Eve's true disease - Goonswarm

So OP did not leave EvE after such a dramatic “You fools suck, I’m outta here” speech with accompanying (empty - sorry guy, nobody really cares if you trash your stuff…of course people are going to try to see if they can get free stuff, but nobody is going to lose sleep over your stuff) threats about deleting his assets?

Well, guess that proves some things said here.

Edit: Also, seems strange to brag about turning a five-year prison sentence into ten years. Most people might consider that and maybe going to prison in the first place kinda knucklehead moves. Congratulations on “surviving”, I guess…

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the sentence I served was a knuckleheaded thing to do, for sure. but it wasn’t something I could avoid. so it is what it is.

as far as me leaving…i am, there is a matter of my stuffs tho…maybe I should put it to good use. there’s another thread in this forum about goon capitol losses and a reward for that loss…

well see where that goes.

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Free EVE from that ‘send me your crap’ and keep faucets working as it’s designed by CCP’s economist.

This rage quit and trash the stuff is an anti-mechanic to print isk, because we haven’t Federal Reserve Bank organization in game, to control money printing as it works in real life.

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Just check @Steve_Atreides advice.

Take a long break, calm down, try other game mode: Marketing, Industry or join to maybe the most honest alliance The Sixth Empire.

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That cat’s GIF is in my top favorite GIFs now. Saw it bumping on different posts on this forum.

It should become a new meme and smile acronym:


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there is. there’s people who do transports for everyone who needs something moved from/to jita. i know, because a good friend of mine did these runs for a while. it would be quite the mess if such a list didn’t exist, but i’m also quite sure that not every rando line member can get onto it.

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in the beginning when I was ganked by my former alliance. I had already set in motion the "I am quitiing eve"
sold my stuffs gave a few nice things away, checked out of ELU and back into an alt corp I started in empire. not really the ending I had planned, but the one I’m faced with. The 10 bill loss, wasn’t much, tho I lost a nicely researched Chaon bpo. what pissed me off was it was goons.

I am over it…
still playing eve is getting old, wot, same…jusy not into it anymore. I have to much to do…

now what I do have is a ton of isk…

and pl and the horde are already in delve…earn some money for those capitol kills!..

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IDK, dude, you are in the game over 10 years. I’m in the game near 6 months, but I know next things:

  • If your Freighter cargo is under 1B ISK you’ll not be ganked in most cases;
  • If your cargo is between 1B – 2B ISK maybe yes in systems 0.7 and below;
  • If your cargo is above 4B you’ll get ganked for sure, even in 1.0 systems;
  • Never ever transport blueprints in a freighter or similar ship. Damn, there are so many vessels for that;
  • If you feel a track behind you, never ever transport expensive stuff without previous intel;
  • Expensive and enormous stuff should be transported under fleet defense, including logistics. And after checking War-Dec tables.

yeah, was told that very same thing the last time I was ganked. and your right…

but never really cared. didn’t think my cargo was worth the effort. like I said was stung was that it was a goon fleet, who btw have a sig that does nothing but look for high sec ganks…

one I was never in, because I always thought that was a bit cheezy. if I need isk, I buy it. I don’t grief high sec.


Look, you were no longer in goon, correct? You had never flown with the group that ganks in hi sec either as you just stated.

So how was this group to know you were a former member? They aren’t in the habit of checking every Mark’s employment history Nd that doesn’t even matter considering characters can be sold so a former member may not even be pilot by the same person.

It just seems your anger is missed placed. Why blame goons when it could just have easily been another group that caught you?

correct again…

but I did say I was a former member…but it wouldn’t have mattered either way. I knew what was coming, logged off and rerouted my rhea to a different route…obviously they were busy with my Charon.

my anger is hardly misplaced. but your are correct, it was my own fault. I blame goons, because goons are a cancer eating at this games empire player base.

obviously goons are terrible at pvp in 0.0, so they prey on defenseless and unsuspecting in a presumably safe environment. I have known many of people just like em, for many years. and it always gave me great pride to see them fall, die or become the prey themselves.

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so… there is another thread about isk and killing goonz…lets go to this thread as this ones dead…

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Quick summary of OPs posts

Man. You gotta watch out for your damage control, make sure it wont burn out. Cant overheat that forever. You are talking more sh*t than a 13 year old losing a CSGO game lmao.

I didn’t understand. You told that you have been in goons and left the alliance right? Why exactly do you think that goons should treat you as an active alliance member, rather than neut?

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It’s a bit surprising to see that somebody who was once part of the premier nullsec coaltion could be unaware that EVE is a PvP game based on emergent player content.

Your loss: https://zkillboard.com/kill/64448514/

You have yourself to blame for several reasons:

  • you violated the Golden Rules by flying what you couldn’t afford to lose and assuming you would be safe.
  • you violated The Code by failing to display a mining permit in New Order Territory and by failing to tank your ship.
  • you imagined that ex-blue status would be of any value to you when Imperium is very clearly an NBSI alliance.

It should be noted that Riggse is your forum alt.

My advice is to calm down miner. EVE is a meat grinder and you don’t seem to be cut out to play it. There is no shame in quitting. The economy will compensate for (and is dependent upon) the removal of your assets. The remaining player base enjoyed your tears.

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First we help people more than most of alliance (wonder why we drop super on everyone tackle in delve and know how to ask for help, those who die rorq etc it’s because they did not light cyno properly or ask properly)

Second, if you are in gsf you have to add API even your alt, why ? Because Miniluv check EVERYTIME before shoot a freighter in HS.

Last, you are dumb i’m sorry for u


I see you are still here, and you are yet to biomass. ~waiting~


So… in a nutshell, you were part of the “disease”, then left, and you got ganked by them good? And you you were about to ragequit, right?

You have to excuse me, but my capacity for compassion in that regard is quite limited now. Actually, I’m more on the side of “serves you right”. You want to leave? There’s the door.


I’m going to tackle this paragraph by paragraph because your leaps of logic and whining are just too inane not to respond to.

  1. we have protocols for members who have to go afk for extended periods of time.
  2. It isn’t the Ganker’s job to listen to the Gankee. Their job is to destroy them…I thought this was common knowledge.
  3. Yeah that’s what Gankers do. Don’t undock with anything you aren’t willing to lose, amirite?
  4. Why? Just because you weren’t careful with your own ■■■■?
  5. Really? They’ve definitely been the most helpful group of players I’ve ever encountered in the 4 years I’ve been playing. But hey, maybe that’s just a testament to how shitty you “righteous” types tend to treat newbies.
  6. Can’t say they’ve ever left me to die. If anything the FCs try to make sure that, as a PvP newbie, I know enough not to die.
  7. Yeah I’m sure there are, and I’m also sure that a few of them also HiSec Gank.

Also, if you were a goon then you know how goons operate. I don’t understand whining about a group doing something that said group actually advertises that they do. That’s like getting mad at a car wash for washing your car.