Eve Anywhere

I said “official” development and support, we’re left out when it comes to that. We’re second class customers, but yet we pay still the same.

we had this discussion with offical people, when crunch time comes to Linux, we’re up shat creek with no paddle.

This is why we want/need Eve Anywhere.

Of course, when our user agent says “Linux” we can stil get shafted on support, who knows.

Basically with support tickets it’s like “Just don’t mention Linux”. In fact not long ago (maybe they changed that now since I raised this issue too), there is/was a category called “Linux (not supported)” when opening tickets when specifying platform, we had/have to specify “Other” (funnily enough OTHER is supported but Linux is/was not). See here What is with the GM support? - #4 by Zoiie and here What is the best way to talk to the devs? - #11 by Zoiie