Elite: Dangerous have ~400 billions of stars and EVE just only ~7800. Why CCP?!?!?

I deleted my ED it yesterday, because:

  1. it is very boring. 99% of time you are: 4…3…2…1 jumping, or docking somewhere, nothing to do there
  2. next to no player interaction, chat channels are dead
  3. lost all my money for some reason (50 mil → 6 mil), i didn’t even bother to try find out why.
  4. stupid console controls

The game is really good for space exploring, but if i ever want that kind of gameplay i’ll install space engine instead.

Those are both good points, however I have had exactly no success of any tangible kind with the conflict/competition part. As a result, and because other stuff is built into the game I tend to be more interested in that at this point. The times I have managed to kill someone else left me wondering “is that it?”. I wasn’t impressed, didn’t feel like I had accomplished anything, and kind of failed to see the point other than they attacked a friend and I killed them for it. The rest of the time I die before I know I’m in a fight so I learn nothing, and lose my stuff, then have to jump all the way back to where ever I was trying to do something.
I don’t see PvP as competition, I see it as they who have the most skills win, or they who have used more skill injectors win. There obviously are exceptions to this but I have never been involved in them.
I wind up looking outwards, hoping for something truly new. The latest events were great examples of this, I accomplished nothing in them because they were so saturated with other players everything was dead before I could target stuff. There’s five NPC’s with twenty people shooting them and five other people stealing the loot. I just went and did other stuff after a while, to much jumping for no reason.
I will say that I have bed timing in terms of when I started playing, I got on just in time for severe nerfs to completely remove my ability to tank, changes to player structures that made me not want one (having one was sort of a goal of mine) and then having the scarcity stuff kick in just as I got the skills to make things in industry. So, like I said, bad timing, and it’s resulted in me watching the progress I have made, as small as it was, go down the tubes.

Lets not discuss that elite’s next dlc supposedly brings it walking in stations and first person exploration/combat on planet surfaces.

Tried elite.
Boring AF
Only grind pve content…barely any pvp.
Min max worse than eve.

2/10 ■■■■ game

That’s kind of what I just said, I’m not sure but maybe I’m misunderstanding your reply here. I do understand that there’s no linear path, but to me, when the company making the game has imposed so many rules, or changed things they don’t like for their own reasons it takes away from the sandbox element. CCP has been making changes to, as they put it “force conflict”. If they want to force conflict they shouldn’t have made any of the other stuff, PvE, mining, and the rest possible, these are things that attract a great number of people, and yet most of the time when conflict comes and finds them they aren’t allowed to respond because CCP has also severely restricted PvP. Your corp and fleet mates can’t even help you if someone attacks you, they get Concorded for it. That is a friggin joke, and one that is exploited by groups like code who just take advantage of these rules using tricks like concord baiting.

That’s not why I’m board at all, I’m board because all I do is jump from identical system to identical system and everything I train for gets nerfed or changed in ways that makes the effort I put in, and the time spent training skills meaningless.
As far as engaging with other players goes I do to some extent, there are interesting people in Eve, but the vast majority of the time I see no reason to fly with them when they are sixty jumps away doing something I’m not into, mining for example. So I talk to them in various chat channels and that works just fine.
In many cases however, and I will use faction warfare militia chat here as an example, engagement with other players is little more than having to listen to endless insults, usually going back and forth about who is or is not a homosexual, though it’s always put in far more derogatory terms. Flying a cloaking interceptor in lowsec my engagement with other players consists of them mostly freaking out about genital sizes for something I haven’t even got just because they can’t find and kill me, same thing in places like Goonspace and a few other parts of nullsec. I don’t want anything to do with these people, and use local chat simply as a way of seeing how many people are in a given system. This kind of crap makes me like wormholes, a lot. Wormholes and the abyss are two of the best places in Eve, though you can’t just stay in the abyss, if I could I would live in it.
I have been told a number of times I’m in the wrong game because I can see ways in which ever could improve, and I find it sort of amusing. Where I live in real life people say basically the same thing “love it or leave it” but to me that is flat out foolish since I can stay and vote to improve it instead.
I still think Eve has to many players for the number of systems it’s got, hell, it’s got so many that when they go to war, which seems to be CCP’s primary goal (that and getting in the Guinness book of world records again) the servers collapse.

