EDENCOM loyalties

You are condemning EDENCOM not only without evidence of bias, but only able to present a suggestion of it by misrepresenting their role.

EDENCOM are not a military force, the DED under Star Marshal Kjersidur Elladall remain CONCORD’s enforcement branch. It is not EDENCOM failing to defend the State any more than it is their defence of the Empire; they coordinate the response, they fortify, they determine when the Triglavian presence is too firmly entrenched to continue.

Do you have any evidence they are laxer about fortification, or more ready to abandon lost systems elsewhere? Or does your entire condemnation of supposed bias rest upon the efficacy of the Imperial Navy, and the appointment of a woman you clearly loathe?

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According to their publicity, EDENCOM is “a dedicated common defense pact across the cluster” and one of its three core focus points is supposed to be “supporting the member states of CONCORD in their defense efforts”. (ref)

(The other two are fortifications and capsuleer co-operation.)


I’d presume this would include creating a false controversy in an attempt to divert resources and sympathy away from the Empire so that the Triglavian Collective might do further harm to it.

This should answer any questions to the motives of this entire thread.


I will note that you answered neither of my questions; but yes, the empires constitute that pact, with Provost Marshal Vakanir’s AEGIS division having taken on responsibility for co-ordinating joint elements of the response.

That does nothing to detract from the simple truth that for all the coordination of response, each of the empires are protected by their own navy. The success or failure on a tactical level is that of their doctrines and officers, can you point to any strategic mismanagement by Provost Marshal Vakanir? And if so, can you attest that mismanagement is localised in such a way to be conducive to Imperial interests?

I expect silence from you on these questions as well, but the answers are evident enough.

What are words
What are words my love
What are words
But the way we build
We build the world
The world in our image

(Maryan in Shishaan, Act II)

I’ll answer further when you are ready to listen.


… and Khimi Harar piliots Lyra North-Onren, Lunarisse Aspenstar, Esna Pitoojee, Alex Carnel, Akali Sharisa, Francophobia, Aria Jenneth, Kranacoi Halvora, among others, and other capsuleers from the Empire coming to the aid of their State Allies. Just because we don’t fly the same flight schedules as you, does not mean we’re not there.

Well, since you have it so well in hand, I wish you good luck in it in the future too.

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As I noted, different flight schedules. For this system to be pulled from the brink, everyone needs to work as hard as they can when they can.
Sadly, there’s a lot of traitors to humanity out there.

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With respect, you completely missed the point.

And I am not comfortable elaborating further on a public forum.

I think you missed mine, completely, too.

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Your point seemed to be that you thought I intentionally or unknowingly ignored the efforts of your people, when I mentioned myself and Adams.

As I am being admonished by the ‘forum’ system for replying to you again:

I’ll simply say “Yes, that’s what it sounded like. Empire capsuleers - at least LUMEN - have tried to assist in the State, Republic and Federation as well. I know we’re not Aldrith Shutaq or PIE but we still count.” We can talk further privately, if you wish.

That was not what it was, though.

Do they seem so similar to your eyes? Maybe it depends on how you look.

If you look at the Empire, it appears to be getting only a little more than its fair share-- a difference of 2.77%, or about 5.8% above the expected rate.

Probably insignificant.

The State, though, is receiving 20.78% of all invasions while having only 17.09% of systems, a difference of 3.69%-- which, because the State’s expected share is so small, comes to about 20.6% more than expected.

Remarkable, but, maybe not for similarity?

Similarly, the Federation shows a gap in the other direction: 16.88% of invasions for 20.35% of systems, a deficit of 3.47%-- that is, about 20.1% fewer than expected; the Republic’s numbers show 14.68% of systems, 11.69% of invasions (2.99% deficit) … again, about a 20.4% shortfall from expected totals.


We’re working with relatively small numbers of invasions, so it might not be difficult for these issues to turn around, and they might be explained by stuff like distribution of certain colors of star. Specifically it might be that the State just has the ill luck of having a heretofore unknown natural resource the Caldari could never historically tap, but the Triglavians can.

I’m writing this here not to claim that the Caldari and Amarr are suffering especially under EDENCOM, but to point out it’s pretty easy, looking at numbers like these, to find what you’re looking for.

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Statistically what you’d expect, given random effects. There’s so few systems invaded so far (74, to be exact) that those percentage differences equal to 1-2 systems difference to being exactly the same.

As I noted, yes … maybe. I wonder if the pattern will break the way you seem to expect it to.

Nothing can really be said one way or another until the sample size increases. As is, Else’s analysis is as objective as possible given the circumstances, and comments only on the current distribution of invasions. if you read anything more than that, well, thats just you (or any one else that does this) imposing your own biases on the analysis.

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It’s kind of telling that you think CONCORD’s ‘law enforcement’ branch would be considered ‘a military force’. The two types of entity have completely different missions, and EDENCOM is the organizational division for ‘defense across the cluster’, as Else has indicated.

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Uh, bear with me here, I’m not exactly up on the Triglavians. If we know what sort of stars they eat, shouldn’t we be able to identify the systems containing those types of stars and then, like, count them? That’d probably answer some questions, if you all haven’t done it already.

I don’t expect the pattern for attacks per area to break? It seems to be indifferent to borders, which to be honest makes complete sense given what we know of Triglavians.

Those figures were to counter Newelle’s claim that the pattern I called attention to is explained by astrography. That pattern, in numbers, is this one.


I believe it speaks for itself.

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