Dear all,
I sincerely thank the people that spent time reading my post and made a constructive answer to it, whether agreeing or not with my position.
The initial intention was more toward a debate on the game economy, but according to the majority of answers, I my expectations might have been too high. I won’t ask for closing the topic as people are free to debate, I just wanted to stress out the extremely limited impact of sarcasm on forums.
People tend to forget bad things from the past and just remember the positive out of it, aka the famous vanilla flavor. But fact is that over the past years, you all played in an economical booming situation, were resources were plentiful, allowing you to develop steadily. I don’t. New players don’t.
Of course, it doesn’t really matter for rookies that are just enjoying lvl1/2 mission running or spending 1h casually exploring this universe in doing a little bit of this and that. In this configuration, EvE is a fantastic sandbox with plenty of possibilities, I’m not denying that. It doesn’t seems to matter for most of you as well, as you seems to consider that a Rookie have to take the long way starting this game like you did and wait to be able to do something efficiently. But facts are we are not using the same way. I’m a developing player in a configuration where income dropped, and ships cost more, making my development even more difficult than yours.
Everyone is happy when reaching a milestone they have set to themselves, but there is no sense of progression as well. I was proud when I made my first T2 Abyss run last month, I had unlocked another part of the game. I felt annoyed when I made my first T3 Abyss this month, and received the same net income than in T2 after filament price, but flying with a ship requiring more skillpoints, and more expensive modules for the same gameplay (as long as you’ve learned what to focus, basically all abyssal deadspace are the same, you’re then just limited by your possibilities of ship fitting really). And this is the whole point of this: I do not understand why I should be rewarded after 4 hours of activity the same amount people were rewarded with for 2 hours of time investment 2 years ago.
I am very disappointed by a game whose developers prefers to annihilate parts of the game instead of curing the real diseases (Mineral bloats were caused by Rorqual dominance in nullsec, nothing more. Economic reports of 2019 and before show that perfectly). So whereas recent changes impact all players, with different proportion depending on their experience & existing assets. I don’t think that it will really “cure” the economy even in mid term plans. Figures are already showing that: ships prices are increasing not because mineral prices are increasing, but because many industrialists have given up (Oct 2020 economical report, slide 1).
So yes, I’ll quit, my subscription will not be renewed next month. I’m not the one responsible for this bloating of the economy, I’m not the one that has profited of this bloating, but I think I’m in the typology of players that suffers the most from it. It was maybe not the best time to start the game after all.
It won’t probably matter for CCP who launched the game in China with a bigger pool of players and will launch the game in Japan soon. Plex price is going up again so people will be more inclined to buy and resale them. All is well then.