Done with this!

Nothing wrong about afk mining…

Nobody needs caveman like pvp…or npc that behave like gankers.

And outmax mining yield while being undisturbed is the birthright of any miner…nobody has to be able to interfer into this…no npc and no ganker…

Bottom line…

Play your stupid ‘club on the head and drag him into the cave’ game in another game caveman…

You don’t belong here…this is a pve game…

Just turning around what PVP says for years…funny isn’t it?


CCP has now made buying fitting anything but a Procurer a waste of time and Isk. More genius moves by CCP, how long is the leash of their masters Pearl Abyss?


It’s not pearl abyss alone,it’s more the lack of competent personell that can see the long term consequences of their ‘good ideas’…

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When you see the invasion and it reads 25% buff to mining lazer cycle times then think that is also telling you have 75% chance of being ganked by a Raznaborg Damavik!


CCP genius fix to the economy.

Oh, then you learned the wrong thing.

I once made the same mistake and learned not to leave my ship mining AFK while expecting it to live. Sure, I still leave it mining in space sometimes when I walk off for a minute, but I don’t come crying to the forums when that happens to be a bad choice.

By the way, if you use a Procurer instead, you can blink longer.


Awww crying in the forums is a tradition…

Well, if that’s the attitude with which you great ship loss, then Eve probably isn’t the game for you. However, if you do calm down and decide to say, I recommend (1) Asking what you could have done differently after every ship loss, and (2) Flying a properly tanked procurer. Not only can they survive the roaming triglavians, but are also extremely difficult to gank.

Also, mining kind of sucks. Perhaps you should look into other careers, such as exploration, incursions, running Abyss filaments, running Emerging Conduits, and ganking miners who fly retrievers.


The Triglavian belts patrols are one of the best things that CCP has ever implemented. They have greatly reduced AFK gameplay and bots.


It’s going to be great when they come to missions, data/relic sites, and ice/ore anoms next month. Prepare for the flood!


But then he can’t mine afk.

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This is an NPC Only killmail.

[Raznaborg Damavik]

Destroyed: 40,577,046.63 ISK


Not even shield tanked [Procurer] is safe to afk vs those [Raznaborg Damavik]

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Dunking afk botting orcas too!

Next month mission running officer fits…

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its a common meme/response to this kind of topic for years


Maybe you should have been flying something other than a Retriever.

I’ve already lost a Covops to Triglavians in a relic site, so that’s already here.

For the OP: I mine in Ore Anomalies only. Sometimes they are hard to find, but I’ve never been harassed by Tri’s in one. That probably doesn’t help much, but its an option if they’re in your area.

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You can also mine in Emerging Conduits for hours on end after you clear out the Trigs. Once they are cleared out, they don’t come back and there is at least 2 million m3 worth of ore to mine in a Conduit.

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Everything is wrong with AFK mining, you daft idiot. Not playing the game will actually kill it in the end.


So scaring away every noob by killing them in a constant loop and letting 95% of them quit after the first month(ccp’s own numbers) is WAY better?

In a game that is loosing accounts rapidly(and now don’t come with ‘but the numbers are growing,40k users blablabla’,this is only corona/corvid)?

Come on,i don’t like you you don’t like me but even i think that you are not THAT stupid.

A safe haven for them (aka high sec) is desperattely needed…


This is your favorite exit out of of any discusion right?

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