It already is 100…
merged duplicate topic
Lets drop it down to 75 then?
Lol, if you’re just trying to be difficult, why not make it 85 or 95?
75 means 3 heavies, we don’t want more than that
Who is “we”?
T3Cs have the rather unique ability to become pretty much any other T2 ship of their race. You can turn into a Logi, or a HAC, or a DST…
Well, the Ishtar has 125m3. And Gallente are pretty much known for making drone boats with guns, rather than gunboats with drones. So why would they limit how many drones the Drone Subsystem is allowed, to less than the other Cruiser class Drone boats?
I would say Go troll somewhere else, but your other troll thread got collapsed. So maybe you should just stop trolling altogether?
It’s not that they could become any T2 ship of their race, it’s the fact that they could become a slightly worse version of that t2 ship. If T3’s went back to being better than their T2 variants, why would anyone bother flying T2 ships? We need to keep T3’s as generalized ships that perform worse compared to T2 ships in their specific niches
You are just saying what i’ve previously said in this post…
I want the T2 ships to be better than the similar setup of the T3. But when the T3 is worse than 150m hull faction cruisers I draw the line, and voice my concern.
Also are you here to troll?
Wow, only just now discovered this gold mine of a thread!
It’s been twelve days and your post is still there.
Now WHAT are we learning from this?
Excuse me, I’ve lost my way. I was looking for “General Discussions” and suddenly I’ve found myself in this weird back alley. Can you point me into the right direction?
Well that doesn’t make much sense, I’d say t3s is a more versatile version of a specialization, trade perfection for versatility.
if t3’s could do everything a t2 could, but better and they could act as any t2 role, why would anyone bother flying t2’s? t3’s need to remain a slightly shittier version of t2’s otherwise nobody would fly t2’s
same with pirate/navy, if there’s better versions of them out there then why would people fly them?
keep in mind t3c’s and t2 cruisers cost roughly the same for the hull now
i dont think t3s can do stuff better than t2s, and i hope they wont, and it is not what im fighting for.
but the reason to fly t2 over t3 is the cost efficiency.
i mean, t3c’s can kill navy cruisers pretty easily if they’re fit right. Cloaky lokies camping VNI’s will still die sometimes, but augmented durability lokis can kill the VNI’s for sure.
keep in mind the skill point loss is the biggest cost. having over 90m sp and your ship suddently cost over a billion isk.
Think about it this way, drone proteuses can currently deal like 550 dps with 100k ehp
VNI’s can do maybe 600 dps with 30-40k ehp
Sure, the cost of the vni is a lot lower, but those drone prot’s have triple the ehp.
The reason we don’t see drone prot fleets though is because the ishtar is straight up better than both of them
that’s only if you trained your proteus skills to 5, but who does that with their pvp t3c