Dreaded Collective - New Update

i question your competence sometimes at developing, so basically Drekavac’s mass increase n drone nerf, with Vedmak’s Range buff, pretty much makes em the same damn ship just different shape… “SLOW GOLF CLAP” good fkn job

It’s getting a nerf on August 25.

CCP feels certain Trig ships arne being utilized enough EG: Ikitursa is OP and no one wants to use anything else
CCP Buffs most other trig ships

I thought CCP nerfed ships after making them broken not buffing the others to try and make them as good.


it’s not a nano ship and that drone bay was pointless

Draugur can be useful now

For those who complain about the ship. Just fly it.

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Damavik: Am I a joke to you?
Combat ceptors: Get used to it.
Edencom: What? Seriously I don’t get it…


I made a thing to figure out how the base speeds are affected : Speed / Time

This is based on the formula at E-UNI Wiki

Edit: Fixed missing inertia modifier.
Edit 2: Individual Ship Comparisons for Base/AB/MWD below (only acceleration)


Yes :slight_smile:

can we get like a 5% base damage buff to all trig ammo?

what about a 15% damage buff for Occult? Giving them the same treatment as all other short range T2 ammos

Zirnirtra +150% damage? Seems a bit over-powered.

So the Vedmak will have a kiting buff and a brawl nerf, and then the zirnitra will be able to get over 40k dps.

At least the Vedmak won’t have a better tracking than blasters


seems sensible to me, there needs to be an insensitive to put an extra 18 bil on field, if it wasnt op no one would use it, just look at the current zirn

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They’re glass cannons except the Leshak if buffer fit. You make them out to be superior ships but they’re very average and nothing special at all.

Yes, but a 150% buff in one go? I feel like this is too much. The Zirnirtra will be the most powerful Dreadnaught by far, practically a Super-Dreadnaught.

at max spool yeah, it starts out fairly weak, in most fights where it would be used i can imagine it being burned to the ground before it reached max damage


Imagine it in a Titan fight, having solid logi behind it to keepnit alive. Better yet, imagine a duo if Zirnirtras self repairing and cap transferring, plus logi.

Thats not how it works, dreads cant receive remote assistance of any kind while sieged

If you play them like glass cannons you do it wrong. Glass cannons die before you get even little sugar from the rampup. In mid size fleet fights triglavian ships are very strong because of the far superior weapon system. Triglavian fleets are well liked in wormholes due to the fact that they are only subcapitals that can actually eat out capitals faster than other ships due to the rampup. They are also really good breaking citadels. But sure when you play in null where its alpha play and where you dont have time to ramp up damage. Triglavian ships are mostly op in holes, small gangs, pve and perhaps low sec.

Yet due to the fact that the weapon system makes them so good for so many things. Ikitursa is probably the best HAC overall in game due to the flexibility and the weapon system.

And I say it again all max damage rampup bonuses should be removed from the hulls as they make the rampup mechanic more stronger than it already is.

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