Faction Warfare is dead, long live our robot overlords

Yeah I get it. The smack talking was never my thing. Sad state to assume my Atron was not actually an honorable combatant lol. Caught his Slasher but it was too late at that point and I burnt out my AB. I have a Thrasher, another Atron and a Tristan ready to rumble so maybe better luck.

I had figured before going in that the fight may not be ideal with the other WT obviously in local but it’s been so slow for me so far. At least something blew up.

Depends I mean it’s a slasher if you can actually catch it and damage it with an atron it should die quite quick and you get out of there and rep before taking a second fight but a slasher’s tank is often it’s ability to evade damage.

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go to Medium beacon with BOT…
1 min before time expires…
Bot runs away…
You get all LPs in 1 min!!!

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Well, on my way back to Hek with some Amarrian tags in the hold, got in a few fights tonight. Promoted to Spike Lieutenant. Great way to spend my Friday night lol

That’s the funny thing. It might actually be more beneficial to hunt these bots as part of their own militia than as the opposing side.

Except that your standings get kicked HARD for fratracide.

Like 1.8 on your faction standing and a pretty large hit to the corp.

Drop under -1 and you get das boot, hell you take a hell of a lot of sec hits just from scrapping with pirates.

I mean by simply taking over their plexes without shooting the bots.

And waste 10-20minute of my life for what?

Bots affect the Market value of LP maybe but they do contest systems which is vital to raising the teir. If you were going to kill bots from your own militia, you would need a non militia alt to do the actual killing, as far as I know bots own militia don’t do much killing of their own militia bots. If militias were going to team kill anyone it would be FW mission runners as they contribute nothing by running missions and take huge amounts of LP which affects the market I guess. However there are hub upgrades which are probably done by mission runners more than anyone else.

And waste 10-20minute of my life for what?

The LP rewards? That’s the entire point. Bot caps plex to near completion, you jump to the plex, bot jumps away, you get the LP.

Ive given up of FW with my alts too.

There are no fun fights just bot after bot after bot.

Plex LP rewards are basically garbage, uness you are both high tier AND high contest rate.

Specially if you are bot hunting, the D-plex from friendly larges (maybe 6500lp), and o-plex from novices…that is basically like 1000LP at low contest rates.

If you are LP farming at T4 missions pay out 62000-to 90,000LP

That is exactly what I said when I meant waist of time.

They don’t contest, if you want to see an example of that watch a system( or four) sit vulnerable for days with no one hitting the iHub.

That is how you know bots did it.

Spotted a character tonight that was warping around for hours on end in a pod around Ardar. He’d show up on gates to plexes and jump a few systems around. Didn’t think much of it till I went back to lowsec hours later and he was still at it in his Capsule. Someone’s bot done broke lol


That’s how you know there is a neutral cyno fleet watching the hub

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Why would you work on capturing a system if you know about neutral cyno fleet watching and you won’;t be able to capture the hub?

Are the bots back already?

Because there are people who run plexes and have no idea why or what is going on and you have people who are part of PVP fleets and are above sitting in a plex for 10 minutes scratching their elbow and you have neutral fleets that sit there waiting for an atron to drop their carriers on and call it elite.

And you get big corps that refuse to bash the hubs literally because they think they are saving the content and the enemy will never recover if they capture the last few systems.

Wow, a lot has happened since i was last in this thread, a few points from one of the people who started it. They did get the bots when they did the ban wave, for about 3 days we kept our eyes open and none were seen, problem is that within a week or two they had remade all the bots. not so much they missed them as they haven’t done it again.

The botting problem is less right now than it was before, likely because they realized they drew too much attention last time but is still there, the atron is the most popular botting ship i know of which is why you may have has the trash talk but i hear its a good ship if you fit it right.

If you have lists of bots report them as always, i know vennom said they had a list of 30, make sure reports are in when you find them, there’s a chance team security get to it eventually, if not we shall have to rally the militias once more and create enough noise to force action.

All of those have been removed I think so far there has not been a resurgence. We are due one going by how long it took them to redeploy a batch last time they were banned.