Enough is enough: a newplayer feedback about income drop from CCP latest patchs

It aint a buff… in general the systems with 115-150% have low military ADM’s… the process of raising the military ADM drops it to below 100%

Most of the systems in my area now have DBM’s of 70-90% and dropping - as are the ADM’s.

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I heard people talking about that, I think CCP might rather change ADM’s rather than ratting % and so on.

Yeah, if they do some rebalancing it should be OK… but if you want to incentivize spreading out then ya gonna have to do some tweaking

Yea for sure CCP want people to spread so the most likely scenario will be for ADM’S to raise 2 to 3 times quicker with the same amount of work.


Well said.

I like your spirit and your attitude.

May you do well in EVE good sir.


ha… be interesting to see how that affects the war effort

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To honestly answer your question, I was making about 10M/hour in September via mining. As I was quite intensively mining, I was happy with the daily income it generated (bewteen 80 to 100M).
For Abyssal deadspace, I make around 6M per run in T2 so about 20 to 22M an hour, and about 9 in T3 (net, deducing filament prices etc, it was around 12 millions two months ago). But I of course cannot make the same daily amount as it requires a lot more attention.
For null sec exploration, well, it is exploration so very variable, but that’s part of it.
I haven’t tried incursions yet, or factionnal warfare, I might give it a try, as at least it will be group activity and less boring than being alone in the Abyss or in an asteroid belt.

For the record, I didn’t find figures about 2007, but in 2010, a fully fitted Megathron was 170M, and fully fitted Orca was 415M. I remind having done the SOE epic Arc back in 2011, but don’t recall that mission rewards were less than today (but it’s old memories, I could be wrong).

Anyway, as you read my posts, you saw that I was not comparing actual situation with 10 years + ago, but with 2 to 3 years ago.

Yes. CCP screwed up. Not enough attention was paid to the economy and decisions were made that caused problems that while are probably fixable, are not without pain and consequences. They kept kicking the can down the road to juice the short term metrics and now it is time to pay for those missteps.

One of those consequence is that newer players like you caught in the readjustment were going to be squeezed, potentially out of the game. Legitimately, you can point to the fact that the game is harder for you than for other that started a few years before and those players get to keep their amassed wealth while you get nothing and are at an even bigger disadvantage. No one will blame you if you don’t want to play a persistent game like Eve under those circumstances.

The thing is there is no choice now but for all of us to take our medicine, even those of us that were not around for the resource orgy. Sure, we can point fingers at the developers that made poor decisions in the past, or be all like “I told you so!” and point to forum threads from 4 or 5 years ago where people were screaming about the long-term consequence of the development direction, but that won’t do anything. The bottom line is that the game’s economy needs to be fixed, and while an inquiry to assess who to blame for this mess might be enlightening and/or entertaining, there is no way CCP is going to give us any insight into the past decisions like this.

So now it is time to look forward and for Eve to heal. Take a break, and maybe in a year or two you’ll get the itch again and come back. Eve is all about context and your power and success is relative to the other players. Once things adjust, you may find the changes in the ease of resource collection not such a big deal as it will be the new normal. You would still be better off in Eve if you kept playing rather than taking a break, but it is understandable if you don’t want to keep playing a game under these circumstances.


Yea I am just trying to figure out what activities would help you out with your current sp, if you really love mining then you can spice it up with some Jedi huffing:

It involves getting getting the 100mil/hour expensive gas from the most dangerous sites the trick is that the rats only spawn after 20min so you can technically do it in a venture for 20min then warp out, but it involves some scanning. Luckily scanning doesn’t really take much sp to get to a good place and you will be able to scan all the good sigs with only lvl 3 skills.


Don’t do missions after the update it is better to just do the novice sites in a cheap t1 frig also missions will mess up your faction standing and you will regret it later.

I see you have a scanny ship death in a wormhole, so yea relic site running is pretty good so won’t go over that.

You can filament to poch the triglavian system and go around with a cheap t1 ship with sub 3 sec align times and make 200km pings just before landing on grid with the cntrl + b for bookmark and pinging between the bookmark and wreck for about 100m/h you wont able to take gates so be sure to buy a escape filament + a border filament before going. Having a salvager will increase your isk but at the same time sitting still long enough to salvage means something can decloak on you, so up to you on if you want to risk it.

