So, I just got to finish this vid with @CCP_Hellmar (interesting vid btw, everyone should watch it) :
But I have to say I am a bit perplexed by the part on FW, it seems to me that the FW update did more to cater to higher organisations and bigger logistics, than help small-scale groups and corps, (a good example is the emphasis on BFs). Did something get lost in translation? I think the vision he has of FW fits the previous iteration of FW more than the current one…
If the goal is really to have at least one space where you don’t have to have giant logistics and IT departments, and where you can get to the fun part at a faster scale, a lot of things have to be fixed.
First off, you have to do something about that new classification of sites, it’s not working.
The XXX-1 plexes should be just removed and all be replaced by XXX-5 or XXX-10 plexes, that’s the kind of people you want flying around, people who are either in a small-gang, just because they met in space or through militia, or who are looking for more people (either to shoot or group with).
The “5” - “10” part of “XXX-5” or “XXX-10” should matter, as in giving a soft ceiling to people encouraging them to not N+1 the place or encouraging a more tight-knit, smaller kind of group. If the group bringing 10 people gains A LOT more than the group bringing 100 from plexing, then suddenly you have a balancing factor against N+1, blobs, and giant organisations.
Make more gated content in FW and protect FW from gate camps or ganks at FW gates. No point in trying to form a small, downshipped group if you are just going to be wiped out by the next gate camp or if people will just stay at the plexe gate to gank you, there are examples of that captured on stream, and they make the FW game redundant.
Finally, T2 is needed for a small-group to matter, force dividers like ECM in particular. The only danger with it is having T2 at the higher sizes as they make it harder for harder groups to compete, but at lower sizes there are no reasons to exclude T2. The only level that should be protected is the “Novice/Scout” level.
If the goal is really to make FW one of the places in EVE where smaller groups can matter, I have to say I see nothing right now that’s achieving that. What the update did is create reasons to grind out systems at a higher level of organization, but it did very little to encourage small groups and Commitment (we still have the problem of unfitted ships and people warping away to continue plexing).