that Time Lords can regen as both. But yennoe.

No sadly, they won’t. And that’s my entire point.

  1. No you won’t
  2. Also dumb

Oh? What are your ideas for improving EVE :smiley:

Ah yes. People should lose their livelihood because you’re mad about scarves. HTFU and contract your stuff to me kthx.


Aiko on the daily makes people need those safe spaces cause they can’t handle EVE. Learn to EVE kthx.


I don’t care if it’s a Dr Who event… I’m all for events in any shape or form. So well done CCP for this. I for one am really looking forward to this.

I do Like Doctor who and I’m really looking forward to getting to grips with some Cybermen and Darleks!

You do know that Dr Who is a time lord and what this means right?

Anyway well done CCP keep them coming!


I was initially rather sceptical though have come around on this.

Yes, it has (substantial) implications for the EVE lore and universe background. Assuming these are “actual” Daleks, it establishes that the Dr. Who universe and EVE universe are i.) either the same or ii.) confirms the existance of a multi-verse.
With all it’s implications (and considering that the multi-verse might anyways be real :slight_smile: ).

With no actual new technology being introduced to the EVE universe, as far as I understand it, this event will be quite ok for me (and as long as this doesn’t lead to frequent other cross-over evemts or general universe cross-over inflation in the future, e.g. Borg Cubes anyone or a chasing Teletubbies across the stars?).

Other than that, this is a GREAT opportunity to gain new players for EVE. And hopefully long term, too. The Dr. Who fan base is substantial and this event could end up being fantastic for player numbers, something everyone seems to be desperate for any other day.

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It really doesn’t matter what the retention percentage is, I doubt CCP has set that as a KPI for the crossover. The broader goal here will be to generate interest, yes they will no doubt like to see an increase in player numbers during the event which will hopefully lead to some retention, however, as this is the first crossover I suspect they are just testing the water.

Given the apparent number of disgruntled players, a success for the event would be to see no change in player numbers during the event timeline. If this is the case I think we will see many more events like this in the future.

Whats the point in multiplayer game if everyone is in an instance?


So I quit the game like five years ago because I got bored. Unsubbed 5 accounts and even blocked eve videos from my YouTube feed to not get hooked again. Then I learn about the recent mining industry patch. I was just about to sub again and check out some industry when this stupid doctor who thing came up. There is so much ccp could improve about this game to attract new players or bring back old players…. SHAME ON YOU. Did they pay for this? What’s next?


I’ll play it for a laugh, but I can also understand how the roleplayers and simulationists would rather pretend this thing never happens in the Eve universe.


WoW, Aion, etc etc had instanced dungeons. You don’t have to run them solo. I don’t want instanced content to dominate gameplay, that would be terrible. A good balance is all I’m advocating for. Make the openworld content better and more profitable than the instanced content but keep both. More content for everyone.

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But youre missing the point.

Anyone who can run an instance for profit will do so to avoid loss.

If they cant do it solo, theyll do it with alts.

But I suppose you will say “hence balance”.

I guess the idea of an open world game isnt to everyones liking, but does that mean it shouldnt exist for those of us who do like it?


What the point that I’ve missed in your post, all you said was that multiplayer games shouldn’t have instances.
If they want to do it, wtf do you care, let them play however they want. CCP gave them the ability to do so, so how is it their fault? You think multiboxing is bad? Don’t do it. Run sites with friends. Like, just play however you want. Let’s not open the can of multiboxing here though.
I sincerely doubt that temporary events will take away from your openworld experience, as the people who would run hisec event sites wouldn’t venture into ls or ns anyway. I hope you don’t treat hisec as your go-to open world experience. That wouldn’t make sense with your post.

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Heh. A lot of nice opinions you got there. You can still burn them out of space.

But you won’t :smiley:

My point isn’t that its all ganking, my point is players have cried to daddy CCP about those various issues and got them nerfed cause they can’t handle.

But you knew that already. Deep down you already know I’m right.

The players are responsible. CCP is simply trying to appease them. It is us who has led us here.

Take accountability.

Because players have asked for it. Like she did above.

Yea, it proves my point bruv. Players have done it, not CCP. I’m fine with Abyssals cause you can gank the peeps coming out of it. Hell, Cliff makes billions doing it on the daily.

LOL Uedama would like a word.

Bro wut, the Abyss is the hardest PvE content. You have to fly basically PvP style in higher tiers. And you do gotta pay attention. If you don’t, you’ll meet Cliff :smiley:

Now you know where you can run Abyss in complete safety and people do and make billions? The blue donut :smiley: But CCP did that right? ROFL.

ROFL wut. Its obvious you’ve never ran the higher tiers. Please don’t speak on things you gots no knowledge on ROFL. Lvl 4s are nothing compared to T5/T6. And sometimes RNG just wtfpwns you and you get the marshal room and then bye bye gila :smiley:

ROFL Cliff would like a word. People are getting murdered in HS doing abyssals. You know where they run them in complete safety? The blue donut :smiley: But CCP did that right?

Bro you don’t even play. Just HTFU :smiley:

Here here. But you’ll find he won’t agree. He doesn’t want balance :smiley:

I’m fine with abyssal’s as they can get ganked on the way out. I think it also used to give suspect but players cried so CCP removed it. Again, players cried and CCP responded.

Its us who is making it carebear land.

Well you dont seem to think people who were playing how they want was fine, so its kind of a which came first.

And in EvE single-shard, instanceless play came first.

But for some reason thats not acceptable to you or CCP now.

And here comes the strawman. At no point did I even think of saying that.

Abyssals and other instances are not temporary.

I treat Hisec as one of the several open world areas of EvE. I dont understand how that affects my position. Can you explain?


What? I totally think the way people played was indeed fine. I like openworldness a lot more than I like instanced dungeons. But those things can coexist. And yeah I really like that eve is… not instanceless per say (code-wise every system is an instance) but no bars accessible. But you can have both. Are you sure you’re not taking me for a different person?
When I mentioned multiboxing, it was to make an example, I wasn’t directly asking you personally.
Abyssals aren’t temporary. Yeah so? I like them.
They’re unique and fun and can be VERY risky. I want more like them.
I mentioned hisec because outside of some nullsec Hotspots, it’s the most populated area in the game. So how are hi sec sites affecting your openworld experience? Like, what do you even do in this game? Null sec can be empty for systems and systems until you come across some big null alliances territory.

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I dont understand. Hisec Sites are things for people to do in High Sec, rather than instances and so are a good thing from my perspective?

If you must know, I haul, in High, Low, Null and WHs. Do this since they made it impossible to continue my profession as a Structure Real Estate agent with the introduction of Cores, a job I had financed with Worm Hole pve.

What do you do?

And I would say most likely because the folk who used to be there are either left or are doing instances within the safety of Alliance umbrellas in secure systems instead.

Sorry for not being very clear, it’s a pain to type from a smartphone and my battery’s running out :frowning:
I meant event sites and abyssal sites… also… hauling must be THE most solo activity in the game. Why do you even care about instanced sites? It doesn’t affect your gamestyle in the slightest. Am I bring trolled here?
Trust me abyssals are not the reason for the decline in player count. I’m part of a pretty big null alliance and I rarely see abyssal traces around. I do see CRAB beacons regularly though. Those are kinda cool. I do fleet stuff and combat/noncombat exploration and pochven pve/pvp. And ofc the occasional alliance fleet ping. Maybe a bit of mining if I want to build something. Anom Ratting makes me want to kill myself so you can see how I’m excited about new and good(hopefully) pve content.