I went into faction warfare to learn to survive my “engagement” with other players, not to listen to eight year old boys obsess about the facinating thing in their laps. I didn’t learn much, it turned out to be mainly a good way of disposing of ships while being subjected to long list of inane rules.

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You’re welcome to want to see changes, but you need to accept that some of the changes you are talking about aren’t improvements to EVE. An improvement doesn’t change the core design and intent of the game’s playstyle and content - it enhances access and engagement with that playstyle/content. Adding hubdreds if new stars, for example, wouldn’t increase engagement with the dystopian space PvP MMO that is EVE’s core product design - it would simply allow players to avoid engaging with each other by spreading them even thinner. Since these aren’t improvements, players who enjoy the intended game design will quite reasonably tell you that if you don’t enjoy this game design, EVE may not be the game for you. And that’s OK - EVE doesn’t have to be everyone’s perfect game, or even best fit.

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A few years ago CCP was talking about opening new systems that could be reached with player built gates.

Sooooo … yeah … any minute now right?

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That would be nice but I’m not holding my breath because

And that’s ok. EVE is supposed to be a PvP-centered game. PvE is to do on the side ( I guess when you have no ships to throw at PvP ) and that’s why we see people mining in corvettes. In other words: Don’t fly what you can’t afford.
I’ve started to fly free corvettes to scope out systems and see what goes on in them and get a little intel. I have an Alt mining in 0.1 in a corvette. It’s perfect to do a little manufacturing since I don’t want to flood the market and make billions of isk. I just want to have fun and I’m really enjoying the game.
Greed will cost you a LOT in EVE and I don’t see the point to be the richest capsuleer or first on zKillboard.
Bigger isn’t always better :wink:

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Since y’all are speaking about Elite, look at this video I came across today. Eve seems like a game generation behind

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It may be a matter of taste, but at some shots it seems to me like EVE is a generation ahead.

I mean, it’s refreshing to see new space pictures that aren’t EVE, but compared to EVE graphics those shots are nothing special.

That video isn’t really telling unless you know what you’re looking at. Most of the stuff in Elite has meaning, it’s there for a reason and it tries (as much as possible) to be a simulation which creates both options as restrictions. Many things in EVE don’t really do anything or aren’t based on anything so they can look as cool and outlandish as they want.

Graphically Elite is far superior to EVE and it’s the same for the audio stuff, because it tries to be “real” the immersion is fantastic but it’s only really interesting to astronomy nerds and super scifi nerds, “normal” nerds will probably get bored of it (I’m one of them).

EVE is far better at interaction and everything that stems from that.

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Not quite sure why we are comparing a space sim with a space-themed sandbox MMO, full-loot PvP game, running a submarine physics engine.


ED is full loot too in fact.

As I see it Eve is a great game. Yes there is and should always remain a lot of PvP. Eve does suffer from a couple big issues though that drives new players away. Why is this an issue? Simply put new players sticking around are what causes a game to grow and remain viable. The only reason Eve has lasted as long as it has however is the rabid fan base from the big block power houses that have everything already. How long before those players get tired of doing the same thing over and over?

Unless CCP starts considering the new player experience and finding ways to keep them coming in and sticking around (not just alts of existing players) the game will fail, be it tomorrow or three years from now or ten years from now. That being said what are some things that are causing new players to leave the game?

