Doctor Who event

The sites are literally everywhere, I haven’t had to travel very far at all to find them. Just find a small loop of 5-6 systems, quickly probe down all the existing signatures (anything that is difficult to probe can be ignored), now re-fly your loop, any new sigs are highly likely to be event sites.

Be aware that the sigs despawn shortly after the first can has been hacked, so it looks like they aren’t there, but believe me there are plenty.

If you told me that you will gift me a ship with the condition that I kept an item from this event in the hold I would reject it.

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No AT ship for you then. :stuck_out_tongue: :upside_down_face:

Are you sure. I have an extra Marshall with your name on it. We can run the sites together. :heart:

Pokemon Drifters and Sleepers to boot.

yes, I’m sure, not even a tournament prize ship would make me accept it. In fact, after the subscription runs out, I’m not resubbing. It’s getting silly.

This has nothing to do w/ working agile (it’s a mindset, not a methodology ) or iterating in sprints (with all due respect).

It’s just a crap idea, poorly executed.

End of.

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Put your stuff in a station vault and contract it to me.

It’ll be waiting for you when you come back.

Obligatory stuff request.

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I say CCP should do more events that are “New player” focused. These events should go one for a whole month, and all newbeans who stick to that whole month should get a nice boost to their adventures in New Eden. I do not know, but do four of theses events in one year, advertise them right and make the rewards “rewarding” and you have a nice event for the whole player base.

After that we get waifu SKINS for our ships, and New Eden is safe. Everyone is happy.

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I’m not sure why people are so salty about this event. After going through it I must say it is very well designed and has a good “in event” progression for new players and enough of a challenge in the higher tiers for more experienced players.

The complaints about the lore and how this is ruining the game to me seems to be nonsense. Yes, the marketing is focussing on Dr Who but in game and in character you really have no idea of this. Everything is very carefully worded so that those with knowledge of Dr Who as a person will get the references, but the character has no clue at all.

This event is a prime example of how you should really separate your RL knowledge and understanding from that of the character, basic RP things…

I found the references in the text in the blue notebook one of the best ones…

I’d say well done CCP, I hope the efforts pay off and we’ll see fresh blood come to the game which I feel is the main driver for it.


for me it broke the disbelief illusion one uses while reading or playing a game. Don’t get me wrong some game can pull this off, but they are gatcha style games, so the problem is not present as the premise of the game is already flimsy.

The problem for me is the direction they took with this. If we praise and support it we are asking for more, and that isn’t what I want from Eve. when Eve was bought, I unsubbed, because I feared this kind of changes coming. Later on I resubbed as the game was in a nice place, and then three months in they pull this up, the very thing I thought when Eve was bought.

Well, not specifically the dr Who part, but the outside influences in a game that by definition is based on having lost earth conection, and resurgences from different diverging places with no memory of Earth.

I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Mostly for the collectables, but it’s also improved my hacking skills/knowledge. Never did a whole lot of probing and hacking up till now.


I am also enjoying this event for my return :slight_smile:
lot’s of boosters, skin …

Do you guys have a fit and a strategy for the T3 combat filament ? Is it doable solo ?
Went on T2 unprepared and blow up … run 3 T2 ok but now i am forging some T3 and want to share some experience.


I went into it thinking it would be easy…a decent Vexor fit…
T3 Dr_Who Combat

I once made a Techno Remix of Dr Who Daleks robo voices, cool stuff.
We need more giant fungi backgrounds and level design!
A level inside the Big Ben clockworks… it would be cool…

I ONLY hope that the Dr Who folks who give it a try will get some of the trinkets. A Whovian would give one of their two hearts to get River Song’s little blue book. She is my favorite Time Lord, Tom Baker notwithstanding. I’m happy with the event now. The awful grind makes that little book all the more precious. River Song would not approve of this “spoiler”


Well if they stick with it, and some of the trinkets would attract a Whovian, they will be able to scan and hack in their sleep.

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I want the Smeggin’ skin!

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The paid skins are actually pretty nice.