I don’t believe we need to redefine any words just because you are a blunt instrument lacking any subtlety at all.
This is why you may only attend via holopresence.
Oh, that’s cute. Get real - Lady Kor-Anashtih had about as much “subtlety” in her words as the whores on Luminaire employ when they, like her, are busy fellating someone.
But hell, you want to dodge, so let’s dodge! Yes, I am a blunt instrument. I am exactly what I am, true to who and what I am, and I make no apologies for it.
You and Lady Kor-Anashtih, on the other hand? You are nothing but hypocrites.
Call me apostate, denigrate my name, howl epithets at me until you run out of breath-- but I was Amarrian, just like you. I see you for what you are. Even from my newfound vantage in the blackest shadows of hell, I see you very clearly indeed.
You and the rest of LUMEN are the burnt-out ends of ever-dimming candles, unfit to stand in in the glory of Lady and Lord Newelle’s blazing sunlight.
And believe me, the difference isn’t subtle at all.
Take your words and burn them in our radiance, then. You go on the same pyre as the one that sunk the knife in our backs.
You see? Couldn’t agree more.
I expect the people of whom you speak offer far more than a vague compliment for effort and a hope that someone have a nice day. Though I do imagine that the class of workers you compare Lady Kor-Anashtih to are also quite good at leaving unsaid barbs in their supposed compliments.
I have to say that I’m afraid I have never been accused of being a good actor, but please do elaborate on my hypocricy, I am sure it will be amusing.
Why bother? You aren’t Amarr now and are damned. That’s enough. There really is no need for any yelling beyond that.
The rest of your words are transparent sycophantic nonsense designed to drive a wedge between the Amarr faithful. The Newelle’s long service to Amarr is certainly worth celebrating, and we do not view them as rivals in any capacity. I also am unsuprised they are displeased by your praise, given that the praise of a treasonous Ni’Kunni will certainly not strengthen the Newelle Family position on Mekhios.
I personally think that the Amarrians on this thread that are making mountains out of molehills should kindly go **** themselves and stick that pole up their rear end any further it may come out of the top of their head.
Aldy, what are you doing combating the Kybers? Oh, I know it. NOTHING. Have you even been to Pochven? Doubtfully so. I met you near 11 years ago and you have gotten more uptight as the years have progressed? Are you not getting enough right now? Is Mitara holding out on you?
Sahara, two words one begins with the letter F and the other word is off. You dont get to comment on this at all agreeing with anyone or anything, you are a Cluster Traitor.
Oh I most certainly do get to comment–that’s the best part. Here I am, still a capsuleer in good standing with CONCORD. . . . and all four of the Empires to boot. Oops. Now, sure-- EDENCOM hates me and the Drifters want me dead faster than you can say “repurposed body parts,” but I’m welcome everywhere else in the Cluster.
But more importantly, neither you nor anyone else gets to deny my history. The 18 months I’ve been a kybernaut did not erase the three years I was an independent capsuleer, nor the thirty-five years I lived before that as a baseliner citizen of the Amarrian Empire. When I say that I see these Amarrian capsuleers for who they are, it’s because I have a lifetime of experience to draw upon.
But yet you threw that all away, abandoning the Empire and those within it to join something like the Kybers. You have given up your right to speak from experience or to have you opinion validated.
I don’t care if you have favourable standings with CONCORD or not, you are still a traitor to the entire cluster, you gave up your right when you chose a side.
Traitor and Apostate - there are few that Amarr think less of. Participation in EDENCOM does not erase or change this. Amarr blood and Cause were in part the price of this ‘achievement’. That is also not changed. There is no cause for civility here. None.
It pains me to disagree with you, Chapter Master Lok’ri, but only some type of freakshow contortionist could read Lady Kor-Anashtih’s words as ‘clearly backhanded’ when she urges her own corpmates to perform similarly.
She urges her own corp mates to do the same for Amarr. If you were not able to follow that, you are going to be eaten alive in Mekhios, Lady Newelle.
So you would discourage Amarrian loyalists from improving their standings through service to the Empire? What serpent has whispered in your ear that you so readily see the worst in my words? You who have known me longer than almost any other capsuleer?
I understand your husbands moods. I’ve grown used to them over the years and can shrug them off. I can ignore the insults of Kybernauts and Pirates who understandably wish to seek any kind of discord they can find from the most innocuous of utterances. After all, they’re losing, so they seek any weakness they can find. But you Mitara, I’m disappointed, disheartened. I pray that I’m wrong, but it seems to me that Arsia Elkin wasn’t the rot at the heart of House Newelle, because even in her absence that rot seems to spread.
Yes, never thought or implied otherwise.
No, that is ridiculous on it’s face.
What I question is how that is somehow ‘backhanded’ when the act of increasing the standings of the faction you owe allegiance to is congratulated to an enemy and then immediately encouraged to your own. If anyone is seeing the worst in words said it is the two of you, but for my part I will attribute it to the medium being used.
My God, an entire day of assholes reading what they want out of nothing. I woke up. I read the IGS. I recognized that someone accomplished a very tedious task that most pilots wouldn’t even bother with. I know this because I’ve been bothering pilots to fix their standings for years. I politely wished the original poster a pleasant party and went about my day only to find out I had commited High Treason, Insulted everyone with words I did not say, all in an attempt to perform an impossible sex act on someone who is no doubt uninterested. ■■■■ me sideways. And people wonder why I discourage pilots from reading the IGS…
Not to get back into speaking entirely in quotes, but…
“Fight on, sweet children of God.”
-Elsebeth Rhiannon
Oh, now THAT really is hilarious. The delusion isn’t just spreading, it’s getting deeper, too.
Thank you Arsia—this whole thread really delivers the laughs!
So, I take that y’all are coming to the party, seeing as you still post this all here, instead of off-topic or a separate thread?
Gods, we’re gonna have fun.
After all this trouble, I’m definitely coming. Assuming I’m still invited.
Because of what is not said that could have been.
But this has been more than enough indulging your desire to pick a fight with other faithful in public.
I assure you that Chapter Master Loki’ri was right in saying that none of this has been trouble for me.
Neither me nor any of my allies are coming out of this thread any worse for the wear.
No trouble at all.
At this point, I’m just kind of in awe that things went the directions that they did.