Triglav systems also have rich mining anom’s so filamenting into it with a venture or what ever cheap ship you have can be decent. The only problem would be getting it out you might need to youtube on how to grind some triglav standings to 1 to use the station’s or 3 to use the gates, it is a lot of fun thou so worth exploring.

If you can train yourself into a battle cruiser even t1 fit then you can run c2 wormhole combat sites for about 50mil/hour, or into a praxis for c3 at 200mil/hour but that takes a lot of skill points so maybe that’s something for later down the line.

There is literally tons of ways to make isk as you are now without much sp requirement’s. I won’t expose all the good one’s as the fun in eve is the exploration of it.

But yea the avg income seem’s to be about 100m/h (which is plenty to play eve effectively without spending real money).
The top guy’s with the knowledge can pull around 300-500/h and obviously the warlords or the market guys can make much more but that’s a tiny % of people.

There are conditions to be reimbursed. You generally dont want to reimburse just everything.

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LOL, luckily all things rotate so if one way of making isk goes down another will go up.

For example, CCP increases drop rate of mutaplasmids:
At first the Abyss runner see’s a huge spike in his cargo hold isk value as the prices have not adjusted and is like ■■■■ yea! then 1 week later the mutaplasmid market goes down in price and they become harder to sell as there is more supply then demand.

But because mutaplasmids are now cheap some dude feels he wants to now roll a ton of expensive deadspace modules and then DED’s become more profitable.

Hi. I’m also a newbie here. I respect this game has >10yrs of history and hence we’re latecomers.

I also acknowledge that customer support, product development, and server maintenance and upkeep costs money, so CCP should bill accordingly.

That said, I agree the balancing of the game (world) is still horrible and CCP needs to do a much better job if they want to keep attracting new players to keep the servers online (since older players PLEX their accounts):
I’ve just lost 3x in a row ships (and implants) worth 150m each time, on events that would have paid out perhaps 3m each (i.e. 1:50 risk/reward against NPC). If I would have played a single number roulette in Vegas I would have been better off (1:37).

So the game needs much better balancing for younger players, 5x - 10x better rewards for L1 - L3 sec missions, cheaper sub-cap vessels, and no PVP in 0.7 or above.

I write this in order to keep the game interesting and attractive for newer players like myself, not to bash CCP.

Thank you

“JakobFugger”, hu?

Yeah …

… No.

You’re most likely a liar and this is dumb.

Glad we shared our opinions.

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Thanks for your comment, but before you call me a liar you need proof. Ship incl. fit out cost just under 50m, but then the kill wipes the implants and augmentations worth 100m; so 150m in total. check your facts before you make accusations

Dumb - perhaps. I’m just sharing Newbie experiences here

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Agree. that’s what I’m saying: the game is unsuitable to new players. It’s not balanced. Let’s stay away

Balos is back?


Currently there’s several characters with different persona all more or less barking up the same tree.

They all share some traits, some share certain specific traits and one guy might as well really be Balos,
because he has this same vibe of being an emotional cripple attached to him.

We’ll find out more as the story progresses! :smiley:

This Jakob here has a strong Naarian vibe to him, but … to be fair … all of them shared delusions of grandeur …

This right here. Not only is this faker saying that vets don’t give a ■■■■ about new players,
he’s also trying to make himself look better, because he’s “obviously” not a veteran.

An actual new player wouldn’t think he’s in a position to tell anyone how much a new player needs to earn.
An actual new player wouldn’t know what is “well balanced” and wouldn’t know how or why this and that
would need to be changed in what form.

A new player has no frame of reference. He’s new.
This guy definitely isn’t new.

He’s a liar, plain and simple.

(Edit: Had to remove the word asshole to prevent this post from being deleted. In a politically correct, and thus fascist world view, attacking people is not allowed, because truth hurts.)

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Dear Sir or Madam,

I’ve been gaming since 1994 mostly strategy, MMO and space games. Long before EVE. I don’t have time to spare to lie or similar.

I encourage you to start cold at EVE today and see how it feels and plays.

If I was a seasoned account/alt, I would have no interest in making NewBies more welcome.

Just saying. But of course you’re free to believe what you believe


But but … CCP explain they do that for game wealht and permit to nex player to catch old player easier.
That the whole point of all change. You means they are totally missing the goal ? PickachuFace