EVE Vanguard Panel Notes & Discussion

Yup, and nay time you’ve blown up a ship bigger than a frigate, we should petition CCP to generate killmails for crew, i want to know how much of a murder hobo i really am

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sorry if this is off topic.

but is anyone else having issues using their original eve online email to sign up for the eve vanguard early access.

as for some reason it wont let me use the email that i use for eve online itself for eve vanguards news updates & early access sign up?

it worked for me, try a different browser and check spam for a missed confirmation link


thanks and i will try and diff browser


just an update.

Your suggestion to try and different browser worked for me. thank you for the suggestion i appreciated o7


Just spit balling here but…at this point I want to see separate clones for Eve and Vanguard for the reason that if Vanguard is going to have a viable sandbox economy of it’s own it will need to grow slowly and organically… The devs have indicated there’s going to be some kind of exploration, industrialism, mining etc., so, an economy.

Eve characters with Eve wallets would instantly destroy any possibility of that development taking place.

Also, thinking of the game upon release, when peeps who have never heard of New Eden are coming in through Steam, say… The asymmetry with trillion isk Eve vets seems unsupportable with regards to the new player experience.

Perhaps there are workarounds, but it seems difficult if we want there to be only one market and only one isk.


Will we be able to (eventually) produce items in Eve for Vanguard players or have they announced anything yet?

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It is too early for this imho. The game build we’ll play for 4 days in just a week will be an improved version of what we saw at FF’23. No market connection yet. This info in a very condensed form is based on bits and pieces of what CCP Devs throw us on official EVE Discord → vg-general thread (eve account linking to Discord is here) :wink:
They can’t say more for obvious reasons :stuck_out_tongue: All we can do now is speculate and think wishfully :wink:

The economy link is not there yet. Even if there will be one it will be through some NPC proxy imho which will control and adjust the sell/buy prices.

According to last EVE Pulse Havoc and Vanguard video summary, Vanguards’ earnings are in the range of 100s or 1000s ISK per contract. They would not have money to buy stuff from us at batshit rates :rofl: (not long ago I saw a joler at NPE station in 1.0 sec selling Pyerite for 1k ISK/unit :confused: - name added to orange contacts list)

But I think the most probable form of cooperation be through issuing contracts to Vanguards to do some jobs at planets levels - not official, my own speculation but I think it seems to stand on it’s own legs and is probable.

The EVE Online EVE Vanguard link works asynchronously via Quasar by sending messages at each other. It means neither side waits for the other to respond. They just send: “i did this or that, deal with it” and each party do it at its own pace. It is like: “Oh jollly good, new email arrived, but what do I do with it now? let me see…”

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I had always wondered about stretching while looking at my reflection bounce off of the side of the ship.

Its the same universe so there will likely be nothing stopping you from sending ISK from your main to your dust bunny 2.0 to pay for things

And i’m against different characters just based on the fact that we can’t use our established capsuleer names that we have cultivated over the last 2 decades, that alone means i’m not touching this game at all

Think of the game mode as being able to escape from your pod and the name you create is actually your pilot’s nickname.


Yeah no i’m good thanks, not touching it until they fix this oversight

Are you so upset as to not even scour for Vanguard gameplay streams on next weekend?

I don’t watch streams in general, the gameplay from the fanfest stream was enough to know the gameplay loop and having played many hours of destiny 2 i can work out the rest :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is a weird comment because it very obviously has an extraction shooter gameplay loop, not a looter-shooter gameplay loop. Tarkov or The Cycle, not Destiny.

The oversight you mention is that due to the ability to be logged in both in EveOnline and Vanguard? So using a different pilot sounds acceptable but I fail to see the oversight that you mention that could be a deterrent!

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What we saw at FF’23 during less than 5 min can’t define the whole game. Devs explained in the eve discord they chosed that particular game loop to show some structured action and not wander aimlesly around sightseeing.

How on earth one could judge the entire game on such a short time span? There is at least more game play shown in EVE Pulse Vanguard segment a contract to search and mark containers for later salvage.

Also in the last pre-recorded Havoc game director chat, CCP Rattati talks of many types of contracts to pick up during First Strike and not all require extraction. And some types of those contracts will add to corruption level during active insurgency. Devs also explained in the eve discord that you don’t have to pickup any contracts and can just sneek on ppl, shoot them and still make progress without extracting anything or yourself :slight_smile:

I think your dismissal based on 5 minute demo of just one game loop out of many not shown at FF is unfair :confused:

I pledge with you to at least watch official CCP Twitch on Friday to reassess your view :face_holding_back_tears:

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This is gona be huge. Counting down the days!! :partying_face:

We are so close @Elinore_en_Divalone I remember the first threads and murmurs from CCP about an FPS and here we are!!

Jumping with excitement.


Which is going to follow the normal loot and shoot gameplay loop, the extraction part only changes what you actually make it out with, the actual base gameplay is going to be pretty much the same

Why would i want to be logged in to both? and sure if you want to use both then you can use the vanguard clone slot, not all of us want or need to be logged in to both at the same time

Then thats you, you’re free to accept having to be forced to use a different name, i however do not accept that so i will be opting out of the game until that changes

Quite easily, unless this is the first and only game you have ever played you can quite easily estimate what the open world is going to end up like, games like destiny and anthem have already shown what is possible, its just going to be that with an EVE coat of paint, and as such i know i’m not really going to be missing out on much if i do decide not to play it

Seeing more of it is extremely unlikely to change my mind, its not like this is a new concept