First and foremost in my opinion is the toxic attitude that many of the older players have towards care bear players. CCP included in this. While yes there are many of the care bear players that are risk adverse or just dont want to deal with pvp on a daily basis there are also a ton of them that just want to log in with the limited time they have and play doing the aspects of the game they know they can do in that time. Some folks believe it or not have RL priorities that need to be addressed and cant be on at all hours of the day to defend a base or help in a war. Some are like me and take very seriously the dont fly what you cant afford to loose mentality. As such we play slowly building up our ISK and or other resources so that when and if we get to null sec we can actually have a chance at surviving the rats, players, ect out there and if we can’t it doesnt cost us everything to the point where we are starting over.

Second issue is the fact that a lot of new players come to the perception that no matter how hard they work, time they invest, or good choices they make in the game they will never be able to compete with the big power blocks out there. True or not the perception is there and that causes a lot of new players to leave. I believe a lot of the new players that leave for this reason would stick around if the perception was that as long as I work hard and put the time in I will most likely than not succeed. Players have the perception that they will never be able to challenge the power of the big power block alliances and either resign themselves to being forced to serve them, stop playing, or go live in wormholes as its the last part of Eve that new players can realistically claim for them selves.

Third issue that I see is that a lot of players get burned or have the wrong expectations going into the game. This while an issue that causes players to leave is not really an issue that needs to be resolved with new content. Pretty much out of these players the vast majority of them are going to leave regardless but some of them might stick around if the expectation was set in game via the starter missions but honestly not something that is really needed.

Do I think that adding in a ton of systems is going to solve any of these issues? Probably not, it in fact would probably make things worse. Do I think we should probably start looking at solving some of the issues that are causing the game to stagnate. Absolutely, and we as a community should be coming together to resolve these issues rather than attacking each other.

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I don’t see that as being a problem as the toxic ones, while more vocal, are a minority. Every games has its nuts. It doesn’t define a community, in my opinion.

Those are the players who have higher potential to stay. Learning to fit everything into a routine and continue towards short-term goals all while spilling up. I think some come in the gave with expectations put in check by the mechanics then get impatient and discouraged looking at the end and not the journey.

There is the perception, coming into the game, that there’s a whole galaxy full of players and NPCs, corporations and cartels, wars and business. If a new player thinks about taking over a chunk of that, I’d suggest patience, alliance and a ton of skills. Would that goal keep that player logging in for longer than a year?

That’s an assumption on your part. Lots of new players want first learn about their neighboring systems, what career will take them where, convenient route to market hubs, skilling up, info on UI, keyboard shortcuts… At least thats the route I’m taking. Thinking about competing on that level isn’t recommended, even with a 100 skill injectors. Have accept the fact that there are players who’ve been there for more than a decade.
Hat’s off to them.

Most of your OP is about new players’ unrealistic expectations of rivaling with the “big blocks” isn’t an issue that’s causing the game to stagnate. Whoever gets into EVE and makes that his goal has better be ready to play his butt off and have 95% of his waking hours in front of his screen…for years.

Also, it puts new players in too few categories, which I think are more varied and EVE is changing so nothing is set in stone.

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A little story about ED.

I decided to try to reach border of the galaxy. The journey went not so well and I got myself stuck in a cluster of 6 star systems being unable to get out.
Week after I was rescued by other player who went out of his way with his carrier. He visited this place and picked me. Spent hours jumping and I have no idea how many ingame money for fuel and stuff. Hasn’t taken anything from me for this service.

Now I remember that one time I got myself stuck in a WH system (back in 2010 I believe). Being few month old noob (I bet my ship was called “March rabbit’s Vexor”) I was simply killed by a group of some players. No questions asked, no help provided. Just scanned me out, warped to and killed.

Different games… different players… different fun.

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Seems to me the EVE players found a more efficient, cheaper and faster way to get you home in an express fashion than the ED guy. :smirk:

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Whenever someone wants more systems in Eve, it usually turns out that they want their own private nullsec system that no one can contest them over.

Just learn to do abyssals.


After CCP add marshal’s room there is no more sense to run abyss.

plz elaborate
what is marshal’s room ?