EVE Is Dangerous. Yeah Right

let me point you towards the EVE online terms of service, number 27 and 28 state.

  • If you are between 13 and 18 years of age, you must have the permission of your parent or guardian to before providing the personal information required to create an EVE Online game or website account.

  • In compliance with The Children’s Online Privacy Act of April, 2000, we cannot provide subscriptions to individuals under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, you may not create an EVE Online account and you are not eligible to enter contests or promotions

so what 6-10 year olds are you talking about?

Something something ‘Island’ something something ‘easy living’ something something :relaxed: ?


That is your opinion and I said it is BS

and what now what can you do against that ???
( instead of writing next 9999999999 internet posts ) :rofl:

Well, at this point I have a hard time taking you serious anymore. I really tried to give you a fair chance.

Keep dreaming about that risk-free highsec. Don’t think it will ever happen (at least not how you propose it), if CCP wants to keep the cash cow going.

Fly safe o7 (Oh wait, you never undock so who am I kidding).

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Embarassing is you not seeing the change that has accured in the expectations to a mmog on the market and constantly trying to state the current status as “actual” in the buisness because it simply is outdated and has to be brought into 2018.

Yes it is. The game treats everybody equally and provides everybody with the same tools and the same minimal set of rules.

What people do with them is their business, which is the point of a sandbox game.

You are free to do as you choose in Eve, as is everybody else.

That freedom is what allows someone to mine afk, it’s also what allows someone to shoot them in the face for doing so.

What you are not, is safe.

If you want to be safer than that which is offered by hisec, you have to learn how to use and apply the same mechanics that people use to make it unsafe.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: i almost spit my drink out

That’s downright offensive and inappropriate. How ■■■■■■■ dare you compare slavery to a ■■■■■■■ game.

Get some goddam ■■■■■■■ perspective you despicable little dingleberry hanging from the arsehole of gaming.


i did spit my drink out…

wow dude, just wow.


Wow. Deluded much?


It’s not outdated. It’s different. It always has been and it has a strong base. You still have zero validity.

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That’s in no way offensive and inappropriate…not even close to it…

Mentionibg slavery is inappropriate?

Bringing an example like this is my RIGHT and there is NO ONE that can call this too much because it isn’t…

This political correct crap you seem to grew up with has gone too far already…

Anything is sayable and no one has the right to call it inappropriate.

comparing a game with the ■■■■ that was slavery?? you need to stfu! :angry:

Where is the problem?

Beside the fact you are trying to distract from the topic because you are out of arguments?


If you can’t see why that’s an inappropriate post you need to seek some history lessons.

Slavery is something that casts a shade on history, it was a real horror, just like the genocide of WW2; not to be trivialised by the likes of you moaning about PvP in a PvP game.

This political correct crap you seem to grew up with has gone too far already…

lol you wish, I don’t give a toss for PC bull, I do however have a sense of human decency, some would say a mere shred but it’s there.


During the 80s we struggled to become west, for the freedom of speech beside the other reasons …

“Because you cannot say it this way”?


Slavery has happend and it can not be undone by concealing it or comparing it in which it is mentioned like political correctness tries…there is simply NO inappropriate use of historic events and this excitement that some people wear is laughable to its core…

Wow, again.

Are you saying that there is at no time a point where comparisons with historical events couldn’t be deemed to be inappropriate?

No one is trying to conceal anything here. The trivialisation of such inhumanity is what is offensive and inappropriate.

Yeah…truth compared to what is told you at school and in the media for so long…

You can laugh and make fun about slavery and hitler and the world will not stop turning and no dam ordeal will strike you with lightning…