EVE Online: Invasion - General Feedback

If you want/need ISK you ninja salvage, if pure ISK making not your thing and you want to give flying in a fleet a go(for the experience) you do that, same if maybe you want to try FC for the experience-seems like its set up to cater for multiple experiences on multiple levels(whilst it still in Hi-Sec). Everyone can do mix of things or stick to one.


If it makes you feel any better it’s not like CCP isn’t active. In fact two devs made a post yesterday in this thread about how they’re testing out in-game pop-up ads on the test server! So at least everyone has that to look forward to!


My general observation is that while this is true, the opportunity for “experience” is still restricted by CCP’s sticking to core mechanics. Things like player-triggered activity and conduits acting as “rooms”.

There might be good (coding) reasons for the above but there was (and still is) opportunity for CCP to do something different. The good thing with initial roaming fleets was they were exactly that, and could drop on any structure or belt at any time. Wouldn’t it be good if conduits just started spawning whether a player triggered them or not? And that the three waves from each conduit then just went for a roam if not engaged within 30 minutes?

Imagine that … maybe 12 full waves roaming a system at any time and with all 4 conduits still open. That also leads to the fantasy that any system could actually become a “no go” zone. Now that would be an experience.

Instead, what do we get? Effectively rooms, where nothing now moves outside of them, and the usual obsession of some players trying to solo these. Saw one player get close to achieving that yesterday on a minor conduit using a cruiser, although a second BC ended up helping him close it out.

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This overwhelming backfire could be easily escaped if you put invasion on test server first. Players will tell you all this in advance and you will have chance to make it right !!!


CCP Hilmar said at Eve down under that they want to inject the mystery back into Eve. So, I’m pretty sure that’s why it never hit the test server. Personally, I think they should probably save the mystery box for content that is specifically designed for explorer type players, and forget about it for content designed for achiever type players (a.k.a. incursion runners).


Well, the Invasion I ran last night is still up, so that’s a really good sign.

Maybe the content will eventually evolve into to something worthwhile after most people have lost interest and jumped ship. I doubt CCP would care for that outcome, but little competition would be great for me.

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While a agree with “… the best part …” and such i have to mention that EvE is a game where you should expect to fight for your piece of cake.

If your “social aspects” means “we having fun together and fall apart as soon as any problem arises” then i’m not sure this kind of bonds is what is needed in this game and should be carefully held by developers as long as they keep general direction of the game. Note that it appears they are moving EvE Online off its roots towards casual MMO so it is possible that at some point every community will have its private Incursion to run and protection from bad guys.

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If these people weren’t worthless farmers they’d defend the wrecks using alts.
Yet they don’t.

Why should CCP give a ■■■■ about farmers complaining about things they could easily deal with themselves?

Hint: They shouldn’t.


Farmers don’t have friends.

Back before the very first incursion nerf they came up with the same ■■■■■■■■. The result was that no one actually gave a ■■■■ about community once the income was nerfed. These people either aren’t legit, or don’t know what “community” means.

I guess they believe “community” means “tools who help me farm”.


lol why should player A forced to use an PAID alt to protect his work and take the risk of losing properly fitted PVE ships at the same time,
while player B can be a ALPHA account and just jump in and salvage.

Stop this defending on ninja salvaging. They used to at least require some Combat probe scanning down LVL 4 mission runners. Now it basically cost nothing.


All invasion is big mess, CCP do not hide your problems


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Ninja salvaging is great content. It’s what made me give Eve another shot even if the noble profession was need into irrelevance shortly after I joined the game. If anything, this game needs more ways to steal from each other and I am glad there has been at least a momentary resurgence.

It’s possible too much value of the sites is provided through salvage, but I kinda doubt it. Only CCP knows for sure, but I bet the most competent and organized players are making significantly more ISK/h than they could in incursions even factoring some loss to the ninjas. People just don’t like change and while that is an opinion of people can express, it isn’t one that is very sympathetic. Change is good. Change is necessary for growth. CCP may need to tweak this expansion some, but I’m glad they finally are trying to be bold, even just a little, and mix things up.


How about a thief module where you can use it on other ships and steal items from their cargo? It wouldn’t even give you a suspect flag so there’s basically nothing the other player can do besides leave! Or is that just the same thing as ninja salvaging?


Not at all. Wrecks are like asteroids - free to the first person who harvests them. A “stealing module” is actually taking something from someone’s possession. Completely different.

It’s perfectly fine that there are different types of rewards available in New Eden, including some you have to race for in highsec. Maybe the balance of rewards (drops vs salvage) needs to be tweaked, but I kinda doubt it. I’m sure most of the booty isn’t ninja-ed at all. And if it is successfully, more power to the perpetrator for being quicker on the draw.

Time to get good, or head home.

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please stop ignoring the difference between “the mechanism are bad” and “they are doing something illegal in HS”.

was going well today till emerg maint

First of all, we should maybe make clear the difference between possession and ownership. Possession means physical control - in eve that would be inside your cargo hold, hangar or the ship you are piloting.
Ownership is who an item belongs to, regardless of physical control - If I borrow you my Avatar, you might have possession but not ownership.

And taking an item which s.b. else has ownership but not possession of is still illegal - “Your honor, that Vette Stingray on the sidewalk was obviously not in anybodies possession, so I was free to take it…”

And no, other pilots wrecks are yellow, which means they belong to somebody else.



It seems obvious here that this 2nd week of invasion content was set up specifically for low skilled/low ISK and new players-minor conduits with just frigates and a few cruisers-the info. states “optimal for 1-3”. The first week was clearly set up for way more upp-everything players-BS/swarming gangs etc where noobs alone or in small groups had little to no chance.
Unfortunately, go to any Invasion foothold system this week and what do you see more often than not? 10-15 Marauders, T3s and Faction BS sitting blasting frigates and claiming what to them is chump change-as for low skill/noobs being able to take part for (to them) decent ISK reward-they have no chance.
Honestly-the myopic bleating from clearly well off(jaded?) players being deprived of a few shekels by ninjas is ridiculous-if i was a noob you damn right i would be jumping in my salvage ship and taking from these “whales”.


2 patches in and the stupid market behavior that expands the categories when you look up items is still there. Fix that already!


■■■■ loot. Okay salvage.