Event Feedback - Guardian's Gala 2019

Unbelievable. Still not fixed.


yeah :confused:

I noticed that it did refresh properly right after downtime (did 3 or so sites without issues, with objectives completing and updating on multiple characters), but when i logged on in the evening, that happened, and i had to relog 8 or so times to get it to update (per character)… not really doable without losing one’s mental faculties in the process :slight_smile:


I reloaded and cleared cache about 6 times and gave up. It didn’t fix itself, so we’ll see what happens after DT tomorrow.

We’re being ignored, the bugs haven’t been fixed, and I’ve done everything I can here to try to remain understanding and constructive. I’m only running them at this point so see if anything is going to be fixed or changed. I’ve pretty much given up on expecting a response from CCP on this (though I really do appreciate @CCP_Dragon coming on to this thread to check in, even though this is out of his hands).

I’m not even mad at this point, just really disappointed.


Same sentiment here. Really wanted to be positive on this event, especially given how how quickly they fixed the battleship dps. Where was that level of responsiveness later on? Lackluster rewards, and the persistent stuckness of mission refreshing really vexes.

If they are going to be this lax and lazy, I wish they could have AT LEAST pulled of a Gallente Grand Prix level of laziness. At least THAT had a redeeming factor (easy accessibility and accomplishable goals coupled with enticing rewards).

It’s incredible the degree of utter mediocrity CCP is demonstrating with this event. I for one am nervous that if CCP is capable of doing this on an event, I can’t imagine if they implement this level of mediocrity on more future permanent parts of the game…


On contrary to the above I found this event very positive. I could play few games that came out recently. I caught up on some movies I was posponing over and over, finished a book and started a next one. Really, couldn’t wish for more.

Looking forward to the next event :heart_eyes:


Have you been hiding under a rock? For years now CCP is pandering to people who are, in no way or form, EVE players. They require it to be easy, because they can’t handle the fact that they suck.


More such events and everyone will win EVE at last! \o/


There is a clear feedback to CCP that this event is not worth it, and the loot drop and even bounty value should be changed. The company even acknowledges a change should happen, and it is passed along.

I have been checking the patch notes and even looked closely if the client had announced patches installed, and so far NOTHING has happened. And this event even makes you lose isk by turning in the gala even tickets !
source: YC121 Guardian's Gala, or how not to run an event

As a capsuleer I wanted to return to eve for a year or more during and after this event, but the company has yet again shows it’s inability to listen to it’s customers and improve on their live services.

Sadly I smell the hubris from the past again, and keeping my wallet tight.

Regards, a Freelancer


Yep - same here, as soon as my subscription and PLEX run out, that’s me back to Alpha (and more likely inactivity when the frustration of not being able to fly most of my boats kicks in). Not just the terrible nature of this event, but the lack of communication about it from the developers (@CCP_Dragon excepted) ; there doesn’t seem to be any constructive dialogue between client and supplier (it would have been nice to have seen a statement from the CSM on this fiasco as well).

Such a shame, Eve was - and still could be - an amazing place to hang out, but I worry about the direction it’s heading.


Huh- this just showed up in my Inbox.

I sort of feel like I’m being trolled now. Let’s unpack this a little bit.

"Guardian’s Gala Ends soon!"


"…enjoy new challenges, visuals, and content!"

“Enjoy” is an interesting choice of words here, but ok.

"Access the event objectives via The Agency in the Neocom menu in game. Then, decide what objective you’re going to tackle across a variety of challenges."

Assuming said objectives actually refresh since the bug that is graying these out seems to have not yet been fixed. Maybe one of these missions is staring into the (gray) void and seeing if the void stares back into you…

"…and Cerebral Accelerators.

Cerebral Accelerator BPCs. That you have to build with ore you can barely mine or refine in any meaningful quantity. FTFY

"You can also trade in items with ISK at special Paradise Club structures for Guardian’s Gala Surprise Gifts"

There’s the “G-word” again.

GIFT , noun [from give.] A present; any thing given or bestowed; any thing, the property of which is voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation; a donation. It is applicable to any thing movable or immovable.

I love that the actual text in this email contradicts the very definition of this word…



Same. My first reaction … Fu** off CCP!


We did (kind of on another thread) that basically said stop whining and CCP are all gods we should worship.

the more I think about it, the more I love this… people have always been saying they wanted more challenging PVE… well the NPC’s are evolving, they realized that instead of taking us on in a fair fight all they need to do is put out some cheap bait and they can scam the ■■■■ out of us.

now THAT is some intense PVE!


Considering the Angel cartel promised this year’s they would ■■■■ with us all, I say they did it, and did it well!!
The lore guys are on point lol


From log fragment #5: “So let’s not dwell on the death and destruction of the past. Instead, this February remember your brother and sister entrepreneur.”

I imagine one of the lost fragments must say something like: “Gala attendees should refrain from carrying excess valuable items to the party, and take advantage of our speedy and confidential shipping services for their gift packages.”


That was a time when ccp was burnning investors money to please spoiled players, investors money has gone, spoiled players has gone and here few die hard Eve fanboys discused about past present and future in Eve online…

Wow, can’t believe I just read this entire thread. Makes me glad I didn’t even bother trying this event, and I usually like running events despite them having numerous bugs…

Seeing CCP’s lack of response to all the bad issues associated with this event is definitely disappointing, though due to CCP’s past history it wasn’t unexpected. What makes it worse is the fact that CCP continuously keeps making the same mistakes and somehow manages to make each event even worse than the previous one.

As a paid subscriber for over 10 years, I must admit for the past few years it’s the events that have kept me interested in playing and paying for this game. I’m now actually starting to reconsider my viewpoint on that but since I’m a diehard Sci-Fi fan, I’ll continue to keep hope that in the future CCP will make the events better and thus, more enjoyable for all players.


I’m right there with you, brother.

I really look forward to these and, hey, stuff happens and things go wrong. Human beings are running things and things go on the rocks sometimes. That’s why I genuinely do my best to try to be understanding, constructive, find humor where I can, and see if I can hopefully smooth the rough edges of going through this with both the devs and the players.

But this one really struck a nerve with me on a number of levels that I’ve articulated in my previous posts, so I won’t get into it here.

I am doing my best to remain hopeful, but it’s hard this time.


It’s the almost (one Falcon response?) total lack of acknowledgement from CCP that disappoints me the most.

Back to the bad old days of pulling up the drawbridge and hoping the issue will go away.


I agree.

I agree as well.

But, what I miss most are events where you had fun.

The original events were